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Everything posted by 666carpcatcher

  1. Aint been on for some time, so only just catching up on things and first time i've looked at these, some cracking fish there lads, and knowing you two you both had great fun
  2. Used to fish it many moons ago and it was great place for abit of fishing, but when i visited the place last year i was very disspointed with how the place has gone, 3 of us fished the match lake, and had 1 carp and 1 bream to show for it, not good for a match lake! I cant relly comment on the syndicate lake but from what i can gather its the venue going down hill not the match lake (the new owner/managment are only has interested in the trout lake now)
  3. Glad you found a spot mate, but can you please keep all related posts and thread together
  4. Before you even get your kit out of the car, you need to walk around and look for any sign of activity, one peg may produce one day and then no the next (fish can swim about and move, you see!) When you have found the fish, this is where you should be setting up, and always be ready to move on if the fish do, dont sit there convincing yourself that they will come back, they might but they also might not
  5. Hi mate and welcome to the forum I take it you mean the Wensum? I cant offer any advice on that particular river but any carp in any water will take a boilie or 2 at some time, if you are fshing an area where the carp are not used to seeing boilies then just keep them going into the river in the area's you tend to fish and eventually they will realise that they are food. If the fish are used to of seeing boilies and being caught on them (becoming wary of them) then it may be a case of thinkng out side the box and useing a diff bait or trying to encourage them into areas that dont normally see boilies (safe area's) River carp are very simple animals and have to pretty much eat what they can to survive, so catching them isnt normally that much of a problem, stick with it and im sure you'll get one or two. Dont neglect the natural baits though
  6. What type of PVA you useing aswell, some cheap PVA stuff is nasty stuff, and just doesnt fully melt, pay the little extra mate P.s Try the net stuff melts alot quicker than bags tostart off with
  7. Not sure how upto date this is but worth a try Moorhall Road, Harefield, Denham, West London Tel: 0171 969 6980 P.s welcome to the forum
  8. Have you tried coiling it into a bucket behind you and casting??
  9. If thats the case then mate, dont worry about catching first and every time, by the sounds off it, could be a very hard water to beat, be thankfull for any fish from the water... Be more rewarding when you do land one
  10. Get any decent bait going in on a regular basis and the fish will soon come to you, time and effort yes, but will pay off in the long run Welcome to the forum aswell mate
  11. You dont tend to find to many mains hook ups on the bank though I like useing the kettle for shrink tube, esp when useing coated braids, never had a problem as long as you take care, and it also give's you the chance to run the coated braid through the steam aswell, which when held under tension it will cool prefectly straight, ensureing that rig will fall away from our lead
  12. Oneway to fish a feeder is to use it as a heli rig useing a korda anti tanglehooklink sleeve to helppush it away from the line and feeder, also usefull for useing on a normalrunning rig set up, just push it over the swivel(hooklink end) andit will again push the hooklink away from the feeder
  13. What diam mainline do you use ????? A side threaded rubber bead will slide very easy on mainline! But will be tight enough to hold the rig in place on the cast
  14. Why?? Its not safe when useing a leader of some sort, as it wont pass over knots, but with main line straight through, no knots!!
  15. Well if your fishing to snags there is no way to pin the line down to the deck, as you NEED to be into direct contact with the fish on the take, and the only way to do that is to have your lines tight and rod pointing to the rig
  16. If you were to use mainline straight through, you would put the bead on sideways (pierce the bead with a baiting needle and so on)
  17. Its something i havnt used but the way i see it is... If your line breaks, there is nothing holding the tubing to the lead unlike other set ups, so the tubing will simple slide of the line, then there will be no tension and the rig wouldnt be able to be pulled off the tubing, leaving rig and tube attached to the fish, it might be the safest rig, it might just be the way im looking at the situation I have noticed that Fox do a tubing heli pack though. Im going to have to go and have a play me thinks
  18. Only porblem with useing tubing for a heli rig, is that if the line breaks the fish wont just be left with the rig, it will have rig and tubing and i cant think of a way around it that is safe
  19. Are you fishing the margins? or fishing to snags in the margins?? If your fishing anywhere near snags you need to be fishing near locked up and sitting on your rods (prefferably with the rod pointing at the bait) If your just fishing the margins with no snags about then yes slack line's/running rigs with the lightest bobbins you have, no need for back leads, as you can have the line as slack as you want (as long as its not coiling up on teh bottom obviously) and the line will/should follw the contours of the lake bed
  20. Hahahahaha These are good, would suit a sticky like this... http://www.animatedknots.com/indexfishing.php?LogoImage=LogoGrog.jpg&Website=www.animatedknots.com
  21. I wish these newbies would use the search http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=32236
  22. Any reason for not joing a club? It will save you loads in the long run.. I know it seems abit to pay out straight away, but if you think about it.. On avarage a 10 pound a day, you will only need to do 5 day session's on the club water's to have paid for itself, and then you still have the rest of the year fishing for free (sort off ) One of the clubs near me let the younger members pay in 2 instalments, maybe some near you do the same?
  23. Put a thing piece of tubing over the hair before threading the meat on, this will stop the hair cutting through he meat, simple and quick
  24. Im guessing he means Brooklands??
  25. Only tip i can offer is DONT surface fish as im sure no matter what tackle you have you aint stopping one of those planes Looks a VERY big water mate and i wish you well on it
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