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Everything posted by 666carpcatcher

  1. Poor drawing i know but was it something like this???
  2. Good idea The 2 best places i know for free fishing have both had it stopped this year one of them has been bought by a bloke who runs a caravan site just down road, and its now gone day ticket (its worth free fishing, but i wouldnt pay to fish it) And the other, 2 swan's were found dead on the water last year, and instantly the anglers got the blame (even though you get every tom, dick and henry down there, and as it leads onto feilds you get people down there with air riffles and the like ) But if i think of any more i will add them
  3. Wait untill you have your new camera then as watching (or trying to watch) a poor quality video gets very boreing/irritating very quickly
  4. Yes you want a nice snug fit normally a size 7 or 8 swivel fits perfectly! Left of the pic to the right! Rig swivel, Lead clip, Tail rubber (im guessing its the tail rubber your after? Also remember to wet the lead clip before ushing the tail on and also only lightly push the tail on unless your chucking a long distance then you may need to push it on a little further as the lead can come free on the cast! you should be able to pull the lead free from the clip (whilst the tail is on) without to much pressure
  5. Correct! iv used it for the last year and bit now, superb stuff, supple, strong and as Paul says takes on the colour of the bottom your fishing over
  6. Hi mate welcome to the forum I have moved the topic to Uk where to fish, hopeing you will get a reply
  7. Hi mate welcome to the forum I have moved the thread to the Uk where to fish section in hope it will get a better response
  8. I would of paid to see your face
  9. I was lucky and from my first fishing days was taught to tie spade end hooks, its all that i used when i was younger (the only type my old man ever bloody brought, i swear it was so didnt rob them all the time cocked by teaching me to tie them first though )
  10. Practice with a big nail and piece of string or something abit bigger that a hook and line, you will soon get the hang of it, it is also alot quicker than useing a hook tyer, or am i just blowing my own trumpet
  11. Thats true after all, Mike could be a weirdo. But then again ALL carpers are weird in their own sort of way aren't they? Yep were all freaks
  12. Hi Mike, might be worth thinking of putting a few details about yourself? such as Age, experiance etc etc
  13. Dont let Courtz or Kev hear you say that
  14. They still do day tickets "i think" £25 for 24 hours last time i looked, again "i think"
  15. No did plan to for a weekend but found somewhere nearer to me
  16. You beat me to it just as i was editing it and you go do it
  17. Click on the search facillity and type in Trentham and then select (Uk where to fish) as the section to search, it will bring up about 10 threads but very little info on any of them
  18. PM sent fella
  19. They messed a group of members about "big time" from this forum so im doubting youll get anything postive from the members on here From what happend all i can say is that its obvious clear there only intrested in money
  20. No Welcome to the forum
  21. Most do, as Tony has said just steam it over a kettle
  22. I can tell you how i got on when i last went.. Got there and it was frozen didnt realise how cold it had gone the night before, and as it was about 6.30 in the morning (and not local to the area) couldnt even phone any local tackle shops to see if there was anywhere else local to go ended up fishing the river back where i come from and my mate had his Pike PB so wasnt so bad in the end
  23. Have a look here fella, there is also some old threads on the forum about the place but from what i can remeber they aint that informative http://www.fisheries.co.uk/coombe/index.htm
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