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Everything posted by hutch

  1. Only thing left to do is get some knocked up and head down the pond, nothing beats catching on something you have put together yourself.
  2. They look good mate, have they held there firmness ? , just remember if they have gone soft (which isnt a bad thing) and your water has a population of silvers they will nibble them down. Easily fixed by making a one egg batch of hardened hookbaits.
  3. It purely depends on the mix mate, i couldnt leave my current mix in the fridge overnight it would be to stiff to gun out. TBH i just leave for an hour tops if im just doing 6 eggs or just roll it straighty away.
  4. Not used it personally, if it looks anything like this stuff then you should be good to go, looks like its best used at low levels though. Have listened to a couple of things about bovine and its attractivness for carp. https://www.feedstim.com/amino-acids/l-proline-46.html
  5. hutch


    I find the UAV Forecast app useful for judging flying conditions as well. It will tell you if the weather in your area at the time is suitable to fly.
  6. hutch


    Youll have loads of fun with it mate I found this guys videos very helpful when working out what is what and he also does a few vids on the new drone regulations and breaks them down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v6h2_HfTP6g
  7. hutch


    No probs Yes the fly more combo is worth the extra, just having the spare batteries etc.... As of Jan you still need to license the mini 2 due to the quality of the camera. You might also need insurance for commercial use. With the venue being on private land you would still need some form of permission be that via the club or land owner
  8. hutch


    Not that I am an experienced drone pilot but do own a Mini 2 for personal use. You need to look at the flight restrcitions the rules change once you get over 249g (Class 0), you will need an operator license (£9 a year) and a flighers license (free), other things that come into play would be things like other anglers on the lake at the time (in some curcumstances you would need there permission before flying), is the lake on public or private land etc.. , if the pit is hit had by wind is another thing as we fish in much stronger conidtions than would be classed as acceptable to fly in, the list could go on. With regards to the drone one with a decent camera and probably some form of polarizing filters which help take the glare off the water would help.
  9. He has a point to a degree the flavour market is a very mixed bag these days, in years gone by the rule of thumb was as quoted but some of the flavours on the market do little or nothing and some hold some attractive qualties. Alkaline flavours seem to be able to be utilised at higher levels than a good acidic based flavour. JB's flavours are generally very good quality and are highly concentrated so his low levels that he suggests are warranted.
  10. Making a bait is about balance, ings are mainly broken down into non soluble, soluble and semi soluble. You can usually make a bait between 15-20% soluble, as the water works it way into the boilie all the good stuff from your liquids and soluble ings is push out into the water and that is what will trigger the carp to investigate, the rest come into play when the bait is eaten. The key is balance if you aim for around 35-40% protien content is a general mark most people work to.
  11. So first up work out your liquids and powders seperately, if i am looking at doing a recipe i will work quantities out based on 1 kilo of powdered mix. Looking at the above powders 200g fishmeal is good you can go to 300g if you wanted, the Krill maybe to high depending on how good the krill meal is, as Nick alluded to it can make the bait float if to much is added (some shrimp meals can have the same effect), Semo, Chickpea & Maize are all doing the same job pretty much. There is not much in the way of soluble ingredients in there look at CSCP 90 if your building a fishmeal most common inclusion is around 10% (or 100g), I would want some form of CLO type product in there and possibly some milks (300g Fishmeal and 50g WPC 80 pretty much cover the daily requirements nutritional wise). Fruit powders tend to be very potent there usual inclusion is around the 5g mark per kg 20g could well be overkill. 50g RR is fine you might adjust depending how red you would like the finished bait (although RR is not what it was try and located some Kingfisher Red will save you some cash). Liquids look fine 50ml Hydro and 10ml of Oil . Number of eggs can vary on the mix 6-8 Large Eggs normally serves a kilo of bait They work, the problem is if you add to much the mix will be tricky to roll. Depending on how course your mix is before adding you could get away between 10-20%
  12. To be fair most pop ups on the market are designed not to be ingestied (its in the small print usually), technically they have probably detected the fact that your bait is attached to something eg. your rig before working out the bait has a cork ball in it.
  13. Depends what it is you want to know ? There is plenty of information out there in various forums, bait groups on social media and podcasts. I wouldnt spend £110 on anything like that IMO.
  14. Just out of interest mate what were you looking for from the answers to your question. e.g. Commons coming out on certain moon phases ?
  15. Just to turn this one on its head its been the Mirrors on my water and non of the bigger commons have been out so far.
  16. hutch


  17. From the album: Captures

  18. Those swivels look a bit large for hookring swivels, are you using floss and a fine baiting needle to thread the baits on or are you just pushing them on to the swivel ? The baits are designed for use just out of the bag, i dont use sticky baits but if remember correctly there are a touch on the soft side (not a bad thing i prefer a softer bait), but if your mounting on a swivel/bait screw might be worth looking at the accompanying hard hookbaits that match.
  19. Another fan of the tungsten loaded semi stiff, if i have to use a braid for say like a PVA bag Kryston Super Nova (I still have the original).
  20. The lads on my lake have used them for quite some time, the fish that were stocked a couple years ago were feed these at the farm they came from. I really like the look of the Master pellets the profile stacks up pretty well for all year round use.
  21. Something like this would more than likely put some fish on the bank 350g LT94 250g CLO 100g CPSP 90 100g Acid Caesin 80g Lactalbumin 20g Kelp Pop down the supermarket and grab a bag of fine semolina and add it at 100g will give you a kilo, I suggest you mix it up and just try mixing a 1 egg mix first to make sure it binds ok. Just remember to post any fish in the Catch Report thread.
  22. Looking at the description posted on here its protein profile will come from Pea Protein Isolate (PP and is used in the aquatic industry as a fishmeal replacement) combined with the refined milks which when used in combination (acid & rennet caesin produce a good profile when combined maybe even in conjunction with wpc80), the yeast willmore than likely be Brocacel (digestion aid) or i know some people that are utilising high Nucleotide Yeast (more solubility and amino profile). The cheese smell could be a good quality cheese powder (normally blue cheese powder) which was a in the original Grange Mix. Hope that helps.
  23. I love a read of some the old carp fishing texts, whats your favourite 😀 Take it your not a fan of the current string of social media stars 🤣
  24. Not a fan of the baiting pyramid then Seeing as the point of the forum is to share knowledge why don't you try enlightening us of some the less fashionable alternatives
  25. Pretty much the same as Vik, I sometimes double bag to stop freezer burn but always add a drop of hydro to the bag before placing in the freezer, as they defrost the boilies draw the hydro in so your pumping out attraction from the off.
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