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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. Go up to 30lb Amnesia, 3oz Lead will need at least 30lb Leader
  2. Maybe a couple of reasons, It could be something you don't get on with, like I can't get on with Tapered leaders Have about 4 or 5 turns on the Reel when you have your usual Casting Drop and it may reduce the problem. Keep the Knot to the Back of the Spool. It may even be the type of Knot you tie. Amnesia doesn't seem to like, Water, Grinner or Uni Knots in my Hands either. The best one I have found is the one I put up a couple of Posts ago
  3. Lol, For some reason I have enormous problems with Tapered Shockleaders. I Crack-off almost every time with them! It doesn't matter whether I'm using them on Fixed Spools for Carp Fishing or Multipliers for Sea Fishing I just can't get on with them. When using Shockleaders you need 10lb Breaking Strain of Leader per Ounce of Lead, so 3oz of Lead you need 30lb Shockleader. However if you use Braid due to lack of Stretch you need to DOUBLE that ratio. The best Shockleaders I have found and work for me are Drennan Greased Weasel in Grey and Amnesia in Black. For some reason the Black is softer and ties a Better Knot than Green or Clear.
  4. These Basic Tied can be used for the Majority of Carp Fishing. They can be tied using any hooklink Material and easily adapted. In the majority of cases all that needs changing is the Hooklink length or the Hair Length.
  5. Here is a Picture of the Knot to attach Shockleader to Mainline: When it comes to attaching Lead I make sure that I ALWAYS use a RUNNING LEAD or SAFE Helicopter Set-up. The reason being for this is that if you ever have a Crack-off or Snap-off at Range then the Carp can get rid of the Lead. By Virtue of the Fact that you are fishing with a Tight Line at Range, the Running Lead will actually behave as a Fixed Lead anyway. With A helicopter set-up the Carp will normally get hooked against the Lead or the Rod Tip, depending on which way it Runs It doesn't matter if you use Tubing or not, but if you prefer to then do so. I don't see the Need for Tubing on a Shockleader as it actually reduces Distance
  6. I use between 3-5feet depending on circumstances
  7. Mantis is Stiffer than Snakebite. Love it myself! do you kiss it goodnight nick lol Nah, use it like my Ex's; get hooked, tie it up, catch and discard
  8. Mantis is Stiffer than Snakebite. Love it myself!
  9. Hi Matty, Welcome to the Forum Mate Thats what I have been saying through a lot of this Thread. I don't normally use complicated rigs, I use what works for me on the Water i'm fishing. I hardly ever use D-rigs, unless I believe that I can get a better presentation from it (which I think I do when using Snowman Baits). The majority of my Rigs are simple Braided hooklinks with a Line Aligner or Knotless Knot. Its my Rigs that are pictured on the Rig Tying Section and New To Carp Fishing Stickys, tied by my own Fair Hands. I have been using these rigs effectively for over 15years In my view the only things that need changing are normally the Rig length or the Hair length.
  10. Best Way I have found is to have a Spliced Loop at both ends. You can attach your Rigs via Loop to loop and also simply Grinner Knot or Uni the other Loop to your MainLine. The best knot really for Leadcore is probably the Needle Knot, where the Mainline goes inside the Leadcore and out the Side and is then knotted. I think all Rig Bits will Slide over this Knot
  11. What Hook are you Comfortable using? I the Carp-R-Us Nailers for nearly all my Fishing. If I can get hold of Owner FLB's I use them. There is no Right or wrong hook, everyone will have their own Preference as to what they think are best. Every Hook Pattern has been tested on my Bench Test Set-up as to how it works best and what hookholds I get. I test Line Aligners, Knotless Knots and see how things work. I also inspect EVERY Hook as to make sure the Eye is properly closed or if I'm using Spade End Owners that the Spade is not too Sharp and likely to cut through the Line.
  12. I knew there was a reason that I stuck to Putty over a Stop knot or the Hook eye . If I need shot I make sure that it goes underneath the Pop-up on the Hair!
  13. The Top Two pics of rigs. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22185 Why confuse the Issue and Make Life Harder than you need to?
  14. Mate, You won't be the only Mad man out there; I know that I'm mad totally
  15. No, it was called a Bolt rig as it was supposed to make the Carp Bolt on Feeling the Lead. Since its inception the Carp have often learned NOT to Bolt on Feeling the Lead, so now its more correct to call is a Semi-Fixed Lead Rig (either Inline or Pendant Style). Running Lead rigs are so called because the Lead is able to run up and down the Line or tubing
  16. Try this Thread:http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=21880&highlight=bolt+rig There is a picture of the components needed to make a SAFE Bolt Rig. Also above it, is a discussion about a Particular Rig that someone didn't realise wasn't safe for Fishing, also a Picture of a Good Running Lead Rig.
  17. Lol, all theory and practice on Complicated rigs and I reckon most of them catch the Angler more than the Fish on MOST Waters
  18. Think he means as a Mainline Have a look at this Thread:http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=20924&highlight=braid++monofilament If you type in Nylon vs Braid as a Specific Search you will probably find a few more
  19. I used to get an epoxy that I used to use as a Stop for rig rings on the Hook shank as I found the Rubber stops would move up and down the hook shank after a while.
  20. Maybe Korda have recalled all the rigs, but Why? Are they unsafe as they stand? Obviously YES! What about the rigs that have already gotten onto the market and been used? Are they being recalled as well, or are many more already sat at the Bottom of a Lake waiting to kill (another) Carp? I agree with you about the Marketing, its what I was trying to point out in so many words. Now you and I know about Safe Rigs, you and I both prefer Running Leads and Safe Rigs. I won't use Korda Lead Clips, I have seen the Lead jammed into place by Weed, even when the Rubber is only loosely Pushed onto it. Even when the Clip is trimmed so the Rubber doesn't grip tightly and the Peg can pull free it can be jammed by Weed. If the Weed slides DOWN the Line, it will and CAN jam up even those "safe" Lead Clips. The only safe Clips are those that the Peg holding the Lead will release under ANY Circumstances. (Carp-R-Us are the ones I have played with). Now to me thats a good reason to avoid Korda Clips. I don't use Korda Leads as to me they offer too much reflection and can be seen too easily in the water. Thats my reason for avoiding Korda Leads on my Fishing Rods, although I do use one on my Marker set up at the Moment, as the Coating prevents the Leads being Fragged on some SERIOUS Flints that are in SWP.
  21. No Mate, I actually checked the Rig and it is sold by Korda as it was in the Water! The Leader itself wasn't going to do any damage rubbing against the Carp, not likely as the Carp wouldn't have been able to move with 50metres or so of Line tangled up in the weed, still attached to the Leader and the Lead!
  22. I don't disagree with your sentiments, but what I disagree with is the Fact that its Marketed by Korda as a SAFE Rig, yet on this occasion it DEFINITELY wasn't. Maybe being jammed up with weed played a part, but that should be NO EXCUSE! Or is it another case of we need to educate someone that their rigs need to be checked and found to be Safe before they are cast out? Sorry, anyone new to Carp Fishing should know that the Rigs they buy, their Lead arrangements that are marketed Ready Made are Safe. They aren't necessarily to know any different. Or do we say that No Ready Made Rigs should be sold FULL STOP as the Angler needs to know that they can make up a Safe Rig. It just won't happen. The rigs/Lead Attachment must be safe before they are released and Sold.
  23. I know my thoughts on them and it involves the BIN. Pulled one out of SWP a couple of weeks ago. It had totally jammed up with weed and there was no way that the Lead could have come free. It was attached to a rig and about 50metres of line. If a Carp had taken it, it would have been stuck to a Long Painful Death.
  24. Kryston Silk worm, or Super silk can be coloured to the Lake bed, but it does take on the colour anyway.
  25. Think they may come back into use after this weekend at Suffolk Water Park! Incidentally the "other" rig I was using did produce a Take, but I lost the Fish . Not totally my fault as the Mainline got Dragged across a Flint Bar and smashed me Up.
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