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Everything posted by zammmo

  1. Woodland Waters, Ancaster just south of Lincoln... www.woodlandwaters.co.uk
  2. If I was a betting man,I would not bet on this happening...It may loose favour with your hardcore carp fisher types but with all the different types of accomadation they have the place will always be popular with Joe Bloggs...
  3. Hi,I was a member of Messingham Sands near Scunny for a while,no huge fish but it fishes well through the winter.They do a winter ticket for £60..Julian Cunndiff and Brian Scoales both fish there so it must have something...
  4. Is that the lake at Bussiere-Galant or Maisons Neuves..
  5. Nice fish,now get orf my land...
  6. zammmo

    Thicky's book

  7. Beanz might be able to help you...
  8. Gaz,it's called banter.If you are going to be a member of this Forum you will have to get used to it...As for your question,I think a mobile approach would serve you better and take as large a selection of baits as you can..Good luck hope you catch
  9. Sounds like my idea of hell...
  10. zammmo

    the kd rig

    Isn't the purpose of this rig to offer the hook at a more agessive angle...
  11. Mar-April Fished rubbish,April-June bit better,July & August Quite good,Sept Oct slow,Nov-Jan 09 dead Feb March slow.
  12. Never heard of it mate
  13. Good luck mate,hope it goes well for you..
  14. I see no reason to doubt,this rig would work..But I'm not sure about the way the fake blood worm thingy protrudes beyond the shank of the hook.IMHO this may actually impede a clean hook hold..Good luck
  15. I would love to take my dog fishing,Iv'e never seen one at any of the places I have fished I have never bothered asking.. I feel a sarcy comment coming
  16. WOW! Roll on redundancy
  17. Even when you find a rig you are confident in,there will always be times when you have to change something, usually to adapt to the conditions prevailing at the time..
  18. Welcome to the Forum mate,I think you'll find that if you turn the telly on in just about any country in the world at the moment, it's all Doom & Gloom. Good luck with your plans..
  19. Eyed for the big fellas but if I'm at risk of blanking I might get out the spade end 20s and a little whip I always carry
  20. Mmmm yummy,P.M. sent
  21. Just about to have me dinner,will P.M. you with a few of the better ones
  22. Hi mate what sort of distance can you travel,I am from Sleaford so I know a few...
  23. Might i suggest that you purchase a copy of the Fox Rig Tying vid's,not sure of the proper title..Also there are loads of clips from the series on U tube you can watch..
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