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Everything posted by elmoputney

  1. I heard carp can get addicted to wheat in bait, which makes sense as I flipping love bread 😁
  2. Bit like joining a religious cult taking up golf, start off hitting a ball round then end up being a member of the church of scientology and the KKK 😬🙄
  3. That's a bit extreme, you would need a new thermos flask with a cup and saucer for that hobby 😁
  4. I'm about the same, I started off the year losing nearly 2 stone then put it all back on and some since, and I think I am right up there with a new PB, this has got to be my no1 goal this year, maybe we could start a fishermans fat club thread where we are all accountable 😁
  5. It's one of the best things to eat though I do love a bacon sarnie and a cuppa 🥓😍 Funnily enough I've made a beef saag to take to work with me today, I was even a good boy and made some for the misses 😂
  6. I am also Maybe a bit too much lol, I almost preferred it when I could hate them with impunity now I think they could be a really useful tool, i might just stick to my guns though lots of people are using them on my lake, I did well enough last year and I think it's always good to be a bit different, throwing stick, airbomb,spomb, catapult they are my baiting tools, and my weapon will be heavy baiting this year 🤔🙄😬
  7. If I could be bothered to make my own that's probably how I would do it to 😂
  8. Even though its been a tough old year, I feel pretty positive still overall as I say to my kids you just need to put your Icando pants on and make it happen 😏
  9. Good luck Need to aim big 😂 I decided I don't want to stay to stay on this lake forever, 1 more season is all I want to do, a 30 has always been the challenge, there is a few in there so by going through the numbers hopefully I can get one on the bank and catch plenty more on the way 😂😉
  10. My 3 goals for next year 30lb + carp and to catch more than 13 from the big lake, both are gonna happen 😜😂😁😍👍 And the big one got to lose weight and be healthier, I've been feeling a bit ill lately I have a phone chat with the docs today about my blood test results, I think that's a sign things need to change currently 21st need to be about 4st lighter I reckon, I'm getting old now and need to start looking after myself properly 😩
  11. I don't wish to be rude but surely you need to know how to make decent pop ups before you start a specialist commercial hook bait business, To make them perfectly round they probably use a boilie rolling machine, and to make them smell nice they probably boost the flavours once they are boiled with a booster liquid, or roll them and boil them unflavoured and add the flavours afterwards
  12. I only had a look at shallow once but caught it on a good day, its a lovely looking water isn't it, lagoon always seemed busy when I was on there, I think if I was to rejoin I would try meadow I think, I would be totally out my depth but that's kind of the appeal 😂
  13. Probably best to avoid it, wouldn't be much fun having an allergic reaction like that tbh,
  14. How's it been going on St Ives? I always like Joe Morgans content tbh, seems a real decent bloke of all the new subscriptions I would probably prefer his to all the others
  15. 7. 99 a month, its good if you haven't subscribed before as there are loads of old episodes to wade through 👍
  16. Well don't do it before the Christmas giveaway 😏 I'm watching through all the episodes still so I'm still enjoying it, I haven't watched any of the short films yet but I think I will have seen a lot from the episodes
  17. Just speaking as I find it's a great series of films, 👍
  18. Not sure if anyone subscribes to cypography, but I have been really enjoying the Hunter with Jim Shelley, so much can be learnt watching him in action, I haven't watched them all yet but I'm getting there 😁
  19. I don't think it does that much tbh you still have to get the fish to take the bait all it helps with is finding points of Interest to feed them on,
  20. I've come to terms with modern technology recently, especially as most of the great anglers of our time seem to adopt them in one form or another, they are just tools, for me I just want to catch fish, if a sonar helps me find some good spots in a very weedy water quicker and with less disturbance to work on then so be it, I know I will still work hard at my angling, will still be prebaiting regularly and still learning as I go, they don't catch the fish for you, but they give you a quicker insight into the topography of the lake bed, you still need to locate the fish on the day, create a feeding situation and believe it or not still use some watercraft or you still won't catch them, That's where I am at today anyway, I've even started to turn my head towards the advantage of bait boats in some situations and I used to hate them 😁
  21. I haven't got one or any bait boat for that matter, but people do seem to give it good reviews
  22. You wouldn't need to walk the lake just let the drone do all the work 😏
  23. I have seen people using boats far more effectively than what I've been doing lately, it does start to make you think, I had a little play with my new deeper the other day, mapped out 3 swims far quicker than I previously would I'm coming round to modern technology, I don't think it's a total solution and you still need a lead to check the bottom but it will save casting a lead so much to find the potential spot in the first place,
  24. Gonna play devil's advocate here 😂 200 for a baiting pole or an actor bait boat £200 both deliver your bait and rig to a required spot, bait boat is probably a better tool as it can go further and dare I say it with about as little disturbance,and probably easier to use too, however a bait boat is cheating and a pole is fair game, funny old world we live in isn't it 😂
  25. That would be a lot less faffing about I think
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