just like last year, only difference is they are telling the truth and calling out otters, they blamed dogs last year, i took them apart on it on their twitter page last year, linked my MP in due to her being slightly pro hunt believe it or not. My main bone of annoyance was they were blaming dogs where i sometimes walk mine, have not took fred up but used to take my pattie, i knew it wasn't dogs, unless they mean dog otters. they are gutted to have to admit it, got told straight blame another dog and i will come up and take the time to prove it's not a dog, they would look real silly then seems they are meant to be experts.
noticed these weird charity groups that run wildlife areas are very anti dog.
anyhow here's fred doing what he was made for silently waiting for the rat to get to close, the rat flew into the pond when fred first bolted him, this is fred waiting for him to come back. proper all round terrier picks things up real fast. not a sound never get a even a yip out of him when he is in the zone.