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    crusian got a reaction from jh92 in New reservoir to fish   
    Yes , as Nick has said before " enjoy the journey " .
    It's amazing what you are achieving , with that size water I would have talked myself into abject failure before my first cast .
  2. Like
    crusian reacted to jh92 in New reservoir to fish   
    I've had 9 fish mate, 3 have been doubles biggest was just over 13 and a half πŸ‘ hopefully get something bigger mate but to be honest I'm just happy catching anything from this size of water on my first go πŸ‘Œ
  3. Like
    crusian got a reaction from jh92 in New reservoir to fish   
    Is that your first double , jh92 ? .
    Hopefully you are starting to work your way through the smaller Carp , and the big boys and girls will come along to find out what all the excitement is about ? .
  4. Like
    crusian reacted to jh92 in New reservoir to fish   
    Really happy with this one, only 11lb 4oz but the shape of it is amazing πŸ‘Œ
  5. Like
    crusian reacted to jh92 in New reservoir to fish   
    Buzzing πŸ‘Š had this little beaut within 15 minutes of getting the rods out. Was just about to put the first spomb out and it ripped off. Real strong fighting fish, wondered what I hooked into at first 🀣 anyway lads I'm off the mark πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ŒπŸ‘Œ
  6. Like
    crusian reacted to jh92 in New reservoir to fish   
    Thanks mate πŸ‘
    Just over 730 acres mate, water levels are down a bit but a nice area to set up on πŸ‘Œ
    Thanks mate, yeah the weather ain't too bad for Devon, my phone is saying maybe a few showers tonight and tomorrow morning then staying cloudy until Wednesday πŸ‘ yeah I stayed out the sun for a good hour 🀣
  7. Like
    crusian got a reaction from jh92 in New reservoir to fish   
    I don't know what part of the country you are in , jh92 , but as you know there are thunderstorm warnings out .
    As you say take it easy , don't get heat stroke like my Sister , after you've built this trip up / put so much thought and effort into it .
  8. Like
    crusian reacted to jh92 in New reservoir to fish   
    I'm here mate and it's roasting, I don't think I've been in heat like this before, melting away 🀣🀣🀣 managed to get all the gear to the swim, bivvy up and rods on the pod but gonna just sit in the bivvy for an hour and make some rigs up, haven't got it in me to stand there feeling the ground with a marker and putting bait out, absolutely dripping 🫠🫠🫠🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
    Carp are showing and they've been coming out πŸ‘Š

  9. Like
    crusian got a reaction from jh92 in Thought of the Day pt.2   
    Have a great time at your new Res. , jh92 .
  10. Like
    crusian got a reaction from jh92 in Rod Shots   
    Watch out fishes here comes " Highys Autumn Campaign " ! .
    I've only fished 4 times this year due to problems with my toes / family holiday / seeing family / it's too damn hot at the moment , so I'm also looking towards emptying the lake starting the end of this month 😁
  11. Haha
    crusian got a reaction from ... in Rod Shots   
    Watch out fishes here comes " Highys Autumn Campaign " ! .
    I've only fished 4 times this year due to problems with my toes / family holiday / seeing family / it's too damn hot at the moment , so I'm also looking towards emptying the lake starting the end of this month 😁
  12. Like
    crusian reacted to ... in Rod Shots   
    Just set in stone with the wife my next outings.....
    29th September - 24hr, 6th October 24/36hr maybe possible 48hr, 13th October 24/36hr maybe possible 48hr.
    Birthdays next Friday 15th, but working, so will be ordering some new gear, she's says I've got upto £100 😁😁.
    So, new line for Reels - me thinks Sonik Invisicam 18lb, Manilla Boilies, Fox Run Ring Kit....possible few other bits.
  13. Like
    crusian got a reaction from elmoputney in Thought of the Day pt.2   
    Well it sounds like your Sister is helping now , just like Elmo suggested .
    Best wishes to you , Highy , you're too young to have to go through this stress .
  14. Thanks
    crusian got a reaction from ... in Thought of the Day pt.2   
    Well it sounds like your Sister is helping now , just like Elmo suggested .
    Best wishes to you , Highy , you're too young to have to go through this stress .
  15. Like
    crusian reacted to elmoputney in Thought of the Day pt.2   
    Oh no sorry to hear that mate, hopefully they will both start getting the care they need now, hope it gets easier soon for youΒ 
  16. Sad
    crusian reacted to ... in Thought of the Day pt.2   
    Well, the Inveitable has now happened, Grandad rushed into Hospital with his Hernia, having/had operation as it is strangling his bowls now, Full Time Carers in for mi Nan, Grandad will need Rehabilitation for at least 6x weeks and maybe care after it. Parents still on Holiday while Myself, Wife n Sister try to pick all this up, with all having full time jobs, kids, other commitments after work (10month old banys,coaching football, meetings, Karate).
  17. Haha
    crusian reacted to ouchthathurt in Rod Shots   
    The catfish bit me!Β 
  18. Haha
    crusian reacted to B B in Water for particles   
    I suppose it’s a bit late to dig a well Β πŸ€”
  19. Like
    crusian got a reaction from ... in Thought of the Day pt.2   
    Well I know they are your Parents , and Sister , Highy , but what a bunch of - not allowed to swear on the forum .
  20. Like
    crusian got a reaction from jh92 in Rod Shots   
    Well I guess the English translation is " oh my goodness what is happening ? " .
    Don't think I would be sticking my hand in the monsters mouth even wearing gloves .
  21. Like
    crusian reacted to elmoputney in Thought of the Day pt.2   
    Mate well done for being the responsible one and organising everything, hope it becomes less stressful and more manageable soon but you've been a hero mate.Β 
    Hard as it may be try not to be too hard on your family, if your sister is trying to help get her involved it will help you in the long run, we all make mistakes, let her make it up if she is trying. I would be fuming about the holiday too though.Β 
    Hope he gets better soon and it all gets sorted.Β 
    Keep venting on here if you need to mate, you got to let it out somewhere.Β 
  22. Sad
    crusian reacted to ... in Thought of the Day pt.2   
    You will not belive the weekend I've had since Saturday πŸ˜“πŸ˜“πŸ˜“....Right,
    Saturday Morning we drove to Catterick (about 9am) 2hr (ish) to see Sister & Brother in law/kids, as they have moved into a new house. We arrived just after 11am all happy to see each other, had a brew got little settled, had a look round new house and went for some dinner. Around 1pm I git a phone call off my Dad saying My grandad has been rushed into Hospital, after the call it all comes to light he has been picking up, carrying heavy loads and going to the Tip and not asking anyone to help, resulting in him getting a Hernia, BUT in a few hours time my Dad (Grandads son) is going in holiday so we are really in limbo now....
    I phoned back an hour or so later and asked for an update, he has been told he needs an operation as the Hernia is in a life threatening position, wrapped round his bowl. So we decided to drive back away from Catterick about 3pm (did plan to come home around 6pm).
    So, got back home sorted the Dog and Lad, went up to mi Mum n Dad's and had a chat to what is now happening ? At this point they say there still going in Holiday, My Head burst and what came out my mouth was a first for me towards my parents, think they were more shocked than surprised I'd said it.
    So we went around to my Nans to see how she was, now at this point, **** did hit the Fan, My Nan is FULLY DEPENDANT on my grandad due to her having a stroke years ago, can not walk or toilet or anything....this Dropped/Daunted on us. So at this point we contacted my Dad before they went away, told em what needed to happen and Care needs to be brought in for my Nan (this fell on me n wife), but all I got back was were going on holiday.
    So, we phoned the Hospital to get an update for my grandad and if he had the operation he would also need care for at least 6 weeks to recover, head nearly exploded then.Β 
    So, I rang my sister to find out she already knows everything from mum n dad, so I asked her were is she and she had gone out on the 🍻🍻 with her boyfriend, so for a 2nd time my head/mouth verbally let rip.
    So, alot of Phone calls to Social Services, Domestic Care, Local Council all were made and we have got Emergency Care in for my Nan from Sunday Dinner Time (Assessment pending 1st). Assessment Team came and they would only do all the needs if it was all in 1 room, so we brought a single bed down to living room, komode for toileting, Wasing utensils.
    We then rang the hospital about my grandad and he was actually coming home (at this point we didn't know he discharged himself) because didn't want to leave my Nan on her own, spoke to Doctors and he physically cannot do anything to cause Strain on his boddy, he had to go back Monday (Yesterday) for his Operation.....on way home we told him what is happening and what is in place.
    So, we stayed the night Saturday, Sunday day....doing all the care needs needed for my nan, at this point my Sister still had no idea what was going on fully until about Tea Time, were she then "Tried" to help.
    Monday morning came and took my grandad back for 9am for his operation to be told after all his checks, it is not needed πŸ˜“πŸ˜“, due to the rest he has put on his self. He has to go back in 2 weeks for another check up.
    So....we are keeping care in for my nan for a few weeks, 4 times a day for Domiciliary purposes.
    BUT, the point I'm making is that myself and wife have practically yackled on this on our own while my sister has been in the 🍻🍻 Saturday Sunday, and mi dad (nan son) has gone away on 10day holiday. 
    Trying to do all this on a Bank Holiday weekend is literally physically & Mentally draining.
  23. Like
    crusian reacted to ouchthathurt in Rod Shots   
    quick overnighter tonight, set up in catfish cornerΒ 
  24. Like
    crusian reacted to commonly in View from your bivvy door.   
    Unexpected 48. Mrs said as long as oi take my 11 year old. He's loving spombing out the bait. Happy days

  25. Like
    crusian reacted to kevtaylor in View from your bivvy door.   
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