Liam , the only occasions i used leadcore was when i was using the esp ready-made leadcore helicopter set ups ( i believe the also sell a lead clip version ) .
One day i caught a mirror carp of about 10 maybe 12lb , i dont know i didnt weigh it , but it had really horrific mouth damage .
Now , it put up a good fight and indeed was zig zagging all over the shop and i really dont know whether i or the leadcore was to blame for it but it was fresh damage so either i caused it or someone else caught the same fish half hour earlier and ripped its face to peices .
What i do know is that i felt SO guilty afterwards that i have never used leadcore since ...just in case .
I fish chods sometimes and when i do i fish 'em naked (so to speak ) but not because its in vogue or trendy .
In actual fact the naked chod is probably far from trendy nowadays ...