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Everything posted by 666carpcatcher

  1. How well stocked is the water and is everyone else catching or stugling aswell?
  2. when u say about the rig tubing on the bend of the hook.. i've never seen that before.. please tell me more... good thread by the way... especially as i have just bought a load of coated braids.. i have some snake skin and some snake bite... what are the differences? why would i use one and not the other. thanks guys If you have a look at rig set ups in this section (Uk rig tying) you will see the rig tubing/shrink tubing on the bend of the hook
  3. Cant help with the question But, Hi and welcome to the forum Isnt Denmark regarded as more a pike/zander place
  4. Fished nanny a couple of times and never blanked, i always fish to the left of the inlet (in between the inlet and outlet) or just the other side of the outlet and casting about 40-60 yards out and always fished fishmeal boilies with stringers, the night ticket is a syndicate ticket and i believe there is about a 4 year waiting list
  5. Bolt rig set up Heli rig set up Free running rig set up Inline rig set up
  6. These are the one's that i carry with me everywhere i go (fishing) Kryston Snake bite Kryston Snake bite gold Kryston Super-Nova Suffix Super Skin Sufix Stealth Skin Esp strip-tease Fox Delude in 8lb and 15lb b/s
  7. It depends on what sort of lake bed you are fishing over, but the strip tease is agood braid, i have used it for the last year on some lakes and never had a problem with it
  8. If you want to straighten it out without taking a kettle fishing with you use the friction one like chris_rowland2005 said the best way to do it is to (before you cut it off the spool) make it tight and run it back and forth across your knee
  9. Brasenose-1 & 2, Oxlease, Guys Syndicate and Hunts Syndicate will all re-open 8am Monday Sept 3rd.
  10. Found some more Sufix Camfusion has a dark olive coating with a brown inner Sufix Super skin Green or Brown Sufix Ballistic Green or Brown only 25/45lb b/s Sufix Camo skin Green or brown Yes the smallest b/s that suffix do is 15lb not sure of the dia And i think the penny has dropped about 3 for a £?
  11. Description: Extra supple, sinking hooklink. Neutral density braid with stiff removable coating. 20m spools. Braid colour matches skin colour, producing the ultimate camo-hooklink. 20m spools. Green: 6.75k (15lb) - XST15G - £9.99 11.25k (25lb) - XST25G - £9.99 Brown: 6.75k (15lb) - XST15B - £9.99 11.25 (25lb) - XST25B - £9.99 Cooker1 Not sure if this is what you ment by 3 for £??
  12. Because on your profile it's set to GMT which is 1hr behind British Summer Time,alter it to GMT +1 and you'll be on time. Wow and it works
  13. Arrrr just noticed you said snake skin not snake bite
  14. Size 10 esp raptor without coating stripped back, i cant see why you are having trouble mate this went through easily and this is the 15lb b/s
  15. And has been for months
  16. What b/s are you useing iv just had a play with it and can get it through a size 10 esp rator hook twice (with the outer coating stripped back)
  17. Thats proberly the best thing to do as a propperly wrote artical will explain it far better than i ever could without writing pages and pages
  18. Hi mate and welcome to the forum First of all what do you want to catch? please dont answer fish general coarse fish (roach,perch,bream,etc) or carp? What sort of water do you plan on fishing? Canal,River,Lake/pool
  19. The old dacron style braid was like the stuff you find in the coated braid (but it was mainly black)
  20. I know this is a little of topic If a fishery loeses fish into a nearby river, if they get caught in the river can they move them back into the lake or will they have to get the EA's approvel or will they have to stay in the river?
  21. Hi welcome to the forum Did'nt you get any instructions with it
  22. I dont think you will find any that are much stiffer than the Korda Hybrid, but you could try Fox Reveal thats pretty stiff, Fox Reveal 20m Braided Hooklinks -Reveal is a combination of a multi-filament core covered in our removable plastic outer, which can be left as a stiff link or stripped back to create the ultimate combi link. The tough outer coating protects the core which is constructed from hundreds of very fine fibres, which separate in water making them virtually undetectable, by a carp when the bait is taken into a carp's mouth.
  23. This is supposed to happen your lead,(maybe not on every fish) it could be down to the fish running through weed/snags but i would exspect you to feel this, or even a violent head shack from the carp will free the lead, whatever you do dont push the tail rubber on any harder cus this will make it as bad as a death rig, If you want to save money change to inline leads the only way you lose these are if you have a breakage
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