I struggle to understand how people get confused about whether they have got 10 foot or 12 foot rods. Most distance sticks come with a cord set at 12 foot and I always use it. I do tend to work in wraps and save distances in my notebook using that, it's simple enough to times it by 4 to get yards if you need to. Using metres adds to the confusion!
Exactly this…
6ft, 9ft,13ft rod length makes no difference to a wrap length.
you have no cord
any other way, add up wrong and you could be in a tree or 50 yards short lol
Got the look, could have the build but nah not my type of thing really, I have thought about going to St John's occasionally as a volunteer but never quite found the time.
Weird, once I went back to Firefox I was able to get back on, although on Firefox I do know how to get round snertificatez...
I dislike Google Chrome myself, and hate adverts, and pop-ups.
No you won’t
a wrap could be 1 ft 12 foot or 100 foot
just set them up exactly as you did before using the same distance between them the rod length makes no difference
Nothing yet, I am trying still, I've just messaged them through their website again.will definately call this week.
I've been a little busy this last month with work and kids and in my spare time walking, I racked up 600,000 steps as we are doing the million step challenge at work. I got a little competitive 😂