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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. Paul, Is this any use? http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=32598 I don't want to really get into the whole debate again as I have posted so much about it in the past, but any thread that makes anglers consider what they are doing and fish welfare is always a worthwhile thread. My thoughts are that in most cases there is absolutely no need for a leader unless you are using it for absolute distance casting, and if there are any weed or snags, then bin it, use a safe mainline straight through, and accept that you can't fish as far out. I did start a thread last week about line visibility, so I have a funny feeling that much of what is purported to be true in reducing the visibility of end tackle may actually be a bit of a myth (http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=51785
  2. The line aligner has been covered again in one of the monthlies, Septembers Carpology, and according to palm tests, (which I don't necessarily think are always effective), was the best at grabbing hold and turning in to create good hook pr icking.
  3. Don't know if it is any use to you, but I prefer the knot from the Kryston packing/leaflet. Put the swivel or create the loop and then make an overhand knot (but don't pull tight), take the tag end back through the overhand knot, and wrap around 4 times, then back up through the overhand loop. Now wet the knot and then gradually pull tight. With this knot I find it is soft enough with Kryston coated braids for them to still have some movement without breaking the coating. I also use it for stiff rigs to swivel, where my boom section is Amnesia
  4. Definitely the best. Stood the test of time, so I see no reason to change. I have never had a Kryston braid or coated braid give way on me, and their putty is also the best www.kryston.com
  5. Is this any use? http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=48557 Not the "I don't use Bait floss" bit, but about the knot I use to tie baits on
  6. Try this: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=41949 I refuse to use Glue on any knot I tie, instead relying on tying a good knot. If you consider that Superglue or rig glue are both cyanoacrylates, so essentially the same product. That glue may well strengthen a knot in the immediate short term, but water weakens superglue, in fact one of the reasons that superglue or a medical equivalent is used to replace stitches, so the wound can be glued, and then the glue will weaken and break off as the moisture gets into it. Also that glue will also stop lateral movement on a material. As you play a fish the knot is moving around at the top of the hook eye, swivel or splice. That movement may not appear to be much but if the knot is glued, the knot and line can't move, it may break instead.
  7. Hence my choice for a clear submerged float The bait is well above the float even with only 30cms. I use that short a length so that I can eradicate tangles, any longer and really whacking it out any distance and a longer hooklink can be a right pain to cast. The other thing is that for hooklinks I often use a fluorocarbon hooklink, which sinks, so too long a hooklink may actually drag the hook and bait down. On the occasions I decide to go any longer I've found I need to be casting the hooklink out of a bucket or off the ground or unhooking mat, just don't let the hook snag up when you cast I've done a copy and pste onto the linked thread ealier in the topic
  8. My food bait rigs are the same as my summer rigs, however I do usually tie up some pop-up rigs specifically. In the winter I do tend to use pop-ups more than the summer in an attempt to provoke a reaction and take from the carp when things are hard. I can't afford to lighten the mainline on my current lake, 15lb is needed as the lake is very snaggy. Is this any use? http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=23380
  9. Depends on whether your hookbait is buoyant enough to pull the line through a run ring
  10. Is there anything in this thread for you? http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=34983 On the occasions I use Zig rigs I use a clear Submerged Pike float. So from the mainline I put on the lead on a removable run ring, a rubber bead the submerged pike float and then the hooklink. With a 30centimetre hooklink I can then go up or down in from bottom to top or vice versa increments until hopefully I find the fish. Fox also do an adjustable Zig rig set up
  11. Is this any use? http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?p=355683#355683 It contains links to other hooklink material threads. Personally I still haven't changed much from my recommendations made back then, and the pic in one of the links is of my tackle box, and that still looks pretty much the same Most of my fishing is on gravel and silt areas, where the 2 tend to meet as I think the carp are comfortable feeding in that area. So my combi rig is Amnesia with either SuperNova or Merlin as the final hook section. The addition to my box is Kryston Jackal, which although green has produced fish on gravelly bottoms that do have a coating of silkweed, as has the Combi-rig. Don't confuse yourself with rigs, the knotless knotted or line aligned rigs still produce most of the fish in this country, but magazines tend to promote a particular rig as fashion, and it becomes the latest "must use". Be prepared carp over time can start to eject knotless knotted rigs (as any rig despite what you have been told), and I noticed on a weedy lake they don't always take hold properly, so I switched to a line aligner to correct it with much better results, which worked for me! http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22185 http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=35896 http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=26640 Have fun with that little lot
  12. I know that there are some I haven't put down, and for reasons of being asked to keep them quiet, or even strict "No publicity" ruling I won't
  13. For braided or coated braid which is stripped near the hook, after watching some fish manage to eject very easily an "uncovered" knotless knotted hook I switched back to a line aligner, normally using Shrink tube, but it can be just as effective with silicon tube When it comes to very supple mono I may well use silicon tubing to create that line aligner. If I use stiffer hooklinks, then I use tubing to cover the knot, the hook is tied on rather than knotless knotted. I don't believe in the current fashion for a kicker as such, I prefer the line aligner set-up, normally simply following the shank of the hook, its curve or straightness.
  14. In that case unless you already in the know, have friends in the right places, then you are extremely unlikely to find it, and I live in Suffolk and have a big list of fisheries that I took the trouble to collate. You are probably more likely to find something out towards Cambridgeshire, down in Essex or Hertfordshire
  15. No reason why it shouldn't work at all Lead in PVA bag full of crumb, pellets chopped and whole boilies with hook nicked into bag used to work a treat for me. I even used stringers attached to the hook with no problems.
  16. http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?p=539321#539321 I have locked this as in UK Carp Fishing there is an existing thread (as link above) covering the opinions on Pavyotts Mill Also please see KHV confirmations on this thread: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=37516&highlight=pavyotts+mill
  17. I honestly don't think about how my pop-up rigs face whatever direction. We use camouflaged leads, a hooklink that is neutral or as closely matched as possible, and I don't think a carp knows what a lead is, even if it is uncoated. With pop-ups I tend to use a standard knotless knot rig, although the hookbait is tied on with a uni-knot (tied firs) and bait placed in when making rig up to get bait tight to shank/bend. I have a feeling that most pop-up rigs are picked up, as opposed to being sucked (although open to deliberation and debate), so to watch the bait into the mouth the carp's "attention" is on the hookbait until it loses sight of it in the blind spot is impossible. If they are sucked in, again, all attention will be on bait as it goes towards the mouth, watching for unnatural movement. My counter weight is usually below the hook on the hooklink, and is putty, over either, the end of the coated braid strip or a small power gum stop knot. I think that pop-up rigs have more potential on the thumb test and flipping in to get a hookhold, but I think that most fish are hooked when the carp closes its mouth over and around the bait, which is why possibly you get more top lip or cheek hookholds with pop-ups when they are definitely picking the bait up. Also when it comes to pop-up rigs I have found for me that braided hooklinks are far better than stiffer materials
  18. The acid test is your fishing If you are hooking fish and landing them then the rig is working. Don't follow the hype about having to use a 360 KD D-rig etc, use what works for you. There are many people who advocate the palm test or the thumb test, to test the hooking potential of a rig. Some rigs that hook properly and in the right place I know would fail either of these, yet I have caught many carp on them. What and how you feed, how the carp are feeding all will make or break your rigs efficiency or not.
  19. Years ago I noticed that "naked" line would get sheared through occasionally when playing fish on silt set-ups, so I started playing with a small length of tubing, 2 rubber beads and the swivel on that between the 2. Then Ken Townley I believe it was, mentioned Cox and Rawle Beach Beads for Sea Fishing making a good Helicopter set-up, basically the thing I was working on ready made. It was a removable spigotted bead that would pull apart in the event of a snap-off so that the hooklink could come free, even over a shockleader. They are still available and some Carp Tackle manufacturers produce the same sort of thing now.
  20. Does this come to any use? http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22185 Also while in that section of the forum, I believe that there is a lead set-up thread with a few other safe set-ups available
  21. Years ago when it was known as the Silt rig I discovered problems with dropping fish on that tyope of set-up, no matter what size lead I used. I felt that the fish is pulling at an angle that is not natural to the mainline, i.e. the lead is at the end, and the fish pulling at approximately 90degrees instead of you pulling directly to the fish. With the Silt Rig I found I had to play fish very carefully and very "slowly", almost no pressure, let them do what they wanted, and if they needed any stick to keep them away from trouble then the hook would often pull, or even worse (naked mainline) the mainline would snap as the swivel wore the line through. Since then as much as possible I avoid Helicopters of any sort, much preferring a more "standard" set-up. As Jules mentions, do you have to use a helicopter style set-up? Unless the silt is really deep and you simply don't have any choice, then a pendant or inline lead with a longer hooklink is often far better.
  22. I have no end of problems getting 15lb line through Korda tubing and refuse to buy the stuff because of that. I have no problems with Fox, Solar or Korum tubing, and buy their complete run ring kits. Cut the mainline at an angle and it should feed straight through the tubing with no problems. If it does cause a problem, put the run ring on the tubing, and attach a lead, the tubing is then held straight, and the line should go straight through it.
  23. From the waters you have chosen, my first choice would probably be Weybread Pits, and get the Club Ticket rather than day tickets. The Middle and Club pits are probably the best place to learn carp fishing, and to give you a chance of beating your personal best so far. The lakes are fairly easy (or were when I fished there many years ago), and respond to most simple ledger rigs and baits. From that lake you can then move up a class or two and fish the No1 or Bottle pits, or if you fancy a real challenge the Ocean pit. Another water close by is actually in Weybread and is Weybread fisheries. That is day ticket, and the fish really can respond to floaters. While Waveney lakes are very good waters, you are looking at a lot of money on day tickets, and the lakes can all be quite hard at times, they also don't really give themselves up for stalking as you arrive, pays your money, and are a ssigned a swim for the length of your stay
  24. I bought Delkims in the 90's, and when I had tackle stolen in 2000ish I replaced them with the same model, which is now I think the Standard that they sell. I have never had a fault that is not of my own making, (leaving batteries in to corrode ), and even then Delkim repaired them at minimal cost. I have used them in boiling heat and monsoon rain, and they have not failed in any way. The reason I choose Delkim is that I wanted an alarm that had variable volume, tone and sensitivity. The tone is because I have problems hearing low tones, and found that their was a particular higher level tone that grabbed my attention better. Volume obviously speaks for itself, I want to be able to turn the volume down during the day, and occasionally I needed to be able to have a high volume at night when I couldn't use a sounder box or receiver, (or the receiver battery failed). The sensitivity issues, as good as roller wheels are with proper runs or dropbacks, at times I found I was missing takes when fish didn't take line, but I could see the line twitching. I occasionally struck line movement with no bleeps and found myself connected to fish, so the vibration sensing was a useful positive reason for being used. Now the alarms I have are over 10years old, and as I said I have had no problems with them. Some faults are caused by user error, the battery case issue could be a case in point. Delkim recommend using Duracell or Kodak batteries, and for good reason, they are slightly larger than cheaper square models, and so press against the battery slide. Some issues though are obviously as time goes on due to faulty materials, batches or waterproof problems. I can't comment on current models as mine still work and I have no reason to change just yet
  25. I gave you some information "over the road" (quoted below), but here is a list of a fair number of Suffolk Waters: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=46857
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