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Everything posted by marker

  1. it used to be a day ticket water in the 90's but i think its syndicate now mate, from what i remember (long time ago), there were lots of carp and lots of 20's, i'd actually forgotten about the place until i stumbled accross the site a few weeks ago
  2. http://www.lawtonhalllake.com/ http://cattonparkfishery.co.uk/ http://www.cudmorefishery.co.uk/doddington-lake.html heres 3 to look into lads, lawton hall, catton park and doddington hall, all syndicates and all worth a look edit, i see you've already found lawton lol
  3. i think your moving to a bit of a carp desert mate lionels tackle in buckley might be worth a visit for some local knowledge
  4. the guys syndicate at linear might be worth a look
  5. berrington or merrington mate
  6. rejoining lymm is a good idea mate sotas does have some very good waters but they are very busy and very tough nuts to crack you won't find many anglers with a bad word to say about sotas, its a great club but if you do go after their better fish in redes and capes then you should expect a lot of blanks and maybe just a few carp per year if your lucky warrington, winsford and northwich angling clubs are all worth looking at as well as lymm, arguably the best 2 clubs have long waiting lists, it would take you another 2-3 years to get into paas or wheelock
  7. http://www.cudmorefishery.co.uk/doddington-lake.html is this the place mate
  8. i must have missed this point when i looked at the site, is this what fishing is coming too?
  9. theres a syndicate at rosehill/turnhill on the a41 mate, the lake is right next to the road, heard its not cheap though
  10. same as i do on a lake for me too
  11. it was hard fishing nick but you weren't far off, 10 and 11 did most fish, i managed to winkle out a 26lb mirror from peg 13 on friday but i was left high and dry over the weekend when the fish moved up to the car park area good trip though, i didn't blank and the weather very comfortable even if it wasn't carpy
  12. looks like i'm in for a hard time then
  13. book yourself onto sandhurst mate, its got more than a few lumps in it
  14. i'll be watching for your report mate, i'm down on thursday for 3 nights
  15. good decision from mid kent
  16. not fished the brickies for many years but its got plenty of carp mate, lingmere is a commercial so you'd expect it to be stuffed with them
  17. i was there a month ago and it was fishing quite well but not sure how its fishing right now, i'm not going back until september so i'm a bit out of touch with the place
  18. is linear actually worth the money these days
  19. they could halve that £300 and it would still be too expensive lol
  20. mines predictable too, i use about 5ft of drennan double strength, greased up with mucilin as recommended above
  21. very predictable david, try and turn it round so i'm avoiding the issue, trouble is the issue is leadcore. when you looked at leadcore and made the decision to use it, where exactly did poorly prepared particles fit into your decision making process? remind me again who's avoiding the issue
  22. hi david, i've said all i've got to say, i've stated my case for not using leadcore, thats what this thread is about, throwing in other areas of fishing like particles and asking where does it end is just deflecting away from the subject, something that leadcore users are very good at when it comes to justifying its use, can't defend it so attack something else i'm officially retired from this thread
  23. yep its been fun kev, theres no way we'll ever agree but at least we can put our points accross in a civil manner i've read everything you've written carefully and none of the scenarios you've thrown in to try and cloud the issue have convinced me to change my mind like it or not, a rig without leadcore is safer than one with it, we have a duty to fish as safely as we can and to me, you can't get any safer than not using it thats the very bottom line and my final post on this thread. origonally, i only intended to say i agree with bini's brother and had no intention of getting into a debate its been fun though and the world would be a very boring place if we all thought the same
  24. Banning a whole range of products that are not only effective but also lead to more fish being safely landed and not damaged in the process is crazy to say the least. Your also exagerating the amount of fish that pay the ultimate price for unsafe set-ups on 2 counts - far less people fish unsafely than you imagine due to the amount of good literature around today and fish are a lot more able to shed hooks and subsequently rigs than you give them credit for. not sure what lakes you fish on kev but round here the majority of carp anglers wouldn't know a safe rig if it jumped up and bit them on the nose i know how good fish are at getting rid, your trying to paint a very rosey picture but my eyes tell me different mate. you can't say how many fish die tethered, nobody can because we never see the end result do we? whenever a thread like this comes up people always defend leadcore saying 'i've never had a problem', well they wouldn't would they, its the carp that gets the problem my point is tethering known to happen and these products (leaders) are usually to blame, whats wrong with making every effort to avoid them? Your helicopter/tubing setup that you rave to be completely safe is far from it as with all set-ups - nothing is foolproof and can snag through weedclod and tangles and many other scenarios, depending where the line breaks and how it has been set-up. Your helicopter/tubing set-up is very poor in weedy lakes as the lead is unable to discharge.........! But do you make allowances for that - I'll guess not! no setup with a leader is completely safe kev, the helicopter is the 'safest'. weedy lakes are a nightmare, not the place for any kind of leader really, even if its tied helicopter style. as you say nothing is foolproof, the safest way is to not incorporate any leader at all Going back to my point above barbless hooks and lighter hooklinks will improve the safety of any set-up. light hooklengths may help...then again, even what we consider to be light maybe too much for a carp if its tethered with limited movement? barbless hooks, they may be easier to get rid of but then again i've caught fish trailing barbless rigs on more than one occaision, just how easy are they to get rid of? i can't say....can you? swings and roundabouts mate. Banning products is not the way to go - beginners to the sport and experienced alike now have access to information like never before so there are a hell of a lot of good anglers out there (young and old) who not only put fish safety first on the bank, but also in the thinking behind their set-ups. sorry mate i disagree, plenty of information yes but a lot of poor anglers out there, just visit a popular day ticket water and tell me most...not all as it should be, but most can fish leadcore safely If you have reason to suspect that someone is using what YOU deem to be a death-rig, speak to them or inform the baillif who can show them better ways. if i see a poor setup i educate them kev, no fear of that as i am a club bailiff and i see first hand every week just how bad some rigs are Your thoughts seem very shortsighted and misleading - you could always look at the brilliant improvements in fishing practice, but I guess your glass is half empty? short sighted and misleading? errr no i don't think so, truthful observations based on what i see on the bank when fishing and bailiffing not what the latest mag or manufacturers dvd designed to flog this junk wants me to believe
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