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About Steve001

  • Birthday 18/02/1971

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  1. Thanks very much, but im really not trying to look clever. That's my opinion on the subject which appears to different to yours. I can respect your views and difference of opinion and would perhaps appreciate the same in return.
  2. Hi all I haven't been on here for some time but popped in and woah some serious debate going on. Cell etc is, in all honesty pretty low nutrition value but does catch a lot of fish due to highest available "food source" . you could apply any old toot and get a result. As for the cell recipe, I shouldn't imagine it's much more than rapeseed meal, soya bean meal, micronised maize, copra meal, yeast and at a push some added lysine mega cheap and would work. Add a suitable angler friendly flavour, big names all over social media and voila, money machine.
  3. As above. Great all round line and a great price. Been using it forever.
  4. Really not worth it financially. I make my own as I enjoy it and I make a bait thats not commercially viable as it's a pig to handle and roll. Otherwise I'd be using prems again.
  5. If your looking to add plenty of bits to vitalin then maybe just buy flaked maize at a fraction of the price and add more pellet, boilie, hemp etc rather than bits of veg etc.think a 25k sack of flaked maize in about £8 so very affordable, versatile and fish love it as it's already precooked therefore easier to digest
  6. I've got no idea on that one lol. Maybe a bit of camo pre Korda days
  7. Big of a marmite singer really, just strikes a chord with me
  8. No class some people haha
  9. Hope that worked.
  10. I've pretty much only ever used tubing for all my fishing and have never really felt the need to change. The only thing I do is use a lighter coloured tubing and using a black permanent marker paint stripes along its length just to break up the straight line of tubing on the lake bed. I'm convinced this is a little edge that has put a few extra fish on the bank for me. That's interesting thinking that the fish aren't bothered about brushing up against something they can see as said it could be just another twig rather than an invisible enemy
  11. Pre kids I was on 3 nights a week, now more like 2 nights a months plus a few evenings.
  12. Hope all goes well with the baby mate. Fun times ahead. I've got 2 boys 3 and 6 hence my lack of angling time.
  13. Guys thanks for the info. I wasn't expecting that much, it's very appreciated.I do have a dsj ticket beanz .seen a few fish around the Refuge outlet but to be honest I'm struggling to find time to get down at the minute.With regards keeping things quiet, I'm a bit miserable. I like to help those who help me but really don't blow my own trumpet. Lb 1 is a good looking water, and I can confirm at least 1 very substantial fish that I saw last year. And quite a few smaller commons. And God yeah the rubbish is dreadful it's like fishing in the tip.
  14. For an all rounder I've always used daiwa sensor in 12 or 15. Never really let me down and cheap too.
  15. Thanks for that greekskii, I've seen that thread before. We're you on the nene at all, only ask as im fishing it around stibbington this year.
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