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Everything posted by kevtaylor

  1. Sounds an epic target, fish feeding purely on naturals do your head right in, they seem impossible at times, I've tried maggots, snails, worms all manor of normal baits - right on their heads, fizzing right on me for hours yet not a bleep aaaagh!!!!! Good luck you'll need it 👍
  2. Great stuff well done 👏 Nice fish too 👌😎
  3. Oh I'm good with a stick now, became my go to at the end on Welly, matching pop-ups over a light spread with the stick, surprising how accurate you get. At first they were falling behind me, too embarrassing! I think with the spoon the flexible handle has to be the one to add distance 👍
  4. I've tried this with a landing net pole and my big Fox scoop thing, hopeless - couldn't get any distance, but then I gave up on the throwing stick after the first session - took years before I tried again and got it sorted lol Good luck Elmo - a made for the job one has to be the way to go. 👍
  5. Waiting on 3 purchases woohoo! Aqua Black front barrow bag - replacing my old Carp Porter front food bag, not totally sure on this one coz not a food bag as such, but should do the job. 🤞 Power barrow wheel bag, existing is too small. Cotswold Wader bag - ready for Fortis Waders, out end of March apparently - like the look of this bag - like a bucket with lid so you can set waders up ready and keep in the bag/bucket with lid on to keep them dry and ready next to the rods, no more faffing about when the rain starts or forgetting and having wet waders 😎
  6. Finally got a power barrow after over a years wait between BCUK and eventually Carp Porter. First impression it's the nuts (CarpPorter Fat Boy Mk2), looking forward to putting it through its' paces from next weekend onwards 👍
  7. Hi mate, It's not battery so has to stay plugged in, I've got the Atom battery pack with 3 pin plug socket, hopefully it won't drain it too much - will let you know how it goes. 👍
  8. Should be adjustable low - high for brightness, mine had a wheel on the side. Got the newer versions now USB charged jobbies. The older ones were 4 x AA Batteries i.e the version before yours. 👍
  9. Just ordered this for Jack, hopefully keep him comfortable at night when it's freezing cold in the bivvy.
  10. kevtaylor

    Dogs and fishing

    NO - but tuff titty, he's coming anyway 🤣 He does love getting home tbh
  11. I know the Nick Buss X Lites are very well thought of, I looked at those when getting the Chris Orme Torrix. Bring you luck - I'll try my best mate 👌
  12. The Aviator Plus 12.6 have accepted the challenge 😂
  13. kevtaylor

    Dogs and fishing

    Jack was soon back in the bivvy Sunday morning, heavy frost and ice in the edge, who can blame him.
  14. Just sent my Torrix TE's to be re-built by the Tackle Box, not decided which handles to go with yet but think they'll come back looking stunning when finished ❤️
  15. Never any pressure, just go to enjoy, if you catch you catch, if not so what - you've had a nice time with good people and learnt something. If blanking mattered I'd never choose the venues I do. Catching is for noddies 😂
  16. Another night, oposite end - seen a dorsal waving around close in my water, then it lazily shuffled out 3 times. Whilst packing up it came past again to say goodbye or haha you blanked you nod. Freezing cold overnight. Good frost and ice in the edge.
  17. I know a guy who has encountered many otters in his work, he warned me to keep my spaniel away from a big dog otter, said it would rip him to pieces, they are about 4ft long tbf. A friend of a friend walked his staffy along the Grand Union Canal local to me, an otter followed them, got out and chased them off. Sky's a big dog thankfully 👍
  18. Really need a fence with overhang and 2 electric wires near the bottom. But as has been said even with everything in place the fence still needs checking daily for damage/fallen branches, electric still working. Then some clown leaves the gate open 🤷‍♂️
  19. kevtaylor


    Who's bringing an old rod then, we're not snapping mine 😂
  20. kevtaylor


    Nice one 👍 I'd hook my finger and go in no doubt 😂
  21. kevtaylor


    Yeah I dont think you actually see it in that, but I have seen a video where Frank demonstrates it on a lake.
  22. kevtaylor


    It was in Franks Korda Podcast, think he only did one.
  23. kevtaylor


    This takes me back, used to love my pin and 14ft float rod ❤️
  24. kevtaylor


    He showed the interviewer from Korda Podcast (Simon) how to do this and he snapped Franks rod lol
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