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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. Water is densest at 4degrees Celsius, so water warmer or colder than this will be above it. Even in the middle of winter the coldest water is usually above the bottom. It is this reason, really the same as when you run a bath, that you can feel different temperature 'streams'; as the water mixes the temperature levels out all over, however there can be warmer or colder patches in a lake. Bear in mind deeper lakes can take longer to warm up. It really depends on where I am fishing, how well I know the lake, and even whether I have been baiting up regularly, (all the way through the winter season). If I have been baiting up continually, then whatever colour my food source bait is. If I haven't then it gets interesting, and complicated! My usual start on these lakes is a popped up yellow pineapple bait on one rod. The other rod is a bright pink Spiced Garlic pop-up. One or the other tends to be most productive. I use that one until it stops working. Strangely I have never done particularly well on washed out or white baits, with 1 exception, Ballistic B.
  2. I know it sounds like a stupid question, but you are 100% it is a leak, and not condensation? Brollies with overwraps do get condensation as the overwrap is still touching the brolly almost all over. Pioneer or Pramhood bivvies with overwraps tend to have a gap between the bivvy and wrap, which reduces condensation. If you wish to reseal it, I would personally go with Fabsil. A 5litre tin will give you a few coverings. In the stitch holes I would put a dab of seam sealer, probably available from Go Outdoors, Millets or Black, and other camping stores. Once the stitch holes are dried, then a brush or sponge all over with Fabsil. A Fabsil coat will make the brolly and wrap a darker colour, and as with all materials will gradually fade over time.
  3. I actually don't like helicopter set-ups near weed. I found I got a high number of lost fish to hook pulls. I prefer a run ring with a lead link attached to the lead as per
  4. I believe it can. It is a 3.5mm jack plug so should be able to plug it in.
  5. The helicopter name comes from the rig being able to spin around the mainline, like a helicopter. The chod as said is a form of helicopter, but with a short stiff hooklink, and usually a pop-up bait
  6. There is your starting bait: sweetcorn. Personally, I go against the grain (sorry😖) and fish a run ring, but with a lead link; a length of 8-10lb mono with the lead attached to the end. Normal hook length attached. Put the lead in the PVA bag, along with some pellets, and a few grains of sweetcorn, and keep the hooklink outside with the hook stuck in the corner of the bag. Be gentle casting, it doesn't need a hard whack, be smooth.
  7. For some reason I have never done as well on skimmer deads as I have on roach. Probably the main reason is because I get takes on roach, so regularly use them, whereas don't get takes on skimmers on the occasions I try, so don't often use or even get them. Best deadbaits for me are smelt and roach, then mackeral and herrings.
  8. Think I just managed to upload and merge posts, so may be out of sync post wise. I ended up running out of deadbaits as first thing I had a load of dropped runs, and lost a few deads on the take. Ended up packing up in the dark, got to the stage as soon as I cast out, had another take within minutes.
  9. He had a damaged jaw, quite possibly snapped at as they group up for spawning
  10. 9 pike today, 2 at 13lb, a 12, an 11, and the rest singles. One I estimated at 8 I decided to weigh, was actually 9lb. One feisty little jack caught me on the finger so didn't have his picture taken. Not the most comfortable swim, had to sit in chest waders all day
  11. Every water is different. Deeper waters may take longer for the fish to start moving, or waters with low food stocks. No point in wasting energy looking for food if there is little about.... Or conversely the fish might be looking for food and constantly moving. Some waters will fish all the way through. Pretty much any water above 4degrees and somewhere a take is possible, be it on a zig, (hurgh, spit) or on a float fished or ledgered bait. Lengthening days might get them moving, but on some waters there is another factor. As the water warms up, the bottom 'turns over'. A layer of algae silty stuff floats up from the lakebed, hits the surface. You will see what looks like little patches of a thin layer of floating lichen covered in tiny bubbles. This can be the time carp start moving. The best way to find out, is to spend time watching and fishing.
  12. Aargh! Schoolboy error: Get a pike close to double figures in the landing net, as I released the tension the hooks fell out, dip landing net as I lifted and pike swims out....😳🙄 Who wants dirty wet smelly hands anyway? 😂😉 Ended up with 5 in the end, nothing massive. I might have to start comparing pics for more recaptures
  13. Yeast extract, or even more specifically Marmite
  14. Get a Spong 301 https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-SPONG-MINCER-301-MADE-IN-ENGLAND-/265035227100 Try that, it won't break. Fix it to a board you can use it at home or on the bank.
  15. We are long past the days of blunt hooks in the pack. I have the view that now they should be sharp enough to use straight out of the packet. If they are not sharp enough, find another manufacturer that does produce good hooks. I have used various makes over the years, Partridge, Owner, Drennan/ESP/Kamasan (Kamatsu), Gardner, Solar and Gamakatsu. Back in the 1990's Partridge were my standard hook, Piggybacks, I had no problems, nor with Drennan Super Specialists, and the Super Specialist's were chemically sharpened back then. I then made A switch to mega sharp Owner FLB's, they were scary sharp, as were Gamakatsu. Shame the GP204's aren't still about! I'm currently using Kamasan B175's, Solar 101's, Gardner Muggas, and Mystic VMC's. The VMC's hold their points and are very sharp as are the other hooks I use. Of all the hooks, I will not use Korda, I found they didn't hold a point, and the Kurv's were not sharp enough. If a manufacturer's product isn't good enough I won't use them.
  16. Been there, done that, went back to it, tried to make the relationship work, and failed. Liz actually used to enjoy fishing together, us and the children. Come to that I know my son was conceived in a bivvy... She just couldn't understand fishing was important for me to unwind.
  17. The original improvement, hair made from braid
  18. I get 3-10 or 11 then 8-4. I did ask if I can have an early before my 2 days off, so partly my own fault, but it's a wrench, although it feels like I get 3 days off as my next shift is a late. In hospitality and catering those shifts are regular!
  19. I believe so. Black Amnesia is softer than clear, and I think that the brown Sensor is more supple than the clear. That could explain why I find knotting coloured lines easier than the same line in clear. I also think that a number of lines from different tackle brands are actually produced in the same factory, some are even the same line just in different packaging. I haven't looked at Tackle Box's line tests for a few years now to compare them.
  20. On my day off I'm often so tired, especially after doing an early after a late, that I will often fall asleep during the day.
  21. Heck yes! If it's a long day I do like a nap, and I can't sleep in a chair, lol
  22. For Brackens I used 15lb Daiwa Sensor treated with Kryston Greased Lightning to help it float, fish up to 38lb, so that is not as over gunned as it sounds. Even on the park lake freelining near the rushes that is the gear as well. For clear water I tend to use 8 or 10lb Daiwa Sensor I prefer the brown Sensor, the white seemed stiffer and I could not get a decent knot with it.
  23. There's a difference in stiffness between clear and black Amnesia as well as the 25 being a lot stiffer than the lower stains. Black is more supple. I would tie as big a loop as possible, so the knot was only just going onto the bait. The rig was tied with a boilie on already. Then I'd take the bait off to store the rigs. Even a large loop could tear soft baits.
  24. https://www.carp.com/topic/20865-a-few-pike-including-a-new-pb-over-20lb/page/2/
  25. 3 today, biggest probably 7lb, all on float paternostered deadbaits
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