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bit of a controversial one as ive seen people online moan about using one is cheating but I think the same about bait boats

has anyone got one or used one and if so what do they think because at £200 there not cheap

was thinking of getting one to map my lake and maybe find the winter shoals




Imo they are cheating but I have a couple mates with one and I've also seen an entire lake mapped out with one. What do you want to know?

Mapping is one thing but fish finding fish really is taking the wee wee. Carp fishing is suppose to be hard - that's why it's so rewarding when we catch. I think replacing watercraft with sonar is blasphemy of the highest order lol.

But hey - that's just me. I couldn't live with myself if I caught a special'n that I found with a fish finder that proper anglers had been chasing for months or years.


I have one, Brought it as i only fish nights after/before work. I used it over December/jan to work out the depth of spots (because it was pitch black when i arrived) and i would often flick out zigs during the night.


Meh, Served its purpose of giving me the depth of the lake bed when arriving in pitch black, never used it to find fish so i cant comment on it being any good, have used it probably 3 or 4 times since January during daylight, mainly to confirm that my marker skills were accuate... in terms of feature finding....i dont think i have found a lake interesting enough to find drop offs etc. I will probably start another lake in december, It will come out of the bag again for a few sessions, It will go back in the bag soon as i can see in the evening.....

Save £200.


If I'm honest Harpz, I don't like them at all...…. I've seen them used to good effect a couple of times where guys have emptied a lake in 6 months by finding tight little spots that might otherwise be missed with a marker float...….. I even considered one myself...……. for about 2 seconds...…. After witnessing a 40 on the bank through the use of one...….. There will always be a divided opinion on technology and angling...….. The guys using them and selling them, will tell you they are the best thing since sliced bread...…….. I suppose it depends what you want from your water and angling in general...….. You may learn the topography of a lake quicker, but are you learning to angle better?...….There's something about doing it the hard way, chucking a lead out, feeling for substrates and drop offs and giving it a sniff on retrieval, checking the age of any weed that comes back and looking for naturals within and using all that to catch a fish or gain an inch towards catching one imo…… Old fashioned view to some,. Is it a generation thing? Perhaps...…….. Some waters ban them and I've seen anglers being made less than welcome for using them. Mainly for chucking them out multiple times like a lure angler, while others are fishing...…….. There are a lot of time constraints on peoples everyday lives these days, so I can definitely see the timesaving benefits of using a deeper to map out a lake or an area of a lake...… Some anglers just want to see a fish in the net and get their fish pic, some anglers enjoy the long winding journey..... There in lies the divided opinion on any kind of short cuts...… As always, each to their own...


1 minute ago, B.C. said:

The guys using them and selling them, will tell you they are the best thing since sliced bread...……..

Apart from Ginge……… Lol.

7 minutes ago, B.C. said:

Apart from Ginge……… Lol.

lol, i just dont see the benefit of them if you have daylight on your side, Its the extra gratification you get from catching them doing all the hardwork first. Im getting a lot better at feeling the drop in terms of guessing the depth, that will probably stop me using the deeper in the winter as well. The deeper makes a huge amount of noise when it hits the water, a couple casts of that and im sure you will clear your swim, also it drifts like mad due to the size so at night...in winter when it tends to be pretty windy....wasnt great.


I discipline myself to turn the Fish Finder off , although the fish icons aren't to scale as I understand ; I did turn the Fish Finder on one Winter session which saved me casting into the margins as the fish were shown as grouped up in the middle of the lake .

Also in the Winter when the lake was empty I very quickly mapped a small lake . 

Occassionally  I may make a single cast well past where I intend to fish to quickly check out the lake bottom , and yes I grimace at the splash , but then is it as bad as 2 x 3ozs leads with maybe pva bags plummeting into the water ? .


3 hours ago, yonny said:

I think replacing watercraft with sonar is blasphemy of the highest order lol

Yea I've always thought the same about bait boats and casting/baiting up

Think I'll save my £200 and put it towards some new rods

Spoz if i ever got to the point where I couldn't be bothered to get the marker rod  or have a walk round for a few hours it's time to flog up and by some golf clubs



I've got one, it's very handy, no point in flogging it with a marker rod when a deeper will give you so much more in a fraction of the time😉 I bought a dedicated little android tablet to go with mine so I don't have to use my phone plus I've got a slightly bigger screen to look at which is handy if you need reading glasses like me🙂


I don't like them personally, I can't help but think the further we move into relying on tech the further we move away from natural ability, saying that. If I was already set up fishing and someone turned up next to me with the intent on markering, I think I'd rather they use a deeper. Everybody to their own, if you choose to climb or take the lift up Everest, who am I to argue.

12 hours ago, Gazlaaar said:

Everybody to their own, if you choose to climb or take the lift up Everest

I like that too lol.

Just don't expect to take the lift and get any credit from me !!!🤣


I think using a Deeper Pro does take away to some extent from natural ability.


I can use a marker float to map a swim, and see the fish, that is my ability. I could cast out a Deeper and get the lake mapped in half the time, but it just doesn't get me 'the feel'.


Technology has supposed to be an advancement, and make life easier for us, but at the same time I think it also kills or dulls the natural touch.



I can see the cheating argument and somewhat agree with it, however on the other hand, i have always believed in using the best kit and technology i can for the job at hand.

Personally the way i would look at it is its just another tool which we could have at our disposable. Its a choice if we use it or not and i don't necessarily think it makes anyone a less of an angler for it as using one won't catch you more fish, you still have to angle correctly, it gives you an advantage sure but we would always take every advantage we can get? It's just an advanced version of going out in a boat with a bucket with a clear bottom and using that to look below the surface. 

And remember, predator and sea anglers have been using sonar for years and no one questions their ability! 

I do think everyone should learn the classic ways first, learn the vital skills of watercraft and feature finding with a lead/marker and then if you wanted to, use a deeper pro or a device similar, you'll understand a lot more of what your'e looking at if you learn the old way first imo. 


Just had the green light for some back pay from work from 2017 and gave some thought on getting one. My circumstances are i Work a LOT of extra hours,always have. I’ve been looking at a few club waters some old sand quarry’s 40/50ft deep in places and tbh a deeper would be ideal for my fishing. With still having a youngish family and hectic work life my angling time really is at a premium. If it can give me an extra hr actually fishing then I’m all for it. 😬😎


I remember when I was told that I was cheating because I was using a spare rod with a float setup to check depths. I can also remember old boys saying that the use of bite alarms and as for boilies, well that was beyond the pail.

Times move on, as long as we're all enjoying our angling without affecting others too much what's the problem?

7 hours ago, snowmanstevo said:

Just had the green light for some back pay from work from 2017 and gave some thought on getting one. My circumstances are i Work a LOT of extra hours,always have. I’ve been looking at a few club waters some old sand quarry’s 40/50ft deep in places and tbh a deeper would be ideal for my fishing. With still having a youngish family and hectic work life my angling time really is at a premium. If it can give me an extra hr actually fishing then I’m all for it. 😬😎

a deeper is ideal for you then mate, I fish 6hrs a week usually on a Saturday afternoon, I have to fit in somewhere amongst bivvy anglers with far more time than me then try and nick a bite, with the odds stacked very much against me due to limited time, I grab any edge I can with both hands🙂

Posted (edited)

I once got on my high horse saying that the use of rowing boats and bait boats is cheating, and it took away a lot of the skill, which I still think today. I then had a lot of angry bait boat and rowing boat user/owners waving fists and stamping their feet lol,  who pointed out that I was cheating by using electronic bite alarms, whilst tucked up asleep, leaving my rods automatically fishing haha!

So, now I accept that fishing means different things to different people etc, and as long as nobody is doing any harm, live and let live.

I can see a lot of advantage with the Deeper, maybe too much? 😀

Edited by The Compleat Angler

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