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Everything posted by rosstheangler

  1. Only when all the slack is taken up. I fish my indicators at maximum drop, or resting on the ground. I use running rigs over groundbait (which I think is creating the same effect as particles), where the carp are just hoovering up the whole lot as they "graze" along the lakebed, and where I am fishing with scattered baits, stringers and bags and have not noticed any problems. In respect to when all the slack is taken up surely then slack lines would give worse indication? If a fish picks up you're bait and pulls 2 inches of line through your leads run rig does your alarm beep and your bobbin move? I believe it does, which is resistance, causing the bolt effect. Imagine a slack line running through a tube, you can pull it quite easily, the water acts in this way, as a tube, so there is minimal resistance. The indicator lifts up easily with the slack line. I think the only resistance is when the slack line has been taken up and is now pulling tight Now try a tight line cutting through the water, whichever way it moves there is resistance. I see what you mean Nick. Next time I'm on the bank I'll give it a go.
  2. Only when all the slack is taken up. I fish my indicators at maximum drop, or resting on the ground. I use running rigs over groundbait (which I think is creating the same effect as particles), where the carp are just hoovering up the whole lot as they "graze" along the lakebed, and where I am fishing with scattered baits, stringers and bags and have not noticed any problems. In respect to when all the slack is taken up surely then slack lines would give worse indication? If a fish picks up you're bait and pulls 2 inches of line through your leads run rig does your alarm beep and your bobbin move? I believe it does, which is resistance, causing the bolt effect.
  3. I've heard that myself zammo, got a couple of GR60 bulk spools from my mates shop as he said it would be his last delivery but it wont last for ever , it's a shame is a very good line imo The replacement is called GR60X have a look on erics website.
  4. I understand the principle of using a bolt rig but, basically the way most modern carp fishing is done every rig is a bolt rig. Using a bobbin, swinger or even a line clip adds resistance making your rig a bolt rig. Albeit not at the end tackle but it has the same effect.
  5. I've never had a problem with bite indication when using a running rig over anything. I think you're over thinking the situation.
  6. saying that i do point my rods in the direction ive cast so the is a straight run between bait and rod tip though i think i may have confussed myself 1 to many jamaican cigars quick question about your method sal with that slack linel wot happens with drop backs if the lines that slack surely they dont register Slack lines and running rigs will always register a "normal" bite. The lead doesn't move but the line does.
  7. As long as you're rig is tied properly I can't see it being a problem. This is only my preference for pop-ups, like I said it's a confidence thing. One my friends uses a size 6 hook for all his rigs. I assume you are using a lot bigger hooks for the Mumbai monsters you go after As to the floating feeder question I'm not really sure what it is. Some guy's on here (cobleyn off the top of my head) fish exotic places and will probably be more help on that one.
  8. Nice to see you back on Ali. I don't think there is any hard and fast rule. If I was using a 15mm bottom bait with a size 8 hook, I'd use a size 10 for a 15mm pop up. It's a confiddnce thing for me. Having a big bit of metal floating above the bottom seems a bit hinky.
  9. Mange tout rodders
  10. I prefer barbed but, most of the waters fish insist on barbless. Which I don't understand, Drayton reservoir has a barbless rule and the state of the Carps mouths is disgusting.
  11. Hinged stiff rig use bristle filament for the boom and the curved part of the rig like this Googled hinged stiff rig Also Happyhammers version:
  12. Welcome to the forum.
  13. Well in mate
  14. 6-8 inch hooklink for me. Freelining can be fun, personally I'd use a lead though and 2oz minimum for hooking efficiency.
  15. You don't need rig tubing and a leader. Depending on where you are fishing, do you even need a leader? Are you casting massive distances or is the venue snaggy? Shrink tube for hook links basically increases the hook shank and creates a kick for better hooking/presentation. As for what's best? They're all the same in my opinion except some come weighted or even wire threaded so it's easier to put on. Also try the search facility there are hundreds of threads about leaders and tubing.
  16. Zigs can work in winter as well, if you can locate the fish and get the right depth they can work when all else fails.
  17. I just use a marker float without the vane and an elastic band, super boyuant.
  18. I thought that as well. Sounds a bit of a scam to me. Patty, if you're genuine, I hope you find someone to help.
  19. Thought I'd bring this back to the top as my in-laws have bought me a ticket. Any more up to date info? I like the look of whitefriars but, was wondering if I should try any of the others first. Any little jewels of wisdom will be greatly received.
  20. Gardener muggas in 6 or 8 for pretty much everything except zigs and chods which I use the deceptors in 8 or 10. Used them for years and don't see any point changing.
  21. Any chance of having that PM aswell?
  22. Zamm, why so light? I use a 2.5 - 3oz for most of my chods and have never had an issue. Is there some benefit to going that light?
  23. IMO it's one of the best mate. You won't go far wrong with it.
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