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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I think I've been becoming a little bait and waity lately, 5th blank on the trot now, I guess that's rubbed off from the more settled regulars influencing me indirectly,and maybe I've followed suit, which may be the reason for my sudden downturn in form, I think my successful post lockdown sessions put me on a false path, I was convinced because they had been eating a lot of bait that I could carry on giving them quite a lot, I've regularly been using 3kg plus of boilies on a couple of spots for an overnighter, it's not loads if they feeding but if they are only grazing or not there, I am really hampering my chances of a bite, I think accuracy might be the next thing for me to work on bait is fine, rigs work, but if there are too many rogue spods out there it could be an hour or two not feeding on the danger spot, I think people can forget to enjoy fishing when it's going badly, and it can become quite stressful, I think the key is try and enjoy it, even when it isn't working as you want, remember it will happen one day, I found it really stressful last year coming back and changed things week in week out, none of it did me any good, keep it simple, stick to one lake, one bait or combo of bait , one rig, look for the fish and hopefully it will all fall into place Good luck
  2. I've found line goes on better If you soak it first BTW just my preference I also have a spool loader clamp thing which I think is brilliant
  3. Personally I would just fill up all 3 Spools with the line if they are empty, I usually cut off a few metres every few weeks, as the line can become stretched or damaged, maybe if I had some line on already I may leave some on as backing but i would always want atleast 200m of the line on my reel
  4. I probably would donate a quid or two if it had been clearly written who they were and why they need to achieve this, and would have probably respected it more if they had gone into details of why they needed 100 grand, like costings, how much the club was putting in if anything and why they couldn't if not, it just looks like my youngest has written it and tbh she may have done a better job πŸ‘
  5. Fair enough, I wouldn't donate to that page though, I put more info on my pages, when I did a fundraiser people knew who I was and why I was doing it πŸ‘
  6. It doesn't say anything about this on the just giving page?
  7. Is it this one? I just found it on just giving, no details about anything on it, my main concern would be is it a scam?
  8. I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for donations to help do the fence , if it helps the syndicate fair enough, I would support it if it was my syndicate or one I wanted to join or had been a member of, if you disagree with it just don't donate to that cause surely, , it's not really my place to comment what's right and wrong for burghfield, I don't know all the details but personally it doesn't offend me them starting a crowd funder for this
  9. That makes more sense, I take it the fence will cost a lot, I also think it's probably unreasonable to pass this onto members, personally I don't see why they shouldn't try and raise money for it, it does seem cheeky, but if it helps let em Get on with it I guess, doesn't really affect me but maybe it might lead to more clubs and lakes doing similar in order to raise funds, so could help you indirectly in the future
  10. Well I am Intrigued, haven't got a clue what your on about 😲
  11. I'm not sure if anyone mentioned this but a mozzie mesh for your bivvy/brolly really helps, keep it closed from eve til morning and you barely get attacked indoors, I used 3 coats of skin so soft last night and whilst outside still got attacked, as soon as I went inside the mesh fortress, I was free of them pretty much, apart from 1 or 2 sneaky ones who must've got in whilst the drawbridge was down 😲
  12. I did think that afterwards when I looked at the original rig, so I edited the post to be more helpful 😁
  13. I try and use a bait screw whenever I can so much easier, πŸ‘ Bit of I do tie it on I use the framey method πŸ‘
  14. I like hydrotuff, I think it's a great line, I would happily use Gardner lines all day long, gets my vote, this may help
  15. Sounds like you either need to make your own spot or find something in between the 2 spots where they would pass, personally I wouldn't bother baiting a spot that is being fished all the time, that probably won't help as there will be regular baiting already being done, fish the spots if you can but maybe trickle some in elsewhere if you think they have another area they may visit, I'm currently in a similar position where people seem to be getting swims going and swims I've tried to bait up have been taken when I get there, my aim is to just make my bait as attractive as I can fish everywhere and build up a picture, I may start a little pre-baiting later on in the year, once I've got it sussed out a bit more but for now, just keep moving round and try and find something where no one else is looking,, πŸ‘
  16. I work with a bloke who fishes the river there I will ask him, probably start using pellets and particles though would certainly help catch the bream and maybe a carp or two
  17. I'm thinking about getting one of these to upgrade my spod reel ? Had anyone used one? Or got one, looks pretty good for the money but wouldn't mind a review πŸ‘
  18. Nice one I think maybe I just need to use that one for the large airbomb, I'm starting to get better at casting distances with the rods but I couldnt quite get the distance with my other spod rod I think my other rod is probably about 4lb tc because it casts a 4oz gripper nicely so probably better with a midi spomb, I guess with a balanced set up it should make it easier πŸ‘ Must get a finger stall, I have got a kevlar glove though which I keep meaning to use but if I don't start soon I will probably regret it 😭
  19. Well after getting new braid on the reel, even without enough packing it added a good few wraps on the distance of my cast, and the Sonik reel I've been saying was knackered for ages and sounded like a bag of spanners in a washing machine, went quiet and changed into a nicer reel, so I guess using tow rope 5olb braid may have been the issue, it was also much easier to retrieve, ☺️ Might get some lighter spod braid next and use a shock leader, will soon be able to fish properly at distance, How far should I be able to get a loaded large spomb with a 5.5lb tc rod? It's probably the right rod for a large spomb I think but just wondered how far people can chuck them?
  20. Let me know how you get on with this and if you still get arm ache from it please finchey?
  21. Nothing doing this time , back home now, tail between my legs, I got a plum swim but I think I was too focused on that this time, its another swim ticked off the list and learnt a bit about,I also got to fish at 20+ wraps so that was new, the air bomb didn't like it much though or I couldn't quite get the distance maybe a midi would be better 😞, the throwing stick just about made it though but my arm is hurting today, I forgot my spomb I think that would have got the distance, lessons learnt, I also think I need to go back to using bags lol, ever since I've stopped, I've certainly been catching nothing , that spot would've been good for bags as it was quite clear, might be a struggle to get them the distance though, but practice makes perfect, it would be doable I think, πŸ€” Next time I need to suss out part of the big bit of the lake, I am struggling to work them out at the moment, they don't seem to be where I think they will 😁
  22. I'm venturing back to pastures old tomorrow for a fleeting overnighter after work, I'm hoping it is going to be less busy due to the abhorrent weather we are having,I dream of setting up in one of the plum swims this weekend but we shall see, might just have to settle for what I can, keeping it simple though, and hopefully will be singing in the rain this time tomorrow β˜”πŸŽΆπŸ˜‚
  23. Took too much backing off 😭 It will do for now, reels a bit poop anyway πŸ’© I can see an upgrade on the cards sometime
  24. Leon said it was 95cm πŸ‘I couldn't find any other measurements on it though
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