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Everything posted by canontroop

  1. Some sort of world record! That is one amazing stat! Wheres the Guinness book peoples number!
  2. Rafa knows the score
  3. Other than the hole all hooks cause! Barbless hooks were designed for speed of unhooking in matches. They have no place in carp fishing. You will find that a lot of the better clubs, syndicates or day ticket waters will not allow their use.
  4. Why use braid on a spod rod? I use 12lb BigGame mainline and a very thick shock leader, cant remember the breaking strain of top of me head but must be 40lb! Never had it crack off ever!
  5. Nothing constructive! The above was very helpful pointing out what kind of venue it may or may not be! We all draw our own lines in the sand where rules are concerned. I've seen barbless hooks make a mess of a large carps mouth and consequently would never use them meaning I would never fish a venue with such a stupid rule.
  6. Both run to make lots and lots of money! Twits? Dont know but Barston does have a no surface fishing rule, thats a joke and could quite easily have been made up by a twit! The fact they both have barbless rules tells me a lot and i'd visit neither place, more room for guys like you who would!
  7. Both point of view really. Barbless hooks were not invented for large fish. The match lads started using barbless in the name of speed. I think, as do others, that they cause more damage to a large carp than a barbed do and being as I dont particularly like sticking a hook in any animal I like to keep the damage to a minimum. Im also of the opinion that clubs/venues etc that strictly enforce a barbless rule are shortsighted and in the case of clubs usually run by matchmen, venues just by people in it for the money alone. The 'no nuts' rule doesnt sit well with me either. A blanket ban aimed at the percentage of anglers who'd be stupid enough to use too many or use them dry, if people are stupid enough to make such basic mistakes then that percentage shouldnt be fishing for carp. No shelf life baits either, dont get it, most shelf lifes are good baits just with a capfull of preservative. All these nonsense rules would really put me off a place, and if someone asked me to reel in to see my rigs??!! I go fishing to fish and relax, not be monitored like I was in school. Each to their own tho..
  8. Rules-Barbless hooks....Always wary of places that have a barbless only rule. To me it shows they aint really got a clue and you dont want to travel so far only to find the place is run by a twit!
  9. I believe the owner has plans for the place which according to chinese whispers include filling it in for development, joining both lakes together and opening a day ticket or making it syndicate, selling the carp and concreting over it! Bottom line I believe is fishing is currently not allowed, time will tell what will become of the place.
  10. Late reply here but oh well! There are 7 Syndicate books. Read through them all 3 times now and I have to say not only are they the most enjoyable fishing related books ive ever read but the most enjoyable novel/fiction books ive ever read! Funny, charming, well written books which have had me belly laughing on many occasion, i'll just say when Rambo has the spat with Spunker it is one of the funniest things ive ever read! You wont learn much about angling so if thats your main reason for reading stay clear. If you want a great, hilarious, addictive read then look no further. a strong 10/10!
  11. V1's, i'd sleep nearer the rods and toss 'em in the lake! Never much cop V1's.
  12. I caught the fish of a lifetime in Cheshire, 22lb of fantastic mirror carp, directly descended from the original stocking from The Surrey Trout Farm. To some people their fish of a lifetime is not necessarily their biggest..
  13. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=scappa+ramsbottom Second hit down. Postcode is BL0 0NT Stick that in Google Earth and you can see the lake. Sorry, no details of who runs it.
  14. Ashton canal has some good carp in it. Rhino Anglers, old Knott Hill Res. up Mossley Road (matchmen water, I lasted 2 trips but still, got good carp in it) Rainwater as mentioned elsewhere. Tanners Dam Greenfield. Debdale Res, big fish, also big local issues! Stockport Fed waters, Compstall is a bus ride, Poynton 2 buses. No night fishing tho. They will be keen on this this year and are prosecuting I believe. If you can get a lift what about Pilsworth, Middleton Anglers, Clifton, Bradshaws if you aint after huge fish, Sale water park, Chorlton WP. Theres loads of good fishing around Greater Manchester.
  15. Audenshaw Reservoirs are no fishing at all. If you do fancy a look then make sure you wouldnt miss any of the tackle you take with you as it will get confiscated if you are caught. Not worth the hassle in my opinion.
  16. Nothings been coming out, it has been frozen for weeks though and impossible to fish just the same as everywhere else.
  17. It hasnt been re-stocked so all depends on how many survived the fish kill.
  18. Isnt it no fishing? Or do you mean Debdale?
  19. I thought it was absolutely utterly rubbish! Totally un-entertaining! Just goes to show how opinions can vary. Hutchies 'Carp Along the Way' books which I read after Bill Cottams are a great read. There isnt a page goes by when you dont laugh!
  20. Suncream, dont forget the suncream. Even tho its May, it could be roasting!
  21. Yay! Mine'll be a fat one, boiled for 20 minutes!
  22. Hemp, lots of hemp Carp love it!
  23. Theres a few waters around Manchester of worth. Not many in Oldham/Rochdale though. Theres Sale Water Park, Chorlton, Stockport Fed waters Poynton Pool and Compstall, Clifton. Ogden Res in Newhey has carp in it, Hollingworth Lake if you really fancy a challenge. Debdale Res has some allegedly huge carp in it. Even the Ashton canal has carp in it, location is the issue there. The Goyt in Stockport has barbel and chub to a decent size so theres more than just carp fishing to be had locally. Some of the locations mentioned above have some 'issues' with the locals so you'd need to go have a look round see what you think.
  24. Driven past Motorway Pond a lot recently. Only seen it from the motorway but from what I can see it looks stunning! Wish it was a touch nearer to me.
  25. Could you make it 10 acres bigger, 1 acre is a touch small
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