I can se tha a lot of thouhgt has gone into what you suggested, I think my prefered corse of action would be to put the lead inside a pva bag...
But I'm sure there must be other ways of doing it...
Hi chaps,I will be starting to fish my new venue soon a large silty/choddy estate lake...I will be using chod and hinged stiff link rigs, is there a way I can attach a pva bag to these rigs?
In a vid i watched DF recommended that any knot using the Hybrid matierial should be steamed as it was tightened...Sounds too much of a pain if you ask me...
True...But I recently had to give up work due to Ill health so money is tight..Most sickening is where I was working I was over halfway to the river where I now want to fish...
Unfortunatly never been but would love to...When my Mrs used to acompany me fishing we stayed at quite a few places but never got round to Waveney Valley...
I meant the guy that posted lived nearby his river...I remember you saying when I PM'd you you live a fair way away...It's soo annoying if I lived within 10mile or so,I'd be on it everyday.I'm about the same distance as you from it...