When I was on dinton one particular angler wanted to name every fish it seemed and some of the names were ludicrous. An example of some of the names,
Rudd mouthed linear, two sides (all Carp have 2 sidesπ), the bay fish (because he caught it from the car park bay), heart tail (haven't they nearly all got tails that are heart shaped in some way). Then he would add extra names to already named fish. On dinton if you caught a new 40lber you got to name it. A mate of mine caught one but he wasn't fussed about naming it but it ended up being named after his nickname which was sid. Sid was then called sid the pig by this other angler as it put on 1lb by its next capture, it's a carp for god sake. He wasn't the first angler to add extra names to already named fish mind. A fish called The long linear became Bernies linear, astra became astra max, not that I called them that, I stuck to their original names.
I think half of it is to name a carp for the sake of it as that angler wants to be known for naming a carp π.
There's never going to be another Mary, Black mirror, shoulders, Heather, bazil etc , just stick to mirror, common and leather.
Though now I do sea fishing I get to name a fair few of my fish , they are either called lunch or dinner .