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barry211 last won the day on April 6 2024

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  1. i have similar but as said before just use map or drawing pins and they rig will be fine
  2. agree with you, although a strange year for me and probably a few others i wish you all the best and the best of luck next time you are bankside
  3. i have to admit i am a big fan of using a method feeder but then again i came to carp fishing from a course background so was comfortable with it. i have used pva quite a bit as i really like spending the time making bags or sticks whilst watching my rods and never really had many problems but then again i started only using rod hutchinson bags as they worked better but mesh wise i tend to pick up whats on offer at the tackle shop. occasionally and i mean occasionally i do see the odd bag floating away after casting but they never drift far so i reel in and go again targetting that spot where it sunk
  4. didn't go for it first time round and this looks no different for me so i think it will be a pass and i am normally a gadget person
  5. i use 10ft rods on my local water as its kind of small and they work really well they are a sonic vader x and a rod hutchinson one. i do have a shimano 12ft that is yet to have a run out though but i think i will take that to the river next week to see how i get on with it. i don't fish big open waters so the 10ft seems to meet my needfs.
  6. went for pink as it seems to work well where i fish, as others have said though i think season plays a part in that as white does work well in winter for me
  7. i picked up some good walking boots from sports direct as no carp tax and they work just fine for a 'larger' gent
  8. cheers, Marsh Lane not too far about 8 miles but with rivers that could be anything or nothing reckon it will be fun and if i catch anything will put in on catch reports
  9. despite living about a mile or 2 from the Waveney i have never fished it for carp and figured i would spend a day down by it in October, looking at travelling light so i can move about as a nice stretch of the river is right near me. i have checked the old FB pages and what not but wondered if any of you fine peeps have ever given this river a go, i will most likely be up by Marsh Lane end (if you know the area) and only taking a single rod and bag but would it be a 'boilie' type of approach or more sweetcorn and maggots possibly on a float rig. am hoping to see if any silvers are about but the last time i fished the Waveney (30yrs ago) it was all eels and not much over a pound of anything else in the river, will be taking a range of floats, rigs and some weight set-ups so i can change stuff about if needed but just wondered if any one here has some sagely advice
  10. glad you got it sorted though, dogs can be funny with things like that when i had my shoulder surgery i was up a lot at night and ended up sitting downstairs keeping her company as was easier
  11. i get to go fishing so rarely these days i would actually love a day in the rain listening to it and the odd sense of quiet it brings, as for catching though i tend to find i have done really well on my little water after a heavy downpour and often stayed longer than i planned as it has been productive.
  12. ha ha, difficult because as far as i am concerned i go fishing and whether i catch carp or anything its not a blank for me if i land something. i set up for carp but if i catch something else then its just a bonus fish but not a blank good luck with the arguement as i am sure a few of us have had that conversation at some point......
  13. hope things improve, never nice having them done
  14. i came to carp after years of being a maggot drowner and as much as i was clueless to begin with i knew some of the basics of fish care and such like. i picked up some cheaper carp rods after using my feeder set up and from there have used this forum and other places to learn rigs and presentation and am now having loads of fun. i reckon if i had started fishing just going for carp i doubt i would have lasted long at it but follow the aboves advice and i reckon you will have both more fun and luck
  15. personally i have never used a 3 rod set up but as i only go to one water anyway its never been something i have missed. in fairness both my rods have a different bait and set up often i will have one with a pop-up cast away from my second which is usually a method or solid bag set up. sometimes when my daughter comes with me i will have a carp rod out in the middle and then my old course gear set up for float fishing for silvers which can be good fun as never blank with that.
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