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Everything posted by slimysime

  1. never been mate, but mates have and they say, take mosquito reppelant,
  2. sorry for the long wait ice, i was refering to unique
  3. whats the small lake called dongo
  4. I nearly said dont book ice, because of the poor feedback on the lakes, but did'nt want to be rude, thats not to say it's a naff place, but for me i like a bit of feedback so you can build your weeks fishing around the reports sime
  5. sorry ice dont know anything about it myself, been on a few other sites having a nosey around and the same thing keeps poping up over and over STURGEON there a nightmare apparantly, sorry it aint a lot but there aint a lot about the place
  6. i like to move about a bit couldnt really stand fishing in one place for a year would do my swede in you can also pay a third of that £1000 and still fish whenever and how often as you want and the other £600/£700 you can spend on bait/tackle
  7. £1000 for a years fishing now theres an intresting proposition
  8. i know what your saying kev about being a hard water,thats not my arguement, my arguement is theres no syndicate waters at bluebell, which to me is a bit of a money spin, i was working out the other day roughly how many hours a year i fish on average, i'd say i fish 20 out of the 52 weekends easily, can you imagine if i was to go there and pay for 480 hrs at 27.50 per 24hrs i hope you aint had the wrong idea about me winging because i did'nt catch anything there, its a beut complex with some lovely specimens in there, but for me as in my point its just a bit too rich on the price scale at 27.50 for a 24hr session
  9. i know josh ive been there twice and dont think i'll be returning, theres some lovely looking fish in the complex, but for £27.50 for three rods it should have plenty of lakes as good if not better and far cheaper to go too, going to put my name down for roman next year proper water and only £300 a season
  10. i used to splice my leadcore as well jules and when you return the outer leadcore back on itself i used to superglue that as well, one day i was tying on a piece of lead core and i passed the mainline through the loop in the normal way, i tied my normal grinner knot moistned the knot and slid it down trimmed the knot then i tested the strength by pulling, and yes you guessed it the leadcore just snapped after that ive never used another piece of leadcore in the bin it went, as for these days i use the jrc tungsten tubing, or direct to the rig, via mono
  11. £27.50 for three rods in the winter, the same price as the summer, on a what i'd say was a very hard water in the summer, and the price has'nt come down think id sooner fish two nights on elsons for £36, ask phil and he may even say you can do the 48hr for £30, also i think the reason why benson [really hedges] death has'nt been removed from there web page is to draw a few still innocent anglers into the bluebell web
  12. Im not tight or anything jules, but it seems fair if some fishery owners make a slight reduction, it would in my opinion draw a few anglers onto waters, where they probably of said no to £24 but yes to £12 in the winter most lakes usually slow down a bit
  13. Now that bluebells two main stars are dead some people may not be tempted, ive fished it a few times, what im not keen on is that its a very hard water to fish in the summer not alone in the winter, tony who owns it has lost two of its main fish and the prices for winter are still the same as those in the summer do you members think some waters should have a small reduction in the winter months
  14. sorry aint reply'ed mate, no i aint been for a while coops, ill be going again soon mate its just the mrs has me doing the hallway up
  15. hope you catch pal, keep your fingers crossed you never know
  16. it pains me say this but, orchid lakes, oxford
  17. i'd like to catch them, not buy them
  18. coops might know more about this, but i think it's a two year waiting list
  19. i have'nt mate but ive had a look it looks ok, i would'nt mind a week there
  20. you obviously love the place coops
  21. i'll ask him mate i have heard of those bulk tickets for a bit less, a mate of mine turned up there this year at eight oclock after work on a tuesday and explained he was only fishing until six the following morning because he had to go work, but they still charged him the full wack
  22. dont remind me beanz some people have the luck of the devil , dont think any one had owt coops on elsons while i was on, but a lad had one out of roman, ive heard it can be a bit hard on there but im stil going every now and then got two weeks of over xmas,do they drop the price down a bit? some fisheries do
  23. i went a couple of weeks ago for a 24hour session, but i couldnt get in the dug out or near it so i fished the toilet swim, had a couple of knocks m8 but nothing on the mat still aint phaseing me yet pal, i'll be back
  24. stick with it carl what did you think of the water overall
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