hi members, just got back from a 48hr session and had 8 carp up to 14lb and a snotter, my question is how can i employ a i.q hooklength with a supple hair of say braid? whilst i was up a tree looking over my baited area in the margins it was only about two feet deep and i could clearly see the fish and my hookbait, dont panic members i was only two seconds from my rods, as i watched fascinated as some lovely big fish came into my baited area and literally stoped 6 inch from my hookbait and started wafting there pecs over my baited area, i am convinced that my hookbait was'nt behaveing correctly and made them suss it, now i know a lot of you will say use braid straight through, but i like i.q hooklength and i was wondering if there is anyway i could use the two materials,i was thinking of tying a 9inch length of i.q with a grinner knot but i am unable to suss a way of fixing the supple braid to the hook tryied rig glue but it dont hold, any ideas boys/girls would be very greatful