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bobcross last won the day on January 1 2021

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  2. When did you get banned from Carpforum , Nick.
  3. Gardner deluxe weed rake, to replace the one I lent to a mate and never got back. Last time I ever lend any of my tackle to anyone.
  4. Bream Tench Barbel.
  5. Well he couldn’t do any worse than Liz.
  6. I don’t think I have weighed a fish for years now, just unhook and check for damage then release.
  7. Welcome to forum.
  8. Another good one gone. R.I.P.
  9. Quite a few times. Last time was last week.
  10. Gets even worse when you get to the sixties.
  11. Same here had Sonik rods for years no problems whatsoever.
  12. Try some PTFE tape around the thread should work.
  13. Only one thing , my driving licence been waiting 10 months for DVLA to send me a new one.
  14. Camflex use it all the time no problems at all.
  15. Gardner can’t go wrong.
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