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Everything posted by carefulcarping

  1. Cell are selling more baits because of the amount of people who see cell being advertised. Dosnt take carp long to figure things out. Try something different, ditch boilies and go with maggot? (if there are no silvers) luncheon meat or sweetcorn
  2. Get a lower b/s hooklink?
  3. Would of thought it would of gone through. Are you using coated braid? Try cutting the braid at an angle so it shapes the end into a point shape, might work?
  4. Ah fair enough. Goodluck with you testing tommorow, will have to let us know how you get on. All the best. Ross.
  5. How exactly do you even get the pop up on the line there between the 2 shots and the hook? Im guessing you have to have a loop at the end of your hook link, pull the pop up through the hoolibk then put on shots? Something different I guess.
  6. But if one fails they all have to get sent back together anyway by the looks of it exactly the point...why would I want to be without alarms completely because one head failed....I dont have that with any other alarm....its just design for designs sake...no practical thought involved You wouldn't! It's just something new so they can say, look what we've developed, someone will buy them in sure. But it's just not practical.
  7. 100% sure they arnt detachable. From what I've read so far, weird idea but hey ho, something different and new has to be released to keep people buying things I guess.
  8. But if one fails they all have to get sent back together anyway by the looks of it
  9. That's the ones. Like I say, something different. But not for me.
  10. Just seen a picture of the G3 alarms on Facebook, I would put a picture up but I'm on my phone, so I can't :/ Anyway, they are designed a bit differently to most alarms, they are built into the buzz bars. The picture I seen was a 3 rod setup. Something different I suppose. But il stick to my delks. Anyone's thoughts? Ross.
  11. Combi rig for me, personal preference. Can you not use solid bags and leave air in the bag so it sinks slowly and dosnt go into the silt but actually lies on it. Just a thought? Ross.
  12. Can't spell anything wrong on here, someonev will pick it up
  13. Nick! Did you have to post this! I was about to order some nash diffusion mainline, and then you wrote this thread.. Now i'm in two minds and i am un sure on which one to use..
  14. Nice one Matt! 2 birds with one stone
  15. Brilliant Dan, think a few of us have learnt something new there
  16. I think Jeremy fishes it.
  17. I know someone who fished it a few years back, they went like 3 years in a row, they really enjoyed it and no bad words to say. Plenty of fish still to be caught so I believe. Look forward to your report.
  18. Ahh awesome, thanks for that, i usualy see cars parked there at night so thought night fishing would be available, but im not really interested in night fishing that lake, i would like to fish it for a couple of hours before work or something. Does a baliff come round to collect money off you if you go day ticket? Thanks for your help. Ross.
  19. Is anybody fishing this place at the moment? Ive just moved over here and that lake is very local, i can still fish my other lakes as i havnt moved far but as this is on my door step it could be handy for a few sessions on there. A few questions i have is; Is it owned by a club or is it a day ticket water? i read things about a club and then you can still fish it on a day ticket? Are there any nice carp in there, ive read about a 30 but also read that isnt there no more, not sure if it died or got free in a flood or something? Ive also read alot about thefts and what not, but this is from imformation 2 or 3 years ago, has it changed and became safer since? And what are the local anglers like? I have read in some places that they don't like it when other people catch a carp. Any information would be appreciated (obviously not looking for what bait where to fish etc, just if its worth havig a dabble in there) Thanks again, Ross.
  20. My style of fishing revolves around a spread of boilies, just normaly put my rig in a PVA bag for anti tangle purposes. Then throw boilies out with a stick. But on silty lakes I fish I do struggle with bottom baits
  21. Cheers lads, looks like ive got abit of mixed opinions, after reading through the posts you supplied, your opinions and the internet, i think im going to have a go with the hinged stiff rig (as far as my pop ups are concerned) I don't think ive got much to lose other than not catching, although i will be trying it on one rod and my bottom bait on the other rod. And if the fish can get caught often enough then try different pop up rigs/presentations on each rod. Ross.
  22. To fish it helicopter style with a back bead would I have to use a leader? As I don't no how you would use a back bead on straight mono? If I'm not mistaken you make your own wafters? And own a bait company? An it I remember rightly you supplied courtz and his mate some wafters for sandhurst and they bagged up on there last 24 hours there?
  23. Cheers guys, whenever i have tried fishing with pop ups before its litteraly being, 6 inch's of coated braid, 1 inch stripped back from the hair then with a lump of putty where the braid joins the stripped back part so an inch is popped up...Just never had any sucess on it that way and was wondering if the presentation was wrong. Il try and persist with it that way throughout this year and see if i can get it working and i was just fishing it at the wrong time, or not on the right spot etc.
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