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    crusian got a reaction from finchey in come on then, what pets you got or would like   
    Well George is better looking ! .
  2. Like
    crusian reacted to kevtaylor in come on then, what pets you got or would like   
    My best mate George - looking out for fish in the bushes 😂
    It wouldn't be the same without him

  3. Like
    crusian got a reaction from yonny in terminal tackle help   
    Ta , Yonny 
    That simplifies / makes things cheaper for me ! .

  4. Like
    crusian reacted to salokcinnodrog in terminal tackle help   
    Tin hat time...
    Please don't get me started on Korda Kra...
    Seriously for years I used black tulip beads, black run rings, although now I'm using khaki coloured run rings. My leads are a flecked green, or brown, or grey, my hooklink swivels are black, although I must insist that some tackle manufacturer makes me a khaki green and brown flecked swivel...
    You think how many carp were caught on John Roberts rig beads, stiff tubing and uncoated leads, with a length of black Dacron and a bright shiny Drennan Super Specialist hook.
  5. Like
    crusian reacted to cloud9 in Hair rigs (or something different)   
    Keep to what you know buddy don't change anything until you need to , if you're missing bites or just not getting any then it's time to have a rethink.......
  6. Like
    crusian reacted to hutch in The Corn Ball was not meant to be :(   
    This is a very rough guide, which won't have you spending a lot of money to get you started.
    40% Blitzed Trout pellets (down to a Powder)
    10% Micronized Wheat (Baileys Number 1)
    20% Soya Flour
    20% Semolina 
    10% Blitzed Bread or Birdfood if you can get some.
    Use eggs then add the liquidised corn until you get a bound ball, I'm a bit unsure of the inclusion rate of liquidised sweetcorn as I have never used it and other people I have asked have used either corn syrup or Nash sweet corn extract. Might be worth draining some of water off the liquidised corn you will probably get somewhere around 50ml - 100ml of it in (pure guess work)
  7. Like
    crusian got a reaction from yonny in MAINLINE what is everyone using?   
    Thanks for all your comments fellas .
    That's interesting what you are saying CM ; for years I have always thought the " lilies " with the " buttercup " looking yellow flowers and noticeably different shaped leaves ,  were Kingcups . However , recently Ray Mears called them Yellow Lilies . 
    So I'm thinking as there seems to be different polite opinions as to whether " Lilies " are abrasive or not , perhaps it's all down to varieties ? .

  8. Like
    crusian reacted to hutch in Coated or Uncoated Hooklength ?   
    Was that his 90's rave name 
    Thats what i was getting at, you have given an example where its just the hook section that will reset, for me as long as the hookbait presentation is reset your still fishing, so not all rigs have to fully straighten out to be effective.  
  9. Like
    crusian reacted to yonny in Coated or Uncoated Hooklength ?   
    From what I heard I think that means they (TAG - who recently bought Kryston out) found a cheaper alternative to sell at the same price lol.... I expect to see 'upgraded' versions of most of their products in the near future.
    IMO - yes, a coated braid will help reduce tangles with any bait, not just a pop up (although for resetting a pop up is defo best).
    That is quite an extreme measure; Boom is just about the stiffest link available, only suitable for clean bottom IMO. I think a coated braid would be a better option, more forgiving on most substrates.
    ESP Tungsten Loaded is the best coated braid I've found, it's not cheap but it's a step above the others on the market IMO.
  10. Like
    crusian reacted to salokcinnodrog in Coated or Uncoated Hooklength ?   
    I honestly can't remember the last time I cast out a braided, either coated or uncoated hooklink that wasn't Kryston. It must have been some time around the 1990's!
    Silkworm, Merlin, SuperNova, 3 absolutely brilliant hooklink materials, although I did stop using Silkworm as I found it was buoyant and lifted off the lakebed. Saying that, almost every hooklink loops up unless weighted down.
    I tried using No Tangle, using it to stiffen or even create a concertina extending hooklink, and to be honest, as good as it was or is, I decided against the faffing.
    To reduce tangles I simply resort to PVA stringers, bags or mesh, even with braided hooklinks. 
    I've given a couple of clues here, the weighted down hooklink and the PVA.
    I didn't find that the hooklink tangled, even if it was moved a fair distance. The hook itself sits on the lakebed with a bait about 15mm away from the hook on a hair. It actually takes the bait being picked up or rolled a long distance to move the hook, and with a line aligned hook, it takes the hook and bait being rolled over 180 degrees.
    If the bait is actually picked up, then it should be a fish large enough to get hooked. 
    I found that there is a definite limit to plain uncoated braided hooklinks, and that is crayfish. Those little gits will tangle it, they also manage to take chunks out of coated braid coatings. With crayfish, and me using combi-rig hooklinks, I still use Amnesia in clear 20 or 30lb as my upper section.
  11. Like
    crusian reacted to Nathan in JRC "Contact" Barrow.....   
    Ah ok thanks for coming back to me on this. I still haven't made my mind up on the Barrow yet, i've seen a few places doing it for about £85 which is good value, but not if I stack it and end up going down a bank
  12. Like
    crusian reacted to ianain in New Polaroids   
  13. Like
    crusian reacted to dayvid in compact,decent budget alarms   
    You wont go far wrong with a pair of ...
    Fox Micron M+ Bite Alarms  at around £50 for a pair
  14. Like
    crusian reacted to yonny in Carp Line   
    Bear in mind it's a mirror image and your reel has to load clockwise therefore the line should come off the spool anti clockwise.
  15. Like
    crusian reacted to greekskii in Multi rig critique   
    I will only use the multi rig. Great rig. Yours looks good. I mould the putty around the knot but that's personal preference. I also use a stiff material for the pop up section. 
    Hope the pic works. Been deadly for me. Had many a fish over the last few years on the multi. 

  16. Like
    crusian reacted to chillfactor in Carp Line   
    Personally I think coiling of any line is down to how you load it on your spool....rather than the line itself. 
    Unless it's on a reel that's not been used for some time. 
  17. Like
    crusian reacted to Nutcracker in Bivvy question.   
    Before saying i like the look of this etc etc ask yourself what you need it to do and then we can guide you in the right direction.
    Day shelter ?
    Overnighter ?
    Week session ? 
    Space and weight ?
    Ease of setup ? 
    Overwrap ? 
    Brolly system ?
    Pram hood ?
    Vents ?
    Storage space ? 
    Rod holders ? 
    Will it fit a wide boy ? 
    1 man or 2 man ? 
    1 man and 2 women ? 
    So many factors without knowing what you need it for its hard to give anymore info.
  18. Like
    crusian got a reaction from chillfactor in MAINLINE what is everyone using?   
    Many thanks for the review Chill 

  19. Like
    crusian got a reaction from yonny in MAINLINE what is everyone using?   
    As a Ginger Haired Gentleman , what's wrong with the lovely Coppery  Colour ? . 
  20. Like
    crusian reacted to ianain in Snowman   
    Size is not the issue (as such), it's all down to the buoyancy of the top bait compared to the density of the bottom bait. As they can vary there is not a set formula based on size alone.
    Just experiment and try them out in the margins to get some idea of how they might sit when cast out.
  21. Like
    crusian reacted to cloud9 in Test   
    thats one way of getting the swim you want !!!! 
  22. Like
    crusian reacted to ianain in Mainline Balanced Wafters   
    My rigs can look quite childish as well, so don't be put off, they still catch
    There should be a bit where he explains how she adjusts them to suit - it would be difficult to produce that effect at all depths, might be easier to shave your boilie a bit, the alternative is to add extra weight to your hook maybe putty or a split shot.
  23. Like
    crusian reacted to yonny in bed chair , light n comfy ,   
    Doesn't that mean we're all average height and you're a short-git*?
  24. Like
    crusian got a reaction from yonny in bed chair , light n comfy ,   
    So I can't catch anything bigger than a scraper double , and I'm short .
    I haven't got a lot going for me then .
    I think I'll take up Bird Watching .

  25. Like
    crusian reacted to salokcinnodrog in bed chair , light n comfy ,   
    Why do you think I work at Gladwells? 
    Some of those horsey types
    Especially in the summer...
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