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Everything posted by 666carpcatcher

  1. Have we met? Biggest Perch i've ever seen. Hard to forget Cant argue with that
  2. Me and another orum member did a couple of nights there a few months back and there was a good perch caught then, cant remember what weight it was though, but dont think it was that big 4lb 8oz Cheer's, thought your memory wasnt that good?
  3. Me and another orum member did a couple of nights there a few months back and there was a good perch caught then, cant remember what weight it was though, but dont think it was that big
  4. 5lb Perch thats a stonker of a fish mate well done, got any pics???
  5. Dont know but it sounds intresting so i hope someone hurrys up and replys
  6. Hampshire then. Not much help but found this http://www.go-fish.co.uk/venue_2054.htm I cant see why there would be a problem with your Mrs going along with you doesnt say owt on the web details above
  7. Hi mate and welcome to the forum Where abouts in the country?? as im sure there is more than 1 beeches brook about P.s Please remeber that text talk isnt allowed on the forum
  8. Try this number, these should be able to tell you 0870 062 7777
  9. So because you didnt catch and there was some weed in the water youve got a bag on?? From what i gather fron reading other post on here most the carp come from margin spots (the same as Joe's advice) where it is easy to find clear spots, you could always try one of the other pools on there im sure there is one or two that are like muddy puddle and easy to catch from
  10. Yes mate lots of fish upto and around the high teens, my mate has done pretty well on there with short evening sessions useing Luncheon meat down the margins P.s Welcome to the forum
  11. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease? I'm bursting here! Well sucking fingers should sort that out for you Sam
  12. How do you make your fingers suck??? No rude replys please
  13. And a PM for you aswell then Nick
  14. I believe patience is a virtue True, but if you dont ask you dont get
  15. Come on share with us, even if its by PM
  16. If i have to remove any amount of line on the bank it gets cut into small half inch pieces, or if it a serious amount then yeah it comes home with me, the bonus of fishing rivers is that you see alot less rubbish on the banks than you do at pools/ponds, at teh end of teh day if you can be botherd to carry it down full, be botherd to carry it back empty
  17. I used to have some pics of some big carp in there, but lost them when i had to reset my computer a mate took them of the high bank that is fenced off
  18. Well they do say better late than never
  19. No and i wouldnt want to. I value my own syndicate far to much to risk fishing Barston didnt tmb slagg of a place and get banned? Joe! would you fish a water that has had an KHV outbreak, by the way your defending it then yes (more fool you) i cant comment on the other things iv heard as i can not back these up
  20. SEARCH Click here
  21. Well just in general then, float or feeder fish should produce the fish, baits would be hemp, maggots, and corn and maybe a cat/dog meat to try and pick up the bigger carp, cant go wrong with that
  22. Here's a couple http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22479&highlight=tubing+mainline http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=16893&highlight=thread+tubing Cheer's, they wernt the ones i was looking for but there a start, there was one only a few months old, and had a few good ideas in it
  23. p.s you dont have to use high vis floats stops pike box was closer though
  24. I cant find the other thread on it The best way i found was to keep everything dry, and make sure the line had a clean cut (you can even cut it so its got a point) then keep the tubing as staright as possible and it should flow free quite easily
  25. Yes mate you can, get some float stops and some small "hard" plastic beads (4mm) then when setting up slide your flying back lead on, then the plastic bead followed by your float stop, then set us as you normally would, the reason for useing hard plastic beads instead of rubber, is that i found that a rubber bead can be forced over the float stop and can lock everything up solid, stopping the run ring comeing free if your line breaks, where as a solid bead will force the float stop off
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