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Everything posted by 666carpcatcher

  1. I feel sorry for Baliffs as there suck in a 20/20 situation, if they ask to see every anglers rig they'll be seen as interfearing, but they have/need to look after there stock, i know a couple of places that check rigs and end tackle if your not known to them, yes its annoying but as soon as they know you they dont bother asking anymore. And if thats what they have to doo to protecting there lively hood im not that botherd
  2. Well snags need a good hooklink, that will take pressure of you trying to steer the fish away from the snags, or in worse case scenario being able to take the pressure of being pulled into and out of the snags, Depending on the thickness of weed would decide what strengh hooklink to use, at the end of the day mate, there is no right or wrong answer, it all come's down to common sense!!
  3. If you have a look through this link that Nick had put up, im sure everything will become clear mate.. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=37603 And i wouldnt bother worrying about sounding "thick" we have all started somewhere and its far better to ask than to go out and make a mistake(even though we all still make then now and again ) From teh hook end... Hook Hooklink Swivel bead lead and unless your useing a helicoptor rig where a bead is placed behind the lead, there shouldnt be nothing else on the line (except a back lead, if your useing them) Putting a shot behind the lead will create a fixed rig, or also known as a death rig, all it takes is abit off weed or the like, to get stuck over the shot/bead and it wont budge resulting in a fish trailing hooklink, lead, and all
  4. I tend to fish with 12lb b/s hooklinks, but if im fishing over gravel, i'll step it upto 15lb, and 20lb is im fishing over mussels (you get the jist) I use 15lb b/s Fluoro mainline... With your hooklink laying on the deck, constantly being picked up or moved by smaller fish, or bigger fish moving in the swim, it is more likely to get abit batterd, this is the main reason for useing a stronger hooklink
  5. Try the local tackle shops? mate Did you try searching Gayhurst lake "location" fishing? Or Fishing Gayhurst lake "Location"
  6. No probs mate Just remember if your useing the the bolt rig set up, not to push the tail rubber on to far as if you snap/break off the fish will not be able to lose the lead, also remember to get it wet (spit will do) before pushing the tail on as it also will help the tail to pull off if you do snap off
  7. Hi mate welcome to the forum and the world off carping Have a look through this section and all should be explained http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewforum.php?f=104
  8. Freezer burn on a boilie is abit diff to freezer burn on a 1 or 2 mm particle though?
  9. Hemp turns abit rancid after a few days (i wouldnt want to use it after any longer than a week-10 days at most) as for parti blend, cant help i normally cook up far to little and its normally gone in a day or 2 But as Zander has rightfully said, You can freeze nearlly all particles, just remember that freezing it without the juices will cause freezer burn and alot will float
  10. Left out i would use it upto 2 weeks, refridgerated 6 months max
  11. Horrible things they are mate, better off sticking with the carp gear Credit due though you do have your mind set right, use the excuse of seeing the Mrs to go fishing in a diff area, Good on ya
  12. Hi mate welcome to the forum There is plenty of waters to fish around that area, some more demanding than others, Which lake in Ashfordby?? Would it be the Broome Angling lakes? On teh other side of the road you have Ashfordby and Meltons waters (sailing lake, along with boys pit and a small strtch of the river) Then there is Lower lakes just outside Sileby, Brooksby colledge lake, Eye kettleby lakes all easy ish waters apart from the Ashfordby angling waters, these need a little more effort. If you have a search through the where to fish section there is alot of Leicestershire waters mentioned
  13. Cant help with your location Gary, but again never gad any problems with taking the bitch, they dont moan about the dog either Maybe next weekend or down there for a couple of days from the 7th April, so will get them to you asap (Bet you thought i had forgot?)
  14. When it first came onto the market there was alot of problems with it, but it was soon adressed
  15. The Fox one's were originally black, i still have plenty of the black ones knocking about
  16. Where the canal joins the Soar in Loughborough (far side, behind Astra tech) the bank is lined with Bullrush's for about 200 yards and if you catch the spawning, there can be ALOT of carp there,when i saw them it looked like carp soup
  17. Yes mate just on the outskirts. http://www.flashearth.com/?lat=52.760747&lon=-1.190802&z=14.6&r=0&src=msl The lake with only 1 island
  18. There is carp all the way along the Soar mate, and the Playing feilds at Barrow are just one of the places that hold alot of them, below Barrow weir (just after) as it goes under the railway bridge has always been another good spot for them (Soar AC) and follow it down stream to the bomb hole, then you get the 3 corner feild which is/was ran by the (Pike AA) then abit further down stream it runs back into (Soar AC) all the way down to Zouch (and maybe futher) actually i think it does go all the way down to the Trent at Thrumpton, where i think it turns into (Derby AC) the biggest i've had from the Soar is 21lb 9oz, but know there is bigger, especially in teh canal section through Loughborough (although the 30+'er is now in Charny aswell ) but sure there is more about, (oh at Zouch the water is ran by (Davies AC) from the weir to the road bridge
  19. There's abbreviateing a word and taking the urine, your just being picky, the thread was started to point out the users who where typeing a whole thread in text talk, i dont mind the odd abbreviated word such as cus, iv, and mo, it is still all readable unlike some of the cack that is posted!
  20. The 2 truest things iv heard today It does not bode well when even the moderators start using text talk does it Come on guys how much text talk do we have to have in one thread? This is a local thread for local people and we will talks like we wanna - right! Like the reply Kev But i wouldnt class Charny or 2 (as in the number 2) as text talk
  21. You wont get any quieter than the local river mate, plenty of big carp to had in the Soar, lucky if you see 1 or 2 Carp angler a year on there, plenty of Barbel but not carp and the Barbel anglers are great at letting you know where the carp are coming out
  22. keyboard batterys going flat A very very nice man (and no he doesnt work for the AA) You let me know of any dates you can do and i'll sort the rest out
  23. I'll let them off then Spose i cant moan about the company either, lucky we got the weather we did aswell
  24. The 2 truest things iv heard today
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