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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/24 in Posts

  1. danhfromwales

    South Wales based

    Hey all, I'm Dan from South Wales and started fishing roughly 3 years ago. Wish I had gotten into fishing a lot sooner. My current PB for carp is 14 lbs and hoping to hit the 20 lbs mark this summer.
    1 point
  2. elmoputney

    Bream proof rigs

    Fluoro or semi stiff should be fine, are you using an anti tangle sleeve? They should kick out fine tbh.
    1 point
  3. danhfromwales

    South Wales based

    Ive heard many similar stories especially with pike.
    1 point
  4. framey

    South Wales based

    Pound for pound they knock spots of carp lol imagine a 40lb barbel lol
    1 point
  5. mrmud

    South Wales based

    Took the kids on holiday in a caravan about 10yrs ago and managed to catch a 4lb perch on a tiddler perch. The greedy git wasn't even hooked just wouldn't let go of the little perch lol I'd really like to catch a barbel or few(never caught one). Don't even have to be monsters lol. They're amazing fish.
    1 point
  6. Such a refreshing attitude, purist even. I've had a few specimens of various species, but the two I really want are barbel and perch. My son when he was 10 or so has probably caught a bigger perch than me, and I gave him 2lb, but I look back at the pics and think I robbed him. I made sure he carried scales in his tackle from then on.
    1 point
  7. Thank you. I caught the bug with carp and love all aspects of fishing. Your certainly right when it comes to other species.
    1 point
  8. danhfromwales

    South Wales based

    Thank you, and I can tell already this forum is brimmed with info.
    1 point
  9. Welcome to carp.com. Enjoy your fishing, but go through life remembering that catching 20lb (or even 30lb) carp is a lot easier than catching specimen fish of other species. Take your fishing as it comes, enjoy it, learn from it.
    1 point
  10. I still really like proper jobs, I have loads of pots of pop ups with different liquids and coatings, goos, powders, liquids on them. Match the hatch soaked in matching bait spray and coated with stick mix, proper job KLS unsullied,and now innovates choc orange soaked in minamino are the three I start with, I know they all work 😳 I've tried loads of different ones with wondergredients like goo and I'm yet to be convinced they work any better, I think as others have said, they still need to be in the right place.
    1 point
  11. elmoputney

    Bream proof rigs

    If you are getting tangled by the bream you want to use a stiffish hooklink that resets I would say. Have you thought about using PVA stringers? 😉
    1 point
  12. mrmud

    South Wales based

    Welcome along fella. No doubt you'll be smashing that PB soon with the wealth of knowledge on here. Tight lines
    1 point
  13. greekskii

    Specialized Hookbaits

    I pierce mine so they dont bother me. If anything they feel more secure with the large chunks for me. Funny how the attachment you use can change your view on something so drastically! I would keep buying them but at £20 a pot is the reason I'm looking down the making my own route. Basemix from my bait guy and I can add to it and do what I want then. Probably cost me less than £20 a tub but I havent worked that out yet!
    1 point
  14. kevtaylor

    Specialized Hookbaits

    It's the huge chunks for me, found them difficult to screw on without feeling that they were going to split, too inconsistent. Odd shapes are the best - when we got the rolling wrong we ended up with pillow shapes - these were the best IMO
    1 point
  15. B B

    New purchases

    For all the members that have difficulty owning up to tackle purchases to their better half’s here’s a trick I came across …but be warned tho if you get greedy and abuse the said trick you could end up permanently damaged …
    1 point
  16. framey

    New purchases

    My mrs says we really need to sort your shed out and get rid of some of the fishing gear… ME.. ok we’ll do your boots and shoes first..
    1 point
  17. salokcinnodrog


    My tench gear is 1.75lb test curves, 8 or 10lb line, 6lb hooklinks and hooks between 8 and 12. I do love lift float fishing for them, one or two on buzzers and one on the float. Tench are a lot more wary than carp, so longer hooklinks, smaller baits, sweetcorn, maggots, worms or smaller boilies.
    1 point
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