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Everything posted by 666carpcatcher

  1. Have you ever had one of those finger things that you put your finger in and try and pull it out but it wont??? well thats the same as the outter on leadcore the more you pull the tighter it gets, trapping the inner inside Dont have to use glue but if it will give you more confidance then it will only be a good thing
  2. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=32236
  3. Lie, Cheat and constantly change the rules when youve done this you should crack the carp
  4. Did think of this after i posted it
  5. Fox do one in there predator range
  6. It does look a very stunning place
  7. Just had a look at there website, it looks an amazing place mate, wish i was going with ya Good luck mate hope you have a good time and catch plenty, look forward to the report on your return
  8. Is there a knot that i can use that wont split the coating? With the Snakebites and mantis the coating wont/shouldnt split on them, I think Andy was refering to other hooklink materials (i find some of the suffix braid coatings split quite easily)
  9. Maybe i do
  10. Am i losing the plot here?? aint the suspender rig used for surface fishing??
  11. For saying you said im of to bodge one then 5 mins later there was a pic it was very impressive, and the England flag as a vein well what more could you want still reckon we should of took that football one with the winds we had
  12. You could even make some pike drifter floats whilst there too You know what im talking about
  13. Have a look on a well known auction site for polystyrene balls, plenty on there then just find some rig boom from somewhere again bet you could find some on the well known auction site if you cant and want some PM me
  14. If you do plan on useing a silcant sealant remember to use Aquarium sealant as normaly sealants has a fungerside (or something like that) in them that is poisonous to fish, i know on such a small scale it wont do any harm but for the sake of an extra £2 why risk it
  15. Yes mate night fished most of the river sections round here, if you get hot weather dont fish near the weir though as it gets filled with chavs diving from the weir and they get right up your nose Also look at joining the PAC section (3 corner field) opposite the jungle, lots of carp in that section (only a small bit though) dont leave your car in the parking area near the weir if your night fishing, lots of cars have been damaged there, but then you have the problem of its a killer of a walk from any other parking area
  16. Thats some going on th cat front, well done to him
  17. Im guessing you have looked here? http://www.anglinglines.com/docs/ourvenues/lakes/croixblanche/index.php But also guessing you want first hand experiance of the place Hi and welcome to the forum P.s a Please would be nice.
  18. Some people use the rig with a sliding bottom bait, and drill the boilie first so it slide well on the hair But if you dont want it to slide as Jemsue said use a float stop
  19. It looks a propper float fishing pool, with the float sitting next to the lillys just slowly sinking out of sight Very nice looking place
  20. The only fishable water i know within a mile of the Belfry is Cuttle mill oh and a coupl of the Kingbury waters might just cut inside the mile boarder
  21. My ex was from there (well Newhall) PM sent (In a min anyway)
  22. Where about in Debyshire are you??
  23. Mainly used for running rigs to stop the lead hitting into the knot Or on helicopter rigs to hold the swivel in place.
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