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Everything posted by 666carpcatcher

  1. What size bore hole is it? the ESP tubing comes with diff sizes? There is another thread on it somewhere aswell
  2. From what i can see its a small 1 acre pool stocked with general course fish and some carp, (whats the match??) biggest fish, biggest weight, carp only?? Flaot fishing seems the way to go though
  3. For anything pretty much, snap links are usealy used with feeder fishing or predator fishing though, not sure why, maybe because there abit untidy and with feeder or predator fishing things dont have to refined as much
  4. Both big in my book
  5. Yeah there is diff types of clips though
  6. Have a look at these rig disgrams, the swivel is the barrel shaped thing at the end of the rigs (barrel shaped with an eye at each end) the main use for them is to attach the hookling to the mainline to stop line twist and the hooklink coiling up on the cast http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22185
  7. Not sure who owns it, but teh reason for BW to sell up was that it needed a shop biult etc etc, and they reckon they didnt have the money to do it, so just a stab in the dark that a shop/cafe will be going up?? P.s could be totally wrong mind
  8. Is this the lake below the main car park and cafe area??? if i remember correctly they run to 20lb+ in there "its whats classed as there speci pool" also if i remember right from the article they do like there food, so keep it going in or like Paul said use the method feeder
  9. Get it wet, it soon darkens
  10. Hi mate and welcome to the forum http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=24674&highlight=radipole
  11. Hi mate and welcome to the forum First of all comisorations on moving to Tamworth Secondly have a search through the Uk Where to fish section, Places in Tamworth come up a fair amount, also use the search typing in Tamworth, Pretty pigs, Lamb AC etc etc (P.s not sure on the size of fish though)
  12. Spot on Bill, its all been fenced off and the company that is running it are very strict (so iv been told, and from a reliable source) only fished it a couple of times years ago and only caught Tench but plenty and some of a good size, still got the police tickets about somewhere
  13. Just done a week there myself and couldnt agree with you enough, what a complete and utter bunch of muppets fishing it and running it
  14. It seems that text talk is becoming the norm on here now. I wouldn't even bother answering a post when the person writing can't be bothered to use the English language It was a year ago that the post was made
  15. Something about barrels, fish and shooting comes to mind! Wrong order mate
  16. Didnt even know there was one there and spent alot of time in Abbots Bromley years ago (All girls school and about 8 diff pubs ) i cant think of anywhere you can camp and fish not around the Midlands anyway but there must be some Welcome to the forum aswell mate (Will see if i can find owt out about that place for you)
  17. Abbots Bromley in Staffs????
  18. Hahahahahahahaha have you been there recently?? i was there about 3 weeks ago with my Brother-in-law and only had one carp out all day what makes it worse was that the whole day only produced 2 skimmers and the one carp, all the regulars there said its been going down hill for the last couple of years and that blanking on the MATCH lake was becoming common, its put me of for life the real sad thing is we went to Wychnor the following day and had plenty of carp upto 11lb, notmassive but if your only wanting to catch (rolls reversed id say Wychnor, another good thing was to see all the fish clean and looking good again, p.s the bigger fish from Wychnor come of the top (no matter the weather get them going on doggies and bread)
  19. Gotta agree with that comment even though i dont use them at the mo. The only gripe i do have with Suffix braids are the coating always seems abit thin and slips when tying knots
  20. Mainline not Hooklinks Sam
  21. Also remember that briad is alot less forgiving than a mono
  22. And by the looks of that Joe he aint going to tell you
  23. Well you know the peg, try surface fishing.
  24. I know Thats the thing Sharpy
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