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from scotland to leicester

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hi folks, recently joined the forum but until now ive only really been reading through and not posting, basically the majority of my fishing has been done in scotland, now 20s up the road are few and far between, the majority of my fishing in scotland has beenon a 2achre college sports fisherie, very heavy weed with no clear spots apsrt from margins and one side of an island, the fish carp wise were reletivly un known weight wise, i fished this venue from fri night to sunday afternoon every weekend reliously for about 2 and a half year, and only managed a handfull of fish, the biggest at 17lb 4 oz, the fish were easy to find but getting them off the naturals and onto a bait was somewhat of a problem, having moved to leicester and life getting in the way i hadnt managed to get out fishing in 5 years, ive walked round the place in scotland while visiting famiy and spoke to an other angler( which was a suprice as i never seen another angler in the 2.5 years i fished it,) he told me he had had 3 twentys from there, all off which ive had a few years previous but all as mid doubles, so that was a bit of a kick in the teeth haha, other waters were Lanark but not being able to drive at the time and it being an hour and a  half away was a no go with fintry being even further,


now living in Leicester and being able to drive and being bang at the fishing again, I'm in search of somewhere to hep me bag my first 20, I'm currently fishing a friends private lake which does hold 3/4 fish over 20 but I just cant seem to get amongst them, I'm doing wellwith high doubles but still not tripped up one of the target fish I'm after,


my question for you guys are what other waters are there in Leicester I can fish, I'm talking decent waters, that wont be filled with every dick of the day etc, hope I will get a few suggestions as I don't know the area to well fish wise yet,


sorry for the long winded post just thought id let you know a bit of my fishing background as I know I wouldn't tell someone of any places I knew to fish if I didn't know anything about them


look forward to your replies


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 Please to explain "Bin Dipper"


its a slang name for someone from Leicester matey (the home team are nicked the foxes) also called chizits (cos they are always saying ar much iz it?) bean bellys and Rat Eyes from the roman name of ratae for leicester.

hope i cleared that up for ya :lol:


and will you please stop changing your avatar, its doin me ed Grrrr!

Edited by cyborx
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its a slang name for someone from Leicester matey (the home team are nicked the foxes) also called chizits (cos they are always saying ar much iz it?) bean bellys and Rat Eyes from the roman name of ratae for leicester.

hope i cleared that up for ya :lol:


and will you please stop changing your avatar, its doin me ed Grrrr!


Yep clear as mud mate.....


Avatar stays now till we be OUT lol

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Leicester foxes?

Urban foxes raid bins?

they lift the lid and dip their nose in?

they are bin dippers :twisted:



and see what you mean about the avatar bud, me likey :lol:


Now mud clear and understandy.

Just need Steve to work out how to employ the Avatar and we're golden :) but i suspect he's stuck in the Teletext era :(

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hi folks, recently joined the forum but until now ive only really been reading through and not posting, basically the majority of my fishing has been done in scotland, now 20s up the road are few and far between, the majority of my fishing in scotland has beenon a 2achre college sports fisherie, very heavy weed with no clear spots apsrt from margins and one side of an island, the fish carp wise were reletivly un known weight wise, i fished this venue from fri night to sunday afternoon every weekend reliously for about 2 and a half year, and only managed a handfull of fish, the biggest at 17lb 4 oz, the fish were easy to find but getting them off the naturals and onto a bait was somewhat of a problem, having moved to leicester and life getting in the way i hadnt managed to get out fishing in 5 years, ive walked round the place in scotland while visiting famiy and spoke to an other angler( which was a suprice as i never seen another angler in the 2.5 years i fished it,) he told me he had had 3 twentys from there, all off which ive had a few years previous but all as mid doubles, so that was a bit of a kick in the teeth haha, other waters were Lanark but not being able to drive at the time and it being an hour and a half away was a no go with fintry being even further,


now living in Leicester and being able to drive and being bang at the fishing again, I'm in search of somewhere to hep me bag my first 20, I'm currently fishing a friends private lake which does hold 3/4 fish over 20 but I just cant seem to get amongst them, I'm doing wellwith high doubles but still not tripped up one of the target fish I'm after,


my question for you guys are what other waters are there in Leicester I can fish, I'm talking decent waters, that wont be filled with every **** of the day etc, hope I will get a few suggestions as I don't know the area to well fish wise yet,


sorry for the long winded post just thought id let you know a bit of my fishing background as I know I wouldn't tell someone of any places I knew to fish if I didn't know anything about them


look forward to your replies


Welcome to the forum Steven , nice introduction matey .

Ignore those heathens above :)

Bin dippers is in fact a term that us Londoners use when referring to inhabitants of a certain English city .

But I won't say which one cos one of the lads on here hails from there or thereabouts and I want him to like me :) :) :) :) :)

Just rest assured it's not Leicester . Or Scotland :wink:

Edited by newmarket
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Welcome to the forum Steven , nice introduction matey .

Ignore those heathens above :)

Bin dippers is in fact a term that us Londoners use when referring to inhabitants of a certain English city .

But I won't say which one cos one of the lads on here hails from there or thereabouts and I want him to like me :) :) :) :) :)

Just rest assured it's not Leicester . Or Scotland :wink:

It's me.

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cheers ive had a quick look at the link but will have a better look later when i get bit more time,

Well worth a look, i was going to head over that way a few years back, but found similar waters closer to home.

Are you a Weegy? see the river Clyde is said to have a few thirty pound in it.

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I too live in Leics. There are various waters around that I would consider to be OK at best. All busy, not much to get excited about. There are one or two genuinely good syndicates but they're difficult to get on.

My advice is to head an hour south to the Nene Valley, there's numerous day ticket, club and syndicate waters offering some of the best carp fishing in the country IMO. Spend a couple of seasons fishing the right waters in the Valley and you'll think a 20 is a small one.


A decent starting point for a 20 would be Stanwick Lakes. They have several day ticket waters; Mallard/Swan are great for bagging up with the chance of a 20. Elsons is more challenging but if you get a bite there's a great chance it'll  be 20 lb. Some proper nice lookers in there too. Easy journey from Leics as well: M1, A14, A45.

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