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Everything posted by slimysime

  1. have you ever fished bluebell lake itself pal
  2. would that fisherie be bluebell by any chance beanz
  3. slim, hopefully carl will take the entrance at the roundabout to stanwick lakes and not at the layby like i did when i first visited. :roll : so your eel should be free from extra pressure i can only hope so beanz im going back after that eel this time it wants to be 3lb
  4. its a lovely water carl, i fished it this year 5 times on elsons with only one eel but i shall be back soon, i love the place mate its got a real feelgood factor about it, and the local deleverie drops your take away off at the gates result, pay it a visit carl its a well run water with no numptys allowed
  5. ssssssssh beanz stop telling em about these little gold mines
  6. theres only one lake on the complex thats a syndicate water and that ones called roman, mallard is a good runs water, and elsons is a hardish water, but the fish in there are beut, definately worth a look
  7. i prefer short hair in the summer as my head gets to hot
  8. well done coops/lewis, looks like you enjoyed the session, the last photo of lewis? has his face stayed like that
  9. navies is ok, but that treck over the train bridge with kit theres some largeish carp in there but there condition is.nt up to much,theres also a few large moggies in there,try beadles mate sime
  10. i usually go for the palomar mate simple and strong
  11. sorry messed that up did'nt realise it was a topic about bluebell lakes, excuse
  12. also have a look at stanwick lakes, at funny enough stanwick near wellingborough, try mallard lake on the complex
  13. when you say decent size, how big do you mean?
  14. have you never fished it bob
  15. hi all, does anybdy know about a place called ecton lakes in northampton?
  16. cheers gents for all advise
  17. dream lakes nice place, shame about some of the people who run and fish it
  18. good thinking pal didnt think of cotton that will hold the super glue cheers mate
  19. hi members, just got back from a 48hr session and had 8 carp up to 14lb and a snotter, my question is how can i employ a i.q hooklength with a supple hair of say braid? whilst i was up a tree looking over my baited area in the margins it was only about two feet deep and i could clearly see the fish and my hookbait, dont panic members i was only two seconds from my rods, as i watched fascinated as some lovely big fish came into my baited area and literally stoped 6 inch from my hookbait and started wafting there pecs over my baited area, i am convinced that my hookbait was'nt behaveing correctly and made them suss it, now i know a lot of you will say use braid straight through, but i like i.q hooklength and i was wondering if there is anyway i could use the two materials,i was thinking of tying a 9inch length of i.q with a grinner knot but i am unable to suss a way of fixing the supple braid to the hook tryied rig glue but it dont hold, any ideas boys/girls would be very greatful sime
  20. cheers speersy illhave a look at them mate
  21. no probs pal cheers anyway at least you had respect enough to reply and i'm not down pal just get a bit peed off when some people here complain about the same old threads and i ask a new question about a totally new water and out of 60 odd views you are the only one with respect enough to reply to it
  22. alright lads lets try this 1, i'm not looking for a new water, not willing to travel at all, i want a monster resevoir say 200 acres, with next to no fish in there, and i dont want to pay a penny, any ideas now, no wonder people are leaving this site 60 views and not 1 reply not good adios amigos
  23. dont everyone respond at once your frying my laptop circuits
  24. hi all, just wondering does any one know of a nice water near me [leicester] but i am willing to travel up to 60miles, i'd prefer a small syndicate water up to about 10acres, with a decent head of fish, i am willing to pay up tp £300 for a season ticket any ideas people sime
  25. I can only say practise practise & practise, try tying the knot on cheap mono i'st then move onto your preferd hooklength material,good luck pal
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