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Everything posted by carefulcarping

  1. Is Todber Manor a syndicate? If not I'm sure there is a syndicate on one of the lakes on that estate. Ross
  2. Had a bad feeling it wouldn't be easy as the water is gin clear, Should be ok for car security for the day time anyway. And of all else fails a curry will help
  3. I think i have found a little gem. I have just discovered Willesley Fishery, does anybody no or have fished it this year? I have used the search bar but would like pretty new information, and to know whether the fishing is any good on there? After finishing work at Hams Hall, i shot of down the M42, all the way to ashby de le zouche, for my sat nav to tell me i have reached my destination, which is an empty field? anyway, after asking a helpful local, he pointed me in the right direction. As soon as i got there, in the middle of no where it gave a good vibe. Anyway, had a walk round, went off to the right, away from the field/open side? and what a bad move that was, plenty of fallen trees, making it hard work to work my way around, but getting a good viewing of the lake at all times. When i got around to the field/farm side, i realised the quality of the swims vastly improved, looking like it will be easier to get a bivvy up, just will be more windier? Anyway, i am going to do a day session on there in a couple of days, i liked the pegs on the field side facing the island, if not a little left of them, i usualy feel more confident fishing to islands, so i can get one rod on there, but see what its like on the day. Seems like a really nice place, with a good head of carp, seems to be mainly doubles, with some 20's and a couple of 30's, and im sure plenty of singles. (please correct me if im wrong) Im only really interested in catching the doubles to be honest, a 20 would be amazing, and a 30 is just magical, but thats a long way off. I see the lake as a good way to learn (please correct me if im wrong again as it could be a tricky lake), as ive only being fishing smaller waters this year with carp mainly being high singles. Anyway, any feedback on the lake would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in Advance, Ross
  4. Barston lakes is quite close but I've just being told of another place called willesley so I will give that a look in, that also hrs busy on weekends but I mostly fish weekdays anyway so I will look forward to trying that out. I live in Birmingham so took us 45 mins to get to drayton so not too bad, the worst part was luggaging all the gear, I really need to get a barrow. That's going on the Xmas list Goodluck with the Rudd today and hope the little one enjoys it Ross
  5. We cut it down to a 12 hour session as we just wasn't on the fish, my other mate wangle out a 9 1/2lb mirror on a zig but that's it all day apart from my other mate, I blanked, but that's fishing. It really is fishing well though this week i sen some people easily have over 20 carp today including 2 blokes 4 pegs down from us towards deeper water. But after talking to a few blokes we where effectively in no carp corner. They just wasn't where we are so if I ever do go back again il go deeper. But really was limited for space as it was bivvy city this morning. Was a good laugh which was the point in going even if I didn't achieve a carp, just going to stick to some other lakes I fish which are more local, quieter and better quality fish, its just shocking how the fish are treated in Drayton, although one of the carp that "we" caught today was spotless and looked well Goodluck Tommorow anyway shall have to let us no how you get on Ross
  6. Currently doing worse than you! 3 of us here, being here since opening, absolutely rammed as expected but were just past the main boards on the right hand side. One of my mates has had an 11lber, and me and my other mate are currently blanking. But people on the point are hauling them out, quite frustrating but that's carping, here for the social side anyway, but a carp would be nice, ain't doing the night so will be sticking out the day. Hopefully picks up this afternoon. Ross
  7. Nice one, I've being fishing holt hall this year on the bottom pool, trying to get my head around carp fishing haha. I am told there is a 40lb sturgeon in there, but also told the biggest is 38lb (the top pool obviously) so there might be a bigger one in there than the one you caught. Goodluck on finding somewhere Ross
  8. How was the conditon of the 15lb carp that you landed? Also, i have said in another post of yours, try Barby Mill, A few of my mates went on there for a 24 hour sesson a few weeks ago, and i was busy with other things so couldnt go myself. There are about 6 or 7 Catfish in there upto 68lb i am led to belive. they all went for the cats and didnt get any and didnt catch nothing off the bottom, but they had some carp off the surface including a nice 11lb Grass Carp. The Bloke opposite had a size 12 hook coupled with a small halibut pellet to catch some carp and ended up catching a 60lb Catfish! My mates said it was a nice location only about 2 acres in size i believe. Goodluck on your next location. Im fishing drayton in a couple of weeks with a few mates for 24 hours, hopefully we will have some better luck. Ross
  9. Only a matter of time before this thread gets locked. Also, most Carp Fishermen, not all will probably agree with me on this... The size of the carp is irrelevant sometimes. when its pale as anything weighing 70lb+, people would rather catch a beautiuful dark fully scaled mirror weighing 25lb. Maybe that wont apply for you, but i wouldn't recomend going on about this place on this forum... Ross
  10. did you not go and see him for that cuppa lol? drayton was in Total Carp magazine and the angling times/mail (the magazine one, always get confused between the two) the anglers mail/times had a picture of some kid with a 28lb mirror, bigger than average for the lake which is good. ive heard it holds 2 40's but if these are still there or alive or unknown. Would really like to know how mr.Fox has got on Ross.
  11. I think most of the Carp are in blackroot, and the other pools are meant to be quite good for pike? im not 100% though, ive never fished them, not keen on the destination, in the middle of a public park, dont no who is lurking about. But i think the Carp are supposed to be quite nice and decent sized so ive heard. Goodluck, Ross
  12. Just read over this and is a bad post
  13. If it's not too busy in the week, try going down on a Monday and drop some bait in the margin in the clear spot. Go back on Tuesday and see if a fish has being at the bait, this will help you in knowing if the fish travel over the clear patch in the margin. If not, then I am of no use to you in the weed, sorry Ross
  14. How big is big? Packington fisheries, have lakes with carp to 25lb Holt hall fishery specimen lake, hold 30lb carp and claim 1 40lb Cuttle mill fishery, holds 30's and I think some 40's Next, type it in on google and have a look, you probably have somewhere on your doorstep that you never knew was there Ross
  15. You can see on the this part of the forum that I mentioned the Avon in Evesham which is nice. But if it's lakes I've heard about manor farm In harvington, they are meant to be nice, but that's what I'm told, never seen or fished them myself, sorry I can't be any more use. Ross
  16. Everyone I spoke too mentioned ken and his stories haha. But it was a lovely looking stretch, and just below the weir they hauled them out, but we did some chub and barbel up our end but it couldn't get then biting, but as our first time on a river we felt out of our depth, may have to try again later in the year. Nice looking place none the less
  17. Alright guys. Has anyone fished on the river Avon stretch in Evesham? Because, last year my mate from work took his caravan there, to be precise, the anchor lane stretch in harvington, Evesham. This stretch is like a little island with around 20 pegs I think, and has a weir half way down, and one morning he got onto the weir landing 6 barbel, biggest was 14lb 8oz, also his first tome fishing for barbel! So this year, me and him and another mate from work decided to do a 48 hour session bivvying up there. (my first time night fishing and fishing a river!) So we got there Friday afternoon, and as we feared the weir swims where all taken. So we settled in on the point above the weir and we squeezed in 3 bi bivvys and settled in for the weekend. Later on that evening we met done people who where looking after the stretch as the owners where on holiday, and we paid them and they said this is where there best carp and barbel have being caught, 18lb barbel, 48lb carp. These people seemed genuine but those who have fished it will know the owner is full of trollop! There is an 8lb perch there now, and the 48lb Carp was eaten by a bigger catfish... Anyway, we fished it for the full 48 hours and we all blanked! We must of tried everything, and on our 2nd night someone pegged up next to us who seemed to no what he was doing as he was really into his river fishing, and he only landed 1 small bream. I found it very very weedy, not sure how weedy a river normally is but this was covered in it! And I was just wondering if anyone has fished it and if so did you fish up our end or the weir end. I also found that I don't think river fishing is for me, although I had a great time, I found it a whole different ball game and want to concentrate on lakes. But the surroundings of the place was great and peaceful, also the people fishing on the first 3 pegs of the weir where hauling out the barbel and chub. Sorry it's long winded. I get carried away when typing Ross
  18. Fair enough then, maybe word things abit different next time Welcome to the forum, Ross
  19. Right, let's get one thing straight. Your new to this forum so don't go round insulting everyone, it will leave you getting no help and support when you want answers. Secondly, we have given opinions, we are entitled to them. I, as many others say that Drayton is just a place to go to bag up which people like to do, which is fair enough, but to make a mess of the fish is just horrible, we all want to catch pleasant, stunning looking carp. Also, I'm a dummy? I use day ticket waters and get on fine, maybe il find a syndicate next year, but i fish a couple of day ticket waters and happy to catch low to mid double carp, instead if catching the illusive 30. So if me, and many other anglers still enjoy fishing day ticket waters, don't EVER slag people off in that way and try and make us feel small. Ross
  20. You missed out Thorpe Lea, I hear it's easy to fish and carp are a right state Ross.
  21. Anytime mate, always happy to help. I would recommend Drayton but dunno how far it is for you, but try fisheries.co.uk? Plenty if fisheries on there, I always find useful for finding places on your doorstep that I've never known where there. Goodluck on you decision Ross
  22. My geography is terrible so sorry if this is a long way away. But my answer to your question would be; Drayton Reservoir, in Daventry, near Northampton. Just a reservoir full of carp and pike, but pike rarely see anything coz the carp are so active, the like stay deep and out of the way. Everytime you get a run there you can guarantee it's a double figure carp, don't no how many carp are in there but is very heavily stocked. Biggest runs water I know of and basically if you don't catch there something is seriously wrong with what you done, but when you catch there it's a confidence booster for you to take your Rigs to a more difficult water. Plenty of videos on YouTube to watch on Drayton. Also this is the best time of year to go. The ressy supplies water to the grand canal, meaning the water levels drop a good 6 feet! So a less of an area for the carp to swim in meaning they are even easier to find. Hope this helps. Ross
  23. Ahh, fair enough Chris, my fishing isn't quite good enough for speci lakes yet so il be on the long pool, and any carp for me would be nice, especially a double hopefully it will fish well on Tuesday when I go, ain't being carp fishing for a few week due to work and I'm dying of withdrawal symptoms take some dog biscuits with you if you are going to fish the long lake I thought the first rule to carping was to always carry some dog biscuits for cruising carp?
  24. Ahh, fair enough Chris, my fishing isn't quite good enough for speci lakes yet so il be on the long pool, and any carp for me would be nice, especially a double hopefully it will fish well on Tuesday when I go, ain't being carp fishing for a few week due to work and I'm dying of withdrawal symptoms
  25. Cheers mate, I did look on fisheries.com but find the info from other anglers is always better, so your info is much appreciated What size where the fish you was hauling out? But size didn't bother us as it's a social more than anything. Did you manage to catch any cats? Ross
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