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Everything posted by yonny

  1. I can't imagine going fishing without the barrow tbh.
  2. Yeah Gardner and Korda did versions too. If this lake is the one I think it is they'd be ideal @Carpbell_ll.
  3. yonny


    I'd leave it. I think the least we can do for the fish we target all year is give them a break for that special period.
  4. It's a shame as the layout of the lake is awesome. Bays, channels, that lovely island with little finger bays, snags, big open bits, overgrown shady bits, reedbeds, bars, weed beds...... it has literally everything a carp angler could ever wish for apart from quality carp 🤣
  5. I used to live in Frisby. Since the movement on this thread they were hit by KHV. Tbh it's been one disaster after the next for that place over the years. It's a funny old place, looks the nuts and on paper it has everything a carp angler could ever wish for....... except big carp. They just do not flourish in there. I'm still near it (I live about 5 miles way now) but I don't even bother going to look any more. It was said to hold a real biggun years back but I spent a year walking and watching and I never saw it. Biggest I ever saw or caught was upper double/scraper 20.
  6. Same here. Once the rod is cast you take any bow out as you sink line (this is normally a minimum of 1 meter and more if the wind is getting up). By clipping up before you reel in you don't account for this so better to wrap up for each recast imo.
  7. Apart from this, not much mate. Obviously if there's a specific fish I'm after I'll find out when/where it tends to come out but aside from that I'll always go in with a very basic approach (boilies/pellets) based on what I see during my walks round the venue. By keeping it simple you have a good base to work from in terms of tactics.
  8. He might say that but his cast is not actually the pendulum. It's a completely unique (and quite odd) round-the-body technique that I've only seen him use. Back in the day he was considered a massive caster and his weird style harnessed the straight-arm/weight-transfer principles behind todays distance casting technique but compared to modern overhead distance casters he's no longer considered a genuinely big caster. He can still cast a lot further than me though 🤣
  9. Read this: https://www.carpfeed.com/fishing-advice/how-to/learn-how-to-cast-150yds-with-terry-edmonds Reducing line diameter and matching lead size to the rod will help but technique is the big one. I agree with carpepecheur that the pendulum cast is no more dangerous than any big cast, but tbh finding the room to use the pendulum in most swims in the UK is just not possible. A well timed overhead cast with good technique will go miles but getting that right is not as easy as it sounds. This 👆👆 I'd recommend going on a tutorial with either Terry Edmonds or Mark Hutchinson. Not a super cheap day out but the skills/knowledge last forever.
  10. I don't buy it mate but in fairness I don't do a lot of snag fishing.
  11. Snap. Awesome little shelter. I also have a Tempest Brolly for when the big winds arrive on a reservoir I fish but given the choice it's the Lo Pro all day.
  12. But the previous sales might not account for COVID tax!
  13. If you check completed/sold listings you can see the Bob James carp rods go for a max of 50 quid. The Bob James fly rods go for a bit more, about 70 quid.
  14. My mate has one. He's been using it for a few year now without problems. Trakker shelters are normally pretty good quality mate.
  15. For me a lightweight shelter is even more important for longer sessions. On an overnighter you'll only set-up/pack-down once, but over a week the likelihood of moving is high imo, potentially a number of times.
  16. Agree with framey. It's a pretty rubbish rig but hardly a death rig unless I'm missing something.
  17. Exactly bro. Once you've lived this it's hard to go without it.
  18. Don't be ridiculous @Highy🤣. Where's the challenge in being constantly busy catching pasties? You'd be bored after the second session mate. By all means do a bit on the side but as a straight swap...... no way man!
  19. I've used every breaking strain, it casts ok for its strength. The 12 lbs absolutely flies. It's a great, great line.
  20. Ha ha. No fake baits unless you're on zigs because that's what the gaffa likes to use over the road🤣
  21. All lines say that in the adverts lol. You can get HydroTuff and Pro in 20 lb buddy (the 20 lb Pro is called the XM version).
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