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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. I'm a Big Fan of either Amnesia or Drennan Greased Weasel. I have found that Amnesia can be a bit stiff at times when its cold, so often switch to 40lb Grey Greased Weasel. This is soft and supple at all temperatures. I can't use tapered Leaders I have a tendency to Crack off for some reason. With Nylon Shockleaders you need to allow 10lbs for every ounce of Lead you are using, with Braid because of the Lack of stretch you NEED to DOUBLE this, so 20 for every ounce of Lead. Also with Braided Leaders make sure you wear a finger stall.
  2. No problems mate. I've got it tapped, I tie up fresh Rigs as I'm boiling the Kettle for coffee. The shrink tube on the hooks gets Shrunk in the mug as I pour the Boiling water in;) :D Another Lazy way in my fishing Life
  3. Basically they are shortened Hooklinks. Imagine a Hooklength divided into 2 like a combi link with a swivel joined. One end being the Boom and the other the Link. Linklets are the short bit that the Hook is attached to. Think that's the best way to descibe them.
  4. I fish with simple rigs, I don't want to fiddle about with Rig Rings or tiny pieces of silicon when I'm fishing. I extend the Shrink Tubing from my Line Aligner, so that the hair leaves the hook at the back of the Shank, directly opposite the point of the hook.. If the hair leaves at the bend of the hook and is ejected, then the hook can swing round and leave the Carp's mouth without getting a hold. Therefore down the back of the shank, whichever way the hook goes in the hook stands a good chance of pricking the fish in the lip. Diagram enclosed, both rigs are made with Super Mantis on Carp-R-us Centurions Size6 (I think) and are 15cm long. You can see where I've stripped the outer coating to.
  5. Cos I don't fish near anyone else and they can't find me.
  6. It pins your line tight to the bottom of the Lake if you use slack Lines and Running Leads. If you have a spliced loop at the hooklength end, you can change your rigs in seconds. Very handy if you are the type of person who changes hook after every fish.
  7. Kryston Coated Braids. I find them more abrasion resistant than Fluoro, less chance of a sudden PING as they rub against a snag. The coating means I can fish with either a soft braid or a stiffer rig. I have used Fluoro's against the braid and for some reason with the same length rigs found I was getting more Hookpulls
  8. Born in Essex, now living back in Suffolk, after a spell teaching the Norfolk lads how to fish Multiple baits and to stalk fish effectively. :D I'm a student of life, with a Laid back attitude who is always experimenting while fishing just to prove a point. Taverham Mills used to respond well to 8mm Cubed Stack Rigs with a rough cut piece of Cork as the lift. Up to 5 Boilies Cubes on the hair and the fish would wolf them down, without even trying to reject them.
  9. Nope. Salokcin (1st Name) Nodrog (Surname) Now spell them the other way round
  10. It depends on the fish you are after and trying to achieve. Say the fish are used to pulling for resistance from a 2oz Lead, you can either go heavier or lighter to disorientate them. Light Leads are perfect for when you are trying to sneak your rigs into place without too much disturbance, but try to use them as Semi-Fixed as they are too light for Running Leads to get an effect (my thoughts). Heavy Leads are great for Increasing the Bolt effect and making the hook get a purchase in Semi-Fixed mode. Try picking up a size 6 attached to a 1.5oz lead with your finger, you may manage it, but try the same again with a 2.5 or 3oz lead and it would probably bring tears to your eyes. I use 3oz Leads for the majority of my Fishing, but use Running Leads with slack Lines. The Lead doesn't move on the take, so I get good instant indication. Have a look at the Threads: Complicated Rigs and Running Vs Fixed for more information.
  11. For me I found it works best with 8-10mm Baits. I don't know why, maybe as it is the same as just grabbing a mouthful of Natural Food. I have used it with 3x14mm Baits and a Pop-up, but that was when I was fishing a Lake that was regularly fished with 24mm Boilies by Anglers to avoid the Bream. Something different that wasn't what the Carp expected?
  12. Had 4 Carp on Thursday all on 2 grains of Sweetcorn with a Buoyant piece of Plastic Corn to lift it up. All simple stacks. I managed to get the Carp to within 6feet of my Swim and just lowered the Bait into the water under the branches of the trees to my right. The simple sweetcorn stack works well with Vitalin and sweetcorn Groundbait.
  13. Use tubing about 6inches longer than your Hooklength. Stringers and Pva bags help avoid Tangles. Try also using In-Line Leads as well. Superstiff from Kryston helps and you can concertina it up say into thirds, so you have an extending hooklink.
  14. Have a look at the 2 Rigs thread. There are a couple of my Bottom Bait Rigs on there, with all the dimensions and what Materials I use. I use shrink tubing for my Rigs, with the hair coming out on the shank.
  15. The bait you've been using, the rig that works for you and the Lead size you feel comfortable with.
  16. I think the Silt/sliding Helicopter rigs are best for Silt Fishing. You can get the bait sitting nicely on top of the Silt and still fish short effective rigs. I've also found that when fishing on the silt a Pop-up that only just sinks under the weight of the hook is spot on.
  17. I reckon the ESP leadcore is far better than the Fox, never had a problem with the Lead pushing out the side. Make sure you get plenty of spare splicing needles though. I splice loops at both ends of my Leadcore with the Loop being large enough to take a swivel through it. I can then change my rigs very quickly in seconds. At the Mainline end I tie the Leadcore with a Uni Knot.
  18. Yes, The heat shrink goes down the shank of the hook. If you look carefully, the bulge about halfway along the Heat Shrink is where the Hook eye is covered by the Tubing.
  19. If you watch Carp feeding in Rich Natural waters you'll see that there are massive concentrations of Natural Food, large groups of Snails, large amounts if Mussels all together. If you fish a Stack rig of 3/4 8or10mm Boilies then these mimic the Concentration and to an extent the size of the Natural food. A Carp will quite happily suck the whole lot in at one time. If you fish heavily over Particles, say Hemp, Maize or Sweetcorn then the Carp will again suck in whole mouthfuls of the Bait and I don't think that they notice that they are taking in a mouthful of baits complete with Hook.
  20. Try these 2 for size. They're my standard Bottom bait rigs. Line Aligned, with the Hair being a continuation of the Hooklength. They are set up for 14mm Boilies, hence the fairly short Hair. The hooks are size 6 Carp-R-us Centurions. You can also see where I have stripped the outer coating back, this allows a degree of flexibility near the hook. The links themselves are only about 15cms long as I have been fishing over Heavily Baited Areas this year and using shorter links to get an Instant Run.
  21. I use Kryston for my Braids and Coated Braids. Merlin for Braids and Mantis in Green or Gold for Coated. For Stifflinks on the few occasions I use them I still use Amnesia.
  22. Up until today I would have said no they can't distinguish between twigs, weed and Tubing. Took 2 rods to a Water where I normally expect to catch a couple of fish in a day. Fished 1 on Leadcore and 1 with Weighted Tubing. Both cast inches apart with slack lines and running Leads to the Far Bank Snags. I had 2 runs, both on Leadcore. No takes on Tubing. Bait and Rigs identical otherwise. The fish must have come out over the End Tackle on both rods as I put some bait around the area to get them to move about. Also the water is fairly coloured so I don't think that they can see the End Tackle. I really do try to hide my Tubing, it is the same colour as the Lakebed, I weight it down so it doesn't lift up and I fish Running Leads. The Leadcore takes on the colour of the bottom of the Lake and it does sink into the silt. This has really got me thinking to try to hide it better, there must be something about Tubing that makes it stand out.
  23. I have found that the putty adheres really well to the Tubing I use. It only slides off under pressure if the Fish Snags. As for tying the Lead on with 4 lb Maxima, again if the Lead catches in the weed the Maxima Breaks easily under pressure. The Lead is tied to the Solar Run ring as just as if it had a clip to the Run Ring.
  24. Yep thats all I do. Putty or Lead wire. Putty is better as Lead Wire can grip too tightly. I have the same thought as you which is why I tie my Running Leads on and PVA them in place for Casting.
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