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bigtrev last won the day on May 3 2018

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    carp, pike, bream and loose women.

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  1. one of the lakes near me got hit with Golden Algae because all the conditions were right for it. Lost all 760 of his fish.
  2. I think that when a Carp pops its head and shoulders out it is simply looking to see what my set up is. Most of the time I envisage a small shoal of carp sitting just under the water laughing their fins off....
  3. very crafty. Ive done the same with some landing net replacements I had lying in the shed.
  4. If you are both using different baits then you will probably end up competing against each other. Either that or one bait will start taking fish and then if you share it you might run out of it and have to wait until something else works. Fishing with a partner can be quite frustrating at times but i'm sure after a week together you will have found a happy medium. Its a holiday and not a competition so just enjoy learning stuff from each other in the first place. and take lots of pellet.
  5. I still go to venues where you can see wheelbarrows chained to the trees near the car park. I used one for two years.
  6. nothing ventured nothing gained eh. I might have just found myself a new hobby.
  7. Ive just typed euro swinger into google............. OMG
  8. with the results saying what ? shelfies are not to be trusted at all or we must only use fresh or frozen baits ? was it sponsored by a particular bait company by any chance. Just saying that's all.
  9. im sure someone can do the same with a sweetcorn can. Cast out let it sink, the quickly lift the rod tip and wind in like mad. What does it tell us ? the ground in front is silty and muddy or weedy and gravelly. The same as a lead already tells us but with out digging out little scoops of lake bed. Do they do one in green? I'll have two.
  10. I was at Naseby yesterday Pike fishing and there were five other anglers all fishing for carp still. The guy who came down to check the water levels also told me that Drayton was free on Christmas day. I used to work at Daventry and would pass the resi entrance on my way to and from work. It is always packed with anglers. I still haven't fished there. It just doesn't hold any interest for me to be honest.
  11. It does seem unseasonally warm at the minute so im going to take advantage and get out as much as I can. I normally Pike fish at this time of the year but Ive packed a small bag with carp bits and bait just in case I spot any activity. I might even end up fishing on Christmas day itself.
  12. wow fork handles ! I have a very similar contraption but made with smaller pots and a single citronella candle. I leave it on for as long as one candle lasts approx. 2 hrs. The citronella keeps the mossies away and the flickering light keeps the rats away, it doesn't get hot enough to burn through the groundsheet and doesn't produce enough carbon dioxide to kill me (I never sleep with the bivvy zipped up). It might and only might just provide enough heat to provide some placebo heat. I like it on, it pleases me.
  13. Polenta is made from maize. You can buy blocks of polenta from the supermarket. cut it into cubes and then if you wish roll it into balls and boil.
  14. ive just spent a week at the Woburn Centre Parcs. I felt trapped, no signal to my phone unless I walked past the car park and the trees (im sure they have some sort of jamming device) My daughter got a signal once she logged into the CP wifi but even that was sporadic. Everything was so blinking expensive too. £5.55 for a pint of Guinness as an example. There was a lake in the park but no fish. Hope you managed to catch a few in the short time you had.
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