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Everything posted by carefulcarping

  1. My understanding of the helicopter rig is that it don't a death rig and dosnt need a safety clip on the end. As the hooklink is on a link to the mainline, if the main line was to snap then the hooklink should be and to slide back up te mainline until the link from your hooklink runs off the mainline. The fish is then trailing a couple of inches of hooklink and the lead stays on the ground of the lake. Again, of your hooklink snapped, the fish would trail around the hook and you would real in the lead. Hope this makes sense as helps you? Ross.
  2. Ohhh, i see, i thought that was a response to the bloke asking if you could do nights.
  3. maybe it is weird to ask strangers, but when did people stop spontaneously helping each other out? What is everyone so afraid of? It's ridiculous, at the end of the day, we are only talking about a fishing trip! what sort of scam are you thinking? fishing rod burglary ? Do you think I might be like a fishing equiment thief? It's so ridiculous. I just don't understand people anymore. Patty there are so many unknowns out there, the Internet is an easy place to be someone/something that your not. No one is laughing at you, I can assure you, but this is not a post people see often and I've never seen one like yours before. People will be wary of their tackle, if you truly understood the price of tackle I think you would be wary too. For example, you owned a 6 grand car, worked hard for the money to have that car, taken you years to get it. Would you then give a stranger your keys and say have a drive in it. Hope you understand people's concerns. Ross.
  4. This is also posted in the new to carp.com section, so this could well be genuine, if it is genuine, i wish you the best of luck, i will be no help to you as im a while away from London.
  5. If you want barston type "CarefulCarping" into youtube, ive blogged a couple of vids on there, and Barston is indeed a decent runs water. And most of the carp ive had out are great condition and pretty, had 3 linears out, its great.
  6. A quick search on google or the search facility here will give you the answers. So many people say there is very little around this area, but trust me, there is loads, just gotta do your homework But to help you on your way, you have a masive runs water on your doorstep. Try Earlswood Lakes
  7. Has anybody seen this DVD yet? I'm not much of a DVD fan, but this one blew my away! I got round to watching it the other day after asking it for christmas, but got given in pursuit instead (which i already have ). I was glued to the television from start to finish, didnt move an inch. I felt like i was there and i felt he put a personal touch into his DVD, it didn't feel like he was trying to sell you his products, it just felt like you was going into his adventure with him. Has many ups and downs and shows you the reality of carp fishing, well i thought so anyway. I also felt quite sad at the end of the DVD (Won't say why incase you havn't seen it) but it was very well put across. I think it was definately worth the money! and overall a very good watch. Ross.
  8. Larford is a very popular place, and i think you have to ring them and tell them when you want to go so they can book you on the lake. Im pretty sure you do anyway. Ross.
  9. We didnt even get a nibble from the pike that we where after, and what ive read its quite low stock for carp, so il leave the carp fishing there for the people who know what they are doing. The old boy we was talking to has his picture at the fornt with a 32lb common and a 20lb pike he had caught in the same day. He also claimed he has 97 zander to his name and is trying to get to 100, and also holds the british still water zander at 19lb something, if thats true its pretty cool.
  10. Holt hall has closed mate Didn't say holt hall, said holt pool , only about 60miles out Sorry, don't no how I managed to miss read that! Need to go back 10 mina and remove that post before you seen it
  11. Holt hall has closed mate
  12. A friend of mine suggested we should try like fishing at Coombe abbey as he enjoys fishing for pike and I've never done it before we thought it would be a good idea to go there. What a bad session we had though. None of us caught on deadbaits, couldn't catch a roach for live bait, and we seen 3 small jacks in the margins, not one was interested in our dead baits or spinners talking to a bloke there who seemed to practically live there he says it's a hard water, so looked like we bitten off more than we could chew. Also, silly us fished the most weedy end, which really didn't make it easy for us. Has anybody ever fished there? Ross
  13. Looking through the latest catches B-1 has had some 30's out this month.
  14. Cheers nick, they all mention the Fox arma points which no1 has mentioned in this thread, looks like il be playing around with a few different patterns next season to find the one that suits me best. Thanks all for the help Ross.
  15. Hes gave you all that help and now your calling him a square?
  16. Yeah, completely agree, just want that hook to flip round, which i feel i could do already to a certain degree, but using the korda hooks, how many flipped round and didnt penetrate the fish's mouth leading me not getting a fish on, so was hoping to find a decent hook that are reliable and effective. Cheers again mate. Ross.
  17. Thankyou ouch for the detailed response, I actually tie my rig like that so its nice to know I'm going in the right direction, that palm test is also very effective, can't wait to get tying some new rigs and testing them out.
  18. Cheers Cob and ouch. You both seem to mention the curve shanks, and most of my fishing is on bottom baits they seem ideal, and I've never used shrink tubing over the eye of the hooks. With wide gape hooks I did put shrink tubing on the curve of the hook to make the point heavier, is that needed with curve shanks. Cheers again for the help guys
  19. Can i add another question into this post? What company of hooks do you prefer to use? I am guilty of using the korda wide gapes this season, as this was my first season of carp fishing, i seen an episode of thinking tackle, thought they look great, and used them all season, ive had quite a good season on them but how many fish have i not hooked up due to the bluntness off the hooks, which i have only recently read about. So, i want to go into the 2012 season, with a new hook which i will be more confident in, as i will be fishing a more challenging water and cant afford to not hook up due to a blunt hook. So what company should i go with? people mention the fox arma points? the fang twisters? i hear gardner make good hooks? Please help? Thanks in advance, Ross
  20. I fished the smaller lake a few years ago and only had small carp of 3 or 4lb no bream in sight, never bothered with the bigger lake, was just a social there for us for the day
  21. Not good to hear, I know over the summer they lowered the level to make it possible for more night anglers to put up their bivvys, it would seem the level hasn't recovered as they had anticipated. IMO It has been going downhill quite rapidly recently, but as it is the closest place to my house and is accessible by public transport, I'm not left with much option... If I'm honest, I doubt I'll be fishing again until I can go further afield and join a syndicate. They reason the water level is low is because that reservoir is used to feed the grand (union?) canal. So when the canal is low they use the reservoir to fill it back up, but I'm unsure how the ressy fills back up, the water level goes down every year and then will get back up eventually.
  22. £8 per rod? i think i went it was a £12 for 2 rods which was like 2 months ago i guess. maybe cheaper now, since the days are shorter, but many peopole still doing 24 hours on there i think. Yeah, i think it is 8 quid for 1 rod, which isnt avoidable becuase the baliffs are nearly always there it is expensive, but if he wants a few runs will be worth the money, if he dosnt mind dodgy mouths etc... Christmas can be a good time of year if your careful and, if youve won the lottery Yeah, sorry about that, I meant £8 for one rod lol. I was enquiring because I was going to treat a mate who is popping up to a day session, but we'd leave when the sun went. Can't afford £16 plus his rod licence & bait for a few hours, not with the EVIL holiday approaching :/ Damn I hate this time of year, not much fishing, dodgy roads and pointless holidays, not to mention I become a year older!! ROLL ON THE SPRING!!! It can't come quick enough!
  23. £8 per rod? i think i went it was a £12 for 2 rods which was like 2 months ago i guess. maybe cheaper now, since the days are shorter, but many peopole still doing 24 hours on there i think.
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