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solid bag rig


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I'll probably get shouted down for saying this but i dont think that fishing pop up in a solid bag is the way to go.

Imo (and there will be differing ones) a short 3 or 4 inch supple braided rig with a wafter OR pop up , with a shot to balance it on the deck, on the hair.


To me , a pop up hovering above the freebies sticks out like a sore thumb .

Depends on competition for food and how the fish feed i spose but i'd be wanting me hookbait to blend in with the bags freebies ?

But thats just me .

Welcome to the forum by the way .

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Hello mate and welcome aboard 8)


I agree with the lads I wouldn't fish a bait popped say an inch or so over my bag


I too only turned my back on pleasure/match fishing about 5 years ago and to be honest I've never looked back ....


Why not try a snowman rig or a piece of fake corn on your bottom bait if it's the visual aspect your after ....


If it's just a pop up your after try a chod


Stick with the forum and you'll learn loads .... Don't be afraid to ask you won't get ridiculed just help :wink:8)


Oh and depending on your venue/stock get ready for a few blanks .... They happen :?:shock::lol:


As in match fishing keep working at it and trying new things and you'll soon be catching .... The more you put in the more you'll get out ....


Good luck :wink::lol:

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If solid bag fishing I always fish a popup on a 3-4 inch supple braid hook link, with an AA shot about an inch from the eye of the hook, bagged up on little farriers with this set up:wink:


Welcome aboard :lol:


Noted :lol: wink:


SHOOT ,Dawg Nabbit :evil::evil::evil:

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Plenty of theories for and against a pop-up in a PVA bag.


The pop-up is the most noticeable piece of food, carp eats first, gets hooked.


Alternate, the bottom bait is just hoovered up by carp as it eats patch of food.


Both work, or both fail and don't do as well as you expect... :wink::lol::lol:


Is this any use?

Sliding Pop-up Rig


This rig is pretty similar to one I am currently using for Pop-ups and Snowman presentations, and I have pictured that below. Although in the picture above I have tied it with Kryston Mantis, and stripped back the coating about a third of the way along,.


The bait is tied onto the rig ring with a fine piece of nylon, hair braid or dental floss, I've been using 4lb Mono.

To tie the bait on I tie a Uni knot loop at the end of a piece of nylon and thread in a Pop-up and then pull tight. I then put a bottom bait on the hair and tie it to the sliding rig ring. If to use it for pop-ups then instead of adding a bottom bait you can just tie on that pop-up. If you need to weight it down with putty, then the ragged edge of the coating will hold the putty on, so you can strip as much or as little as you want.


Coated Braid D-rig



A D-rig is suitable for Pop-ups or bottom baits, although I use it mostly for Pop-ups. This rig is tied on Coated Braid again, Kryston Mantis, and I have used tiny pieces of wire to pin it down to the bottom. When you tie on the hook with a knotless knot allow yourself enough to take the Tag end back through the eye of the hook again. Then put a rig ring on just before you push it through. To hold the tag end in place carefully blob the end with a lighter and it won't pull free. Again you can tie the bait on with that Uni knot that I mentioned above


Looped, Mantis version of a pop-up Rig that Ken Townley advocated in Big Carp.




Ken Townley wrote about this rig in Tim Paisley's Big Carp, but I have adapted it for fishing with braid or coated braid. The extended tag end that sticks out is where you attach the counterweight for the pop-up. You can use either putty or a shot

I use it for single critically balanced Pop-ups on slightly fluffy bottom, where I want the Pop-up to be just above the Bottom Layer.


As can be seen from the Nylon attached to the Ring I TIE the Pop-up onto the ring, and also in this particular rig I attached the swivel using a loop knot to allow some sideways movement.

The hook I have used is a Carp-R-Us Centurion in a size 6, but any curved shank hook, or whatever pattern you prefer will work


Ken Townley's Pop-up rig as featured in Tim Paisley's Big Carp

Above I referred to Ken Townleys rig from Big Carp, this pic is the actual print from the book


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I'm not sure if I'm correct in my thinking but if your wanting to put everything into a bag, lead, hookbait the lot the best rig would be relatively short and supple as others have said.


Personally i think a shorter hook link would work better than a longer one. When it's placed in the bag it's folded on itself and so the longer the rig the more slack until the carp provides any indication at the rod.


Also when layering the hooklink into the bag with the bait. I'd think a supple braid would work better as stiffer materials may kink when being folded into the bag and result in a rig that is presented awkwardly.


If I wanted to fish a rig with a stiff section and achieve a similar baiting result, I'd probably go with a stick mix which can be threaded on maintaining a straight line.

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It's up to you which hookbait you use. I know a few people who love a pop up over a bag and is their 'go anywhere' set up. I personally don't use pop ups a lot but I wouldn't not use them in this presentation.

As always, try both, see which hookbait seems to be working, and stick with it. It could change from lake to lake, day to day on same lake, or even through one session.

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