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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. @framey I did an edit on your post as the shortened form of Richard is in the censored group after insults years ago. Sad isn't it, that an angler who probably started the mainstream fishing, not just carp, has nothing but that small memorial and a blue plaque. Richard Walker was innovative, fishing for many species, catching big perch on a fly creation of his own as well as carp. He was also a champion rabbit breeder I believe, writing a book on the subject.
  2. I looked at sleep systems, liked the look, then thought about the practicalities. In summer I often end up sleeping either under just a light cover or even with no cover, so the sleeping bag is taken off. In winter I might use both the sleeping bag and the cover. Note, in summer I don't normally get plagued with mosquitoes, but my cover does have a mozzie mesh hidden in a zip up pocket. Of all the sleep system, I think Solar ones are probably the best.
  3. Very few tangles with using a PVA bag. I admit to using Ronnie rigs, multi-rigs and D-rigs in PVA bags, normally with a braided hooklink, probably around 100millimetres long, or between 6 and 8 inches. On my Multi-rig I don't bother with a boom, it's actually a continous double length of hooklink material, looks crude, but the pop-up is trimmed so the hook is standing up on the eye of the hook.
  4. Walk and look as much as possible, often leaving the gear in the car or at home. I used to fish a 400acre plus reservoir; 4 or 5 days a week I would walk a section (as @framey says breaking it down) or all the way around, then fish my 2 days off. The walking often gave me an idea where they were, weather and wind dependent, or I expected them to turn up. Wind may have more effect on big open waters than tree surrounded lakes. A big westerly based wind used to push them up to the North Eastern end, whereas a northerly I would be looking into sheltered bays. Don't forget your binoculars and polarised sunglasses, and even on big waters, the margins or close in can produce.
  5. Thanks, but I think Chris Ball (RIP) did it as your version. I do recall Brian Skoyles version in a Nutrabaits Bait catalogue magazine. I never got on with fake plastic mixers, or even cork balls. For some reason I found using 'fake' surface baits they were rejected even faster than mixers or bread, and that's fast enough, even if I had fed constantly. As much as feeding constantly frequently works, for some reason sometimes, the carp will pick up one surface bait then bog off and disappear. Difficult to gauge, but in this case, hookbait first, hopefully catch one while you have the chance. Normally though you can feed, get them feeding and then get them to take the hookbait. This is one of my favourite 20's, a ghostie mix common. I'd gotten the fish feeding on surface baits around the lily pads behind me, but the ghostie would only take a bait touching the leaves. It took ages to work a hookbait in between the two lily beds and get it to take. It looked like the largest fish in the group as well. I'd say it was stalking, so not bad for an afternoon fishing at Hintlesham when the other anglers were all behind the artillery waiting and blanking.
  6. Brian Skoyles used to put some in a bag and add a dash of flavour, pour in around half a cup boiling water, shake and leave them until it was all absorbed. They would be slightly tougher but soft enough to put a baiting needle through.
  7. Believe it or not I rarely use fluorocarbon on hooklinks, and when I use combi-rigs, still prefer 20lb Amnesia in black or clear, and the braid section is (still) the uncoated Kryston Merlin. (Black Amnesia slightly more supple). I don't use combi-rigs in weedy or silty lakes, sticking with coated or plain braid. I think that the lead often drags the hooklink into the silt or weed and then it sticks up near the lead, especially since I normally use a run ring rather than helicopter setups. On gravel I think either coated braid stripped at the end or combi-rigs work. Sorry I have to go back to the days of fishing Brackens Pool at Nazeing, both the combi-rigs and stripped back section rigs worked on there and you were trying to fish on gravel bars or in the margins.
  8. Nice! I have the UK army Norgie and UBAC tops. In fact sat in the bivvy right now in MTP trousers, UBAC, fleece although 'cos it's wet outside, welly boots rather than combat boots. Talking of combat boots, the Nitehawks I was using seem to have changed, the inner sole collapses so I have bought myself some Savage Island boots: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/380842363396?itmmeta=01HSDN531KJ4J8JG9WRC00P30D&hash=item58abf94a04:g:eqkAAOSwr69bMOHB&itmprp=enc%3AAQAJAAAA0Aqn5xGsWe9mKXSfZuuebWmnpWgRxu0rGa%2B27QA%2Fy0QbSpxTruE1ojQ0paqOxchn%2F0f5VmzptqQvMrbkgMi7USdkZAtG6qi2WdFhdpxrvhyoRFXRNxbeEtqkkI8Ff%2FcZWyA1pasWrYiNm7oRvXufCuU1oGrsaNvxlxkgUm8QS26Ge1PvhmVimtv9GCDG97HSDilLgqyUNINN2NVD02bbie%2FeRUarwzZXyfoTYWB5ZN7B%2BZHaLgexuNysKd2QBGReANjaLSARe%2ByCwT5PJbY5%2FvI%3D|tkp%3ABk9SR-6wlLXLYw
  9. I used to use Bakers Complete rather than the meaty chunks, but use the larger chunks in the pack as hookbaits. When I set up my hooklink, I tie a Uni-knot loop at the end, and put a hookbait in there, then knotless knot the hook on, usually a size 10, Drennan Super Specialist or size 12 Korda Longshank. You can use a brown 'neutral' or lower flavour pop-up or the meaty chunks, although the meaty chunks can be slightly different sizes, whereas a pop-up is more consistent. Even a low flavoured or 'food source' coloured pop-up will work if you need to be able to see it. I know some people don't like the knotless knot for floater fishing, but it does work for me, for both carp and chub fishing on the surface. The hooklink is usually Berkley XL in 7lb or Preston Reflo in 10lb for me. Another alternative is feeding bread, on Bromeswell we'd feed whole, ¼ or ½ slices and wrap a size 6 in that. Great fun to get them feeding right under your feet with only the hookbait touching the surface, but a half slice can be cast out quite a way. Reeling in if the bread comes off the hook is leaving freebies behind...
  10. The main reason I use metres versus yards is because I know metres, we are supposed to be a metric country. With my back and hip problems I do sometimes use bank sticks as distance sticks, and convert 3.6metres into the distance I'm fishing. Not that it really makes much difference as with rising or falling water levels the same spot will change distance from the edge of the water. I also noticed an increase in line twist using them as well, so do prefer walking the lines out. There is also a difference between casting distance with mono and braid!
  11. If he's deleted it I can't. I looked and there is no such member
  12. Hot weather I frequently don't bother with a shelter at all as long as I have somewhere shady for Sky, and she can paddle.
  13. @elmoputney please don't make assumptions I don't think you are reading everything properly. What did I say about reform and political parties? Very few constituencies will have an independent candidate choice in any election. You have the choice then to withhold your vote in protest, or vote elsewhere. If you withhold your vote, it will make no difference, either Labour or Conservative will get in. We have a first past the post voting system, the most constituencies they win denotes the winning party for government. They could in theory win with a minority vote! Oh believe me I dislike the rich elite, I hate the tax evasion, from massive corporations like Amazon (who have never paid tax in UK) to tax avoidance by various ministers in the Conservative Party, many of whom who have never done an honest day's work in their lives. In terms of political leanings I am more socialist than Conservative, with a belief that utilities, public transport etc should be nationalised. Treat the incoming humanely? OK, so as homeless I got put in a hostel, or a hotel. We created hostels on former airforce or army bases. We have put them up in hotels. I was glad for the roof over my head not sleeping in the rough on the streets. I didn't set fire to them, I didn't tear my barrack block down. I made the effort to keep clean, I didn't riot because I didn't immediately get a property.
  14. This is where my point exactly comes to pass. The DWP cannot afford to be giving funds to Albanians, to Romanians, Nigerians, and pick any number of nations who are leaving their own countries because in Britain they can get benefits for doing nothing. Why should we fund and pay for criminal lifestyles? Which is happening! In Ipswich as a Loss Prevention officer, the majority of my cases were Romanian shoplifters, who did it for a living. In London, Nigerians were credit card fraud, Albanian drug dealers and various Eastern Europeans and all getting benefits, more than I live on now as disabled! Britain's political system is broken, it needs reform, but that is reform with no political parties.
  15. Many syndicates are frequently by recommendation from friends rather than online, and often hold strict rules about no publicity so you are unlikely to get an answer. I do recall Carpworld did an article on Fisheries in Wiltshire, some may be syndicate, it will probably Google
  16. I'm not offended, but I'm offended by our leaders. George Bush and Tony Blair wanted to be remembered as great leaders, instead they created ISIS, and a series of failed states. Iraq and Iran have gone to hell in a handbasket, Syria, Afghanistan, all from going back into Iraq. Thing is we can call fascism for being on the right, but equally we have our Karen's and woke brigade calling fascism just for disagreeing. At some point we do need to stop incoming boats, that is not fascism. Not all of these refugees are refugees, some are economic migrants. This may be worth a read, long winded I know: I bought a bird feeder. I hung it on my back porch and filled it with seed. What a beauty of a bird feeder it was, as I filled it lovingly with seed. Within a week we had hundreds of birds taking advantage of the continuous flow of free and easily accessible food. But then the birds started building nests in the boards of the patio, above the table, and next to the barbecue. Then came the stinky winky. It was everywhere: on the patio tile, the chairs, the table ... everywhere! Then some of the birds turned mean. They would dive bomb me and try to peck me even though I had fed them out of my own pocket. And others birds were boisterous and loud. They sat on the feeder and squawked and screamed at all hours of the day and night and demanded that I fill it when it got low on food. After a while, I couldn't even sit on my own back porch anymore. So I took down the bird feeder and in three days the birds were gone. I cleaned up their mess and took down the many nests they had built all over the patio. Soon, the back yard was like it used to be ..... quiet, serene.... and no one demanding their rights to a free meal. Now let's see...... Our government gives out free food, subsidized housing, free medical care and free education, and allows anyone born here to be an automatic citizen. Then the illegals came by the tens of thousands. Suddenly our taxes went up to pay for free services; small apartments are housing 5 families; you have to wait 6 hours to be seen by an a&e doctor; Your child's class is behind other schools because over half the class doesn't speak English. Corn Flakes now come in a bilingual box; I have to 'press one ' to hear my bank talk to me in English, and people waving flags other than ”ours” are squawking and screaming in the streets, demanding more rights and free liberties. Just my opinion, but maybe it's time for the government to take down the bird feeder. 🤷🤷 I'm going back to them. I do as little supermarket shopping as I can, I buy my meat and veg from local stores, loose.
  17. Message me the username. You should be able to delete messages: Check box on left, and delete
  18. Annoyingly I can't use tigers on my syndicate, they might be a very good bait, but on waters I could I always got my standard tiger nuts from Copdock Mill, Gladwells. As far as I know its standard, large then jumbo.
  19. On special again: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/392238002045
  20. This is my exact problem with politics and political parties. The Conservatives and Labour are the different sides of the same coin, one or the other will get in. The Liberal Democrats are further right than the Conservatives. Then we have our minor parties or groups, The Greens etc, which as @Golden Paws has pointed out do not always talk common sense. I have absolutely nothing against being green; I try to do my bit reducing personal plastic use, recycling, I'm reporting sewage, litter picking, not using my vehicle etc, but I do also (think I) understand industry and economy. You cannot import everything from abroad 'selling' the pollution elsewhere, the ships bringing containers, the farm produce. You need an industry to pay for it, to manufacture to farm for yourself. Far too many nature loving greenies and Karen's live in towns and are divorced from nature, reality and economy. The only animals they see are urban foxes and whatever they see on YouTube and Netflix. They don't see the real farmer, the real factory sweatshop in China, the cost of transport round the globe or realise that Just Stop Oil equates to more need on animal products. Where does polyester or nylon for clothing come from? Somebody joked a while back think @elmoputney that I should be voting Reform, its probably close to the truth. My personal choice would be a 'council of elders' people of the people chosen by the people.
  21. Sad to say on Monday 11th March Carp.com was hit with a 'spam bomb', loads of private messages from new members sent to members for obscene websites. Thank you to everyone who took the time to report it, as it was done from a series of usernames. Hopefully the moderators and myself have banned them all, but if anymore do show up again, please report the message or post.
  22. Been 4 months since I've been able to get onto the syndicate, but even in the wet weather I still love it here.
  23. I did used to tie pop-ups on myself, a uni-knot loop round the pop-up, don't cut the tag end and then use both ends to tie to the rig ring. I did find it very effective but every now and again those blooming birds; they can be a right pain with any bait, pulling them off bait screws, taking pierced and blobbed or tied on. Tied on I found was the best answer, especially with very hard baits. I started meshing pop-ups to slow down crays, but with Women's tights or stockings it does also deter coots, and tufties, although swans just don't get the message.
  24. I do like spinning rods for stalking, they seem to have more feel than most short carp rods
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