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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. Good for you, blue, πŸ‘ I bet they all think its David hasselhoff from baywatch, when you walk in the pool, 😎😎
  2. It won't do you any harm to have a go, I found they push you further than you will push yourself, but also will help you do things right, they can also give you a program to follow that might be a good thing for you
  3. I am quite surprised more haven't already tbh its simple but a good idea
  4. Well we can help with that, I think if we keep this thread up we can all help each other along a bit πŸ‘
  5. Do you mean exercise wise? I think you are doing well if you have your steps up and you are keeping active that's all good If that is what you mean, a personal trainer will help you, as they teach you how to do things right, it does cost a bit though, if not Joe wicks is pretty good on YouTube I've done quite a lot of his videos with the kids, there probably are others that are good, I've not looked for a while tbh, if you have a local boot camp they can be good also, you may find they are open before gyms are it is outdoors, I'm no expert but if there is something inparticular you aren't sure of I might be able to assist
  6. It does look good That mudflap in the groundsheet is a good idea isn't it, groundsheets never seem to recover from a mudfest πŸ‘
  7. Can you microwave? Or does it have to be cold? Chicken breasts are quite handy, you can knock up a week's supply on a Sunday, then just have them with a rice or cous cous or in a wrap, and some veg or salad, I use the frozen mixed veg bags quite a bit, just chuck them into a container from the freezer before work cut up a chicken breast and add a sachet of rice like the tilda ones 3mins in the microwave stirring once then add a bit of hot sauce or some other sauce for flavour voila, and chicken keeps you full for longer because its pretty high on protien I also like a late night snack, that's when I am at my weakest too I think Musclefood is good for bulk meats there chicken breasts are good quality usually and a decent price too, well worth a look, I know a lot about what I am supposed to do just can't seem to do it myself 😁😳😳
  8. That sounds like a hell of a journey you've been on mate, well done for getting through it and getting to a good place now where you can talk about it openly,
  9. 5k is a decent run mate, I wouldn't be able to do anywhere near that now, anything longer is just like when you built up from the couch to 5k, you just do slightly longer on some of the runs each week and build it up, i started off doing a couch to 5k, its a good way to build it up Resistance bands are good, our personal trainer used to beast us using those and bodyweight exercises
  10. I gave up smoking a good few years ago, I gave up because I was too unfit to bmx race lol, I had got back into that and lung power was too short,I did that for a while and actually did some racing but one final I crashed and ballsed up my rotator cuff, I lost my bottle and quit I also moved onto vaping later on (still do that) Before the kids came I was also a bit of a fitness freak I had time and would go to the gym 3 times a week and once a week PT, I trained up to run 3 half marathons in 3 months, and was the fittest I had ever been after that I wanted to lift weights really got into that more and then kids happened, and whereas before I was eating lots for training I was eating lots and not training 😁 soon catches you up and I've never found the desire or time to be that person, and even though I know he is there, I'm so far away from him it's unreal, that was me 2012, living my best life the mowhawk was my last ever hairstyle before baldness took hold 😲 I can imagine how you must be missing the gym, it takes a while of going and hating it but one day you just break through and start loving it and needing it, hopefully it will get back to normal soon for you, I don't want to run anymore tbh, I did a lot of it and have grown to hate it though, I have done it again since but I think knowing i can't do what I did makes it hard to be motivated, I do like walking though when I can tbh I will have to start off just doing that, I have a lot of niggles and old injuries that will flare up if I start too hard, I'm taking the first steps today though so not bad πŸ‘ Cheers guys
  11. I know that outlet, one within a mile of me drive past it to and from work,which plants the seed, same chain so Convenient if I am going fishing also there is one I have to drive by, just got a papa John's that delivers and also a dominoes, the best kebab van in the world a mile away, an award winning curry house, its too blooming easy if you are tired, and I am always tired at the moment, I've found to get rid of the cravings you need to get rid of the sugar, and also wheat, it is tough when there are constant reminders everywhere, I'm going to try and be organised with my work food and plan our family dinners better so we don't get tempted
  12. I do agree, I think they make some good products other people don't make but I do think some of it is just overpriced and I wouldn't buy it tbh, I think with most things if you do your own research and work out what is right for you, there are plenty of options available,but the crusher is something no one else seems to do better tbh, I have a couple of NGT boxes the small ones are good the big xpr one is rubbish, I think all the big tackle boxes are too big though, I want to travel as light as possible a big tackle box means you take too much stuff 😁
  13. Well I weighed myself today, 22st of manly power 😳😳😳😳😳 I guess this might be the result of lockdown and what it has done for me, tbh I have never felt so unhealthy, I ache constantly, my back is in constant pain, I just feel rubbish, but it's time to make a change, anyone else need/want to join me? 😁 I've been online and bought some protein powders and fine oats to use as a meal replacement, I've found this can be helpful in the past as they really help reduce your hunger pangs, then just snacks like fruit and veg and protein bars, oatcakes, that type of thing etc and a proper healthy dinner,plenty of water for detoxing, give up the chocolate and sugar, cheese, caffeine, beer and hopefully lose weight and feel better again, and gain some control back in my life, and some space back in my clothes 😁 If anyone else wants to join in with me or wants to use this post as a way to make a positive change to their life then get stuck in, we are all here because we love fishing but that doesn't mean we can't help each other do things better, its been a tough year and I've always found this site has been helpful, so please speak up if you are struggling with anything, or just want to do something better, So tight lines and looser clothes all
  14. Well firstly what are these books and dvds you are talking about, it's all about Insta stories and you tube bruv, I've got some 10 second vids lined up that loop endlessly until you scroll away, and that will usually be of me getting smashed on bailicks and casting badly As for the second bit I could've just got a sledgehammer out the shed and smashed my bait right up I'll use the crusher and pretend I did that for carpy points 😲
  15. Thanks I've bought one just the head for now will see if I need extras once I've used it, , I think if nothing else it will make the bait go a bit further so it's a cost saver really 😁 Whack some pellets in the bucket, a couple of kilos of crushed boilies a good glug of liver sauce add some munga and spomb the granny out the place, and bosh, bosh, bosh rods on the dance floor, wallop, back of the net, ooosh 😁
  16. Thanks for that, I've spent the afternoon looking for something else, but I can't see anything that does this job as well as the ridgemonkey I think I might click buy it now 😁
  17. Nice one thanks What particles have you but through it with the particle plate on?
  18. I have a couple of Ridgemonkey bits the light, which is great, the choppa, which is also great, and I also have one of there buckets which I also really like those little trays are brilliant tbh I use them for making and keeping Pva bags and things in its like a Pva making station, I think all the major tackle Companies do rip off tackle boxes, it's just the industry standard, sometimes I think it can be worth paying for a product if its good, I don't see anything else that compares to a boilie crusher tbh, the NGT one isnt very good by all accounts, the korda crusha is expensive for what it is, essentially a weed grinder, and the 2 downsides I have for the processor, its not usable on the bank, and having used one before it can be quite easy to turn a kilo to dust, and actually they are priced simliarly to the crusher
  19. Does anyone use one? I already have a bucket so in theory only need the head, I do have a choppa and like it tbh, it's either that or get a food processor both cost roughly the same I just quite fancy having one to crumb up baits at home? I think it would be a good thing to use to make a good spod mix and keep them grubbing longer I'm also keen to know what it does to smaller particles like hemp and pigeon conditioner ? If anyone can tell me anything I would like to hear it Thanks guys
  20. It's only if I dont remember to put wax or anything on the tip they seem to corrode a a lot quicker, It just struck me I've listened to loads of carp angler chronicles podcasts and they always Wang on about bait in detail, I guess some must be sinking in 😲
  21. Nice one thanks for that, I do use a kids crayon normally, as I have quite a supply of thoseπŸ˜‚, that works pretty well tbh I do sometimes forget to put it on though that's when I've noticed the rust, I think I might wait for the chod hammers tbh, trig hammers were pretty sharp out the pack if they are for silty bottoms i might just keep those coated then I don't have to worry as long as they are sharp, I did have a thought about the rusting though, most hookbaits are designed to locally change pH with the flavours etc to boost attraction. Most people boost the stinky winky out of hookbaits too, do you think this might make them rust quicker as surely the acids are leaking from the hookbait and adding to the corrosion?
  22. Are his ultra Sharp brand chod hooks good? I did look at the jprecision ones last night aswell Also I read they are coated, are they coated after sharpening so they don't corrode? Coated would be an advantage as I am planning on chucking them into silt and that doesn't seem to favour sharpened hooks
  23. Spot on, I'm reigning it in for now, partly in the hope lockdown eases and we can all start getting back to normal,the misses is finding it tough and I'm trying to help as much as i can, it will get better one day won't it? but selfishly the weather isn't great and if I have been fishing in the winter that may impact on the better parts of the year when it's easier to catch em πŸ˜‚
  24. I treated myself to a Vallorbe No4 it was the nice wooden. Handle I needed that sold it, much more classy 😁
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