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Started off with combi hair rigs...trimmed the hair off and fitted hook beads n micro swivel also with some putty at the end of the striped back braid...only the 2nd different rig ive used...ever


Thanks common...but di want to keep it simple...1st time usin pop ups too...but should i use the floss to tie round or use it through and blob at the end??

If i use it through will it not take on water and start to gradually sink ??


Thanks guys...still new only couple of months into the carp game..used to be a matchman..mainly bamded pellet all the time..tried mini boilies with method feeder...but geddin on abit know😁😁.

Have these rigs also with just hairs on upto 16mm baits..

Ronnies n chods can wait when more confident..maybe summer..dont fix wots not broke.

Cheers guys


As said. Multi rigs are even simpler for pop ups. I use them religiously. pop ups and balanced baits. Can't go wrong.

your rigs will work but in my opinion the pop up is set too high, if you're fishing over scattered boilies over light weed and silt then yes, have the pop up set that high. But then your hooklink looks too short. It will just get dragged in to it and ask the hookpoint. If fishing over harder bottom I'd want the pop up shorter, just over the hook height. 

Id also recommend using a chod hook for pop ups not a long shank. It will grab the lip better


Personally speaking I think you have decreased the hooking potential with the angled kicker.  If you draw a line from the top of the kicker to the hook point your see how much you have closed off the hook & now have quite a narrow margin for the hook to grab .


Korda Kaptor Curve size 6/8 any better...just ordered 2 lots of 10 in each size...gonna change the tube colour n braid to brown as the lake i fish is a clay bottom..


my personal choice would have been for a curve shank, maybe a mugga #4, i dont like the point on the Kaptor it looks like it was sharpened with a pencil sharpener so it is a round point on a squared off wire section?

i always reprofile my hooks to a tro-car style, much more effective.


Hello Highy

IMO if you can tie rigs like the ones you have shown you can easily tie a Ronnie Rig , or as Greekskii says a Multi Rig .

Personally I would go for a Gardner Mugga Sz. 6 and have the Hook Stop set lower down the hook shank opposite the point of the hook . I'm also a floss man , using a Hook Ring Swivel .


On 6 October 2017 at 21:18, LJC carper said:

Why make things more complicated than they need to be? What are them rigs achieving that a standard hair rig wouldnt? Not saying they wont work but i just think keeping things simple works best.

I'm the same as LJC, don't make things more complicated than they need to be. A standard knotless knotted rig probably catches most of the carp each week, and works for bottom baits and pop-ups.

They look like pop-up rigs, with movement, but as Vik says, the pop-up may have too much separation from the hook. For pop-ups, I prefer the bait tight to the hook, although a long hair can cause confusion as per Bill Cottam and Brian Garner when The Mangrove was first opened up.


My go-to pop-up (and snowman) is often a D-rig, (and often on a longer shank hook), a bit of movement, it resets and hookholds are usually nailed properly. 

Me personally, I tie pop-ups on, although I recently had a revelation with that as I have been meshing baits. Mesh the bait, a twist of braid (dental floss) and knot it, leave the tag ends, then cut the mesh and lighter tag it. Using the braid tie the pop-up to a rig ring on the D-rig. 


The bait screws are brilliant, don't get me wrong, but crayfish can remove the bait without your knowledge, or any indication.

Last year on Nazeing they were so bad, even meshed pop-ups got munched! I ended up using wooden balls as 'permanent' pop-ups with a blooming great match anglers olivettes as the counterweight. In fact I ended up with tench over 12 and carp to 28lb doing that.




For my pop up presentations I tend to use these.....


There's an accompanying video on that page if you click on the link. Very easy to use.

I thread the rubber part that forms the D through a bait screw with a rig ring attached. Can get that well hidden within the pop up and doesn't weigh too much

I also use these instead of putty or split shot to hold them down.....


Nice and neat.

11 minutes ago, Highy said:

Aligners look easier to use than tying the 'D'..might invest in a few..

They are a doddle. Even I can use them!!

If you are going with a size 6 or 4 hook you'll need the "large" size. Anything smaller hookwise, go with the "small".


Just now, Highy said:

I tens to use size 8/6...but at moment favouring size 6 Korda Kaptor curve...

"Large" it is then Mush.

As I say, they are really simple. I thread a bait screw onto the D rather than a ring. Just prefer to mount my pop ups like that.



Personally chaps this rig talk is completely useless. I'm fairly retentive when it comes to rigs, gotta look right, sit right etc. Then a big blow, my mate who just chucks any old rig on goes and catches a 30lb common last week on a blow back rig used with a pop up!!!! Single shot, very agricultural too, pre made rig as well. So work that out lads

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