Is anybody fishing this place at the moment? Ive just moved over here and that lake is very local, i can still fish my other lakes as i havnt moved far but as this is on my door step it could be handy for a few sessions on there.
A few questions i have is;
Is it owned by a club or is it a day ticket water? i read things about a club and then you can still fish it on a day ticket?
Are there any nice carp in there, ive read about a 30 but also read that isnt there no more, not sure if it died or got free in a flood or something?
Ive also read alot about thefts and what not, but this is from imformation 2 or 3 years ago, has it changed and became safer since?
And what are the local anglers like? I have read in some places that they don't like it when other people catch a carp.
Any information would be appreciated (obviously not looking for what bait where to fish etc, just if its worth havig a dabble in there)
Thanks again, Ross.