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spr1985 last won the day on May 24 2019

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About spr1985

  • Birthday 11/08/1985

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    Fishing, cider, family and more fishing

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  1. I have some of the reels to along with my shimano’s. The low twenty from margin was on the dwarf couple with a bp4 black reel. If the Titan hide is anything like the tc pro you’ll be happy with one 😉 as for the terry Edmonds comment pic below
  2. Just my two pennies, scopes are all I use these days, haven’t touched my 12fts in two seasons, I don’t dress like Alan Blair and definetly don’t wear nike trainers (Adidas in the summer) 🤣😂 dwarf 2lb 6 foot played a low twenty from a snaggy margin with no issues at all 10ft 3lb scopes are what I now use for most of my fishing, handled my current pb of 29lb again from snags with zero issues. As for casting capabilities just google terry Edmonds scope rods and see what you can find I don’t remember the distance but seem to think it was 170 yds on a prototype rod plenty of people don’t like nash gear......plenty of people do. Use them and make your own mind up 😉 tight lines
  3. Evening gentlemen, just popped in to say hi and yes I’m still alive and still not getting out fishing too much hope your all well and catching a few
  4. No worries mate, I’ll see if I can find my instructions when I get home and see if I can help you any further
  5. I have nash bp 4 all black - played a fish of 23lb and ounces on a dwarf 6ft 2lb rod with ease. I also have 2 nash bp 6 all black with 2 scope sawn off rods in 3lb that I’ve not had chance to use yet. As for the the bp 4 never been a problem for me smooth, casts well, retrieves line well, looks nice.....does it’s job. So I guess everyone has had different experiences with them but like the shimmy daiwa debate. Also have shimmy cats 5500’s and 14000’s and love them I’d recommend any of the reels I have dependant on people’s budgets
  6. Hey I have the scales your talking about, I believe they save the last 3 or five weights automatically but not 100% sure, all I can advise is google and have a little read of the instructions. I have no use for the memory feature personally so haven’t really looked into that side of the scales
  7. Nothing better than early doors from work and being paid to fish 👌🏻
  8. Half day up braxted back lake, 1 tench, 1 hook pull and the weirdest take I have ever seen but after the hook pull was to hesitant 😕 and it didn’t turn into a full blown run....better luck next time
  9. Ex military Arctic bags! When I didn’t have my sleep system they are all I ever used (mainly camping) never had a cold night A)no carp tax. b)rated down to I believe -15 C)super warm d) did I mention no carp tax
  10. Bait prep for tomorrow nights/Saturday session got a little messy, syrup /pellets/flake/ and sweet corn juice nearly up to my elbow.
  11. No problem at all mate, I have been up about half hour, I’m 33 with two kids and two dogs...... i have been up and out by 04:15 every other day this week though..... so it’s only fair that I had a little catch up. 🤣😂🤣😂
  12. If it’s any help marriages in Essex do 25kg for around the £40 mark. Not sure on postage etc though sorry
  13. Someone on here pointed me in the direction of barley malt extract....and then was far from surprised when I told him I’d caught my pb (at the time) on it. A beautiful common of 27lb 8oz if memory serves me correctly(the fish below) read into that what you will....... someone mentioned julian cundif using scopex squid....I also use it and had my new pb on it 29lb common
  14. Good old Carl and Alex
  15. Not as cool as orange though smufter 😝 nice little write up in the alarms 👍🏻
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