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Everything posted by cobleyn

  1. Dunno- I'd pack your wellies though.
  2. For UK work - ESP stiff riggers for Hinged stiff rigs (pop up work) and Gardener Muggas for combi rigs (bottom baits). For abroad I have never had a Nash fang x (size 1 or 2) open up on me and I have complete faith in them for just about any size of fish. But the shiny appearance puts me off a bit. I've just got hold of the new Mugga continentals which seem to be the perfect hook pattern. I'm looking forwards to testing them against some big fish soon. I've also used Lockey's stronghold longshanks for some very big fish. I've only had one open on me and I was playing the fish way too hard and it was over 200lbs.
  3. Just had another though on this. Sometimes if your using a big bag on the hooklink- the force of the cast can cause it to fly up the line. It may happened on the cast
  4. Are you fishing slack lines?
  5. You've certainly been done. I'd look at your indication a little more closely. The top bead coming off hasn't helped- but (as I'm sure you know) don't be tempted to glue it on - as that could lead to a tethered fish.
  6. cobleyn


    I can remember Amnesia House; circa 1991-1993. Mostly Shelly's and The Eclipse in Cov. Ironically I thinks its those days that's affected my memeory .
  7. By using a gardener one instead .
  8. Thanks for searching Jay much appreciated. I'll lock this now- please post on the listed thread.
  9. cobleyn


    Its very supple stuff, so I can't see it having the same issues as lead core. If you get a length of it and put it in the margins the stuff literally disappears as its so heavy it sinks into the top silt layer. I've never seen a hooklengths like it either. I've only used it in the heavier strengths (80lb I seem to recall) for cats in Spain and for redtails and arapiama. Very abrasion resistant!
  10. cobleyn


    It's awesome stuff. Used it for leaders and for hooklengths for big stuff.
  11. Same as you Gaz. -I would hope that I sleep through it. It won't end well if I get up....probably for me...I'm sure these folks don't travel alone or un-armed.
  12. Yup- I remember that story. Hopefully its all crossed wires and its not true.
  13. Just spoken with a mate who's been on for a few days. Reckons he was sleeping with one eye open after he heard. So I reckon its straight up.
  14. Just heard someone has been hog tied and dumped into a ditch whilst they had their tackle pinched. Anyone else heard this?
  15. sorry my mistake. I didn't get the Leicester reference.
  16. I went around 4 years ago. Nice place. I had one of the lodges for the family and I bivvied on the lake just outside. It had some teething problems in the lodge as it was a relatively new place and the surrounding area is a bit quiet. Fishing wise I scored quite well- with probably 6-10 fish a day and a few decent cats thrown in. It was quite a hungry water and I got through probably 50 KG of bait whilst I was there.
  17. I went loads of times when the kids were little (before the fish kill). It's a great resort.
  18. I believe mr fairbrass has just had a big hit out there. FRom what i can make out its a SSI lake and the only boat allowed on it is the bailiffs. He comes round once a day to boat your freebies out around your float and then you fish to your baited area. Apparently the further you can cast the better.
  19. I'm much the same as Jamie. I use a hinged stiff rig on a helicopter set-up for pop-ups. I use combi rigs for bottom baits. Reasons being: A hinged stiff rig (and for the way I tie it see): http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=53044&highlight= I think that it gives the pop-up a full range of movement but is difficult to eject. It also resets itself when a fish or tufty moves it. Its also very tangle proof. However, its limitations are when there is a soft bottom- as it can sick up at a funny angle. This can be negated by the use of a helicopter set-up rather than a safety clip - as the lead dives in and leaves the rig on top. By moving the beads further up your tubing you can allow for deeper silt (unless it is deep and soft- in which case choose a differnet rig) For combi rigs - I like the stiffness of the initial material to stop tangles and to aid keeping the bait away from the lead. for bottom baits it does the jobs I need- so no need to be any more complicated!
  20. Nick and I have discussed this on a few occasions. I used to use Kryston all the time and have caught shedloads on Snakebite gold & Merlin. The main problem with just about everything they do- is that it floats. Times move on- but manufacturers sometimes don't. I can't understand manufacturers who charge £8-£12 for a hooklength material that floats. ....actually I can...because they make a shedload out of it and we then have to spend more money on other products to make it do what its supposed to in the first place.
  21. I might be getting muddled up with the names of their stuff. I've tried their web site and still can't work out which product is which and I own some of it- so it just shows how rubbish some web sites are and why companies don't succeed when other flourish. Other companies might sell rubbish products- but at least their marketing collateral shows you which product you are buying and what its for! Anyway- the stuff I couldn't get on with is the braid with a stiff 20lb flouro running up inside it. I though it would be very good for hinged stiff rigs- but by the time I had mucked about with it- I could have tied two with proper components. ...and as mentioned above the other stuff is ok with putty and in a bag.
  22. I bought some of this after seeing a demo at a show. I genuinally wanted to get on with it- as it seemed to offer a lot of advantages- but I've pretty much given up with it. Its OK for combi links but anything other than that (due to its comparative thickness in comparison to hook eyes) is just too fiddly (as you already commented ozzy). I bought some of their other stuff too (with the 2lb flouro running through it). 2 comments- 1: it floats 2: its ok for bag work- but if your try and cast it the flouro breaks and you cast a rig with no bait.
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