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Everything posted by dayvid

  1. Havnt a clue ..... nothing i have seen before ..........you just Mad
  2. The pin has been fixed , on the newer ones . I have used the Fox spomb , it flies very well and straight ,opens every time for me ,so i cant fault it their ,my only problem with it is once open the heavier side where you put your bait digs in to the water and can make it a pain to retrieve. So i shall be carrying on with the original Spomb and the Fox will be a back up
  3. With your budget i suggest you go down the second hand route , i doubt you will be able to buy what you want for just over £200 Do you intend to do nights
  4. I have around a Mile of 15lb Big game that is now 12 years old and still as good as the day i bought it, kept sealed and always in the dark.
  5. I have always preferred floating crust ,no controller ,just line hook and crust but you are limited to range
  6. Ah, but the Green ones are ever so Carpy ..................
  7. Yes you do as it only shows depth and lake bed contours.
  8. I have one as well , bought in the USA so i believe the range is slightly better , ,i dont use it that often ,but when i do its a great bit of kit , saves hours over a marker , oh and i also tie it to the back of my microcat ,saves all that casting lark.
  9. Does anyone have an opinion on these sunglases...........Fox Vario Sunglasses http://www.anglingdirect.co.uk/fox-vario-sunglasses-green-brown-frame
  10. I dont think you need to over think fishing their, pretty mucvh anything you do will catch at Todber ,it is not difficult ,just go and fish and land a few.
  11. They are £199 from most outlets
  12. Ahh..... i see my post has gone , no explanation though ..........................
  13. sharpy86 ,dont worry about pictures ,just go and buy one ,you will NOT regret it thats for sure. Heres some pictures though. https://uk.images.search.yahoo.com/search/images;_ylt=A9mSs2gXsHJXaywAHKhLBQx.;_ylu=X3oDMTE0cGs5cThkBGNvbG8DaXIyBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDVUlVS0MwMV8xBHNlYwNzYw--?p=Ridge+Monkey+Toasters&fr=mcafee
  14. I have the smaller one as i didnt see what the larger one could do that my frying pan(which is larger) couldnt , but in fairness the small one was just for toasties, pizzas ,pies and pasties ect
  15. Photos is as good a proof as any i would guess.
  16. I cant believe anyone would say that ,I dont know anyone that doesn't use or have used the Knotless Knott, Strangulation knots do not work for braid EG; Blood Knotts
  17. How much do you want to spend , I would suggest the Shimano total protection mat https://poingdestres.co.uk/carp/unhooking-mats/shimano-olive-protection-unhooking-mat
  18. Never had that problem , but SPR1985 would seem to have the right idea. Or buy a better Quiver.
  19. Take what you would feel most confident using ,is the best advice i can offer .
  20. So unlucky ........ .......................
  21. I would say they are £35 each ,the seem to be just be a different version of the Delkim Nitelites with Duo Carbs
  22. I did try that for a while but ,when you cant find the rubbish ones (so to speak) i end up using the good ones.
  23. I just by new ones ,i didnt know that about Aluminium foil will give that a go soon
  24. I dont own one but the reports i have read seem very good . I have their barrow which is an excellent piece of kit , http://www.carp-zone.co.uk/product/CZ098-99/Carp-Zone%20Hurricane%20A.S%20%28All%20Season%29%20One%20Man%20Bivvy%20with%20Overwrap%20Included
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