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Everything posted by salokcinnodrog

  1. Not new, but try Beekay Guide to Carp Rigs (may be worth Googling Beekay), Korda also did a Guide to Rigs, and Gardner do a small guide Also chapters in Tim Paisleys Big Carp, To Catch a Carp, and Hutchy The Carp Strikes Back amongst others. You also have some of the free DVD's from Nash, Korda and the like, which probably have a bit in them, just remember that they are an advert as well. However in most cases, keep it simple, a standard Knotless knotted rig will work although occasionally a Line aligner may make for better hooking and possibly anti ejection. The most important thing is putting the rig in the right place and getting the feeding situation right You also have: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22185
  2. From a couple of weeks ago: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=48941 If you post on a thread it brings it back to the top of the section
  3. Chris, I used to fish bent hooks, didn't see much damage, but long before they were banned, stopped using them, because of the fact that on some fish they had definitely caused major mouth damage, and anglers had expressed concerns in the magazines (no forums around all those years ago). I DIDN'T cause harm to the fish I was fishing for (large carp over 20lb+), but the pattern or use did cause mouth damage to plenty of smaller carp with smaller mouths. Sorry, leadcore CAN cause damage to carp, some not immediately apparent, as well as the obvious tethering. Leadcore is abrasive, and can rub a "blister" or burn type scar on the fish. I have caught fish, when I was using leadcore that hadn't been caught for years, yet when I landed them there were fresh red marks on the flank where the leader would rub, and NO fresh hookholds in the mouth, or on another fish , what looked like black lines across the flanks. Levigsp, who is also a very good angler and has landed some big (no publicity style) fish has also done experiments and seen the same sort of damage that I mention. Moorsey has also had to kill a fish that had picked up a rig attached to leadcore (helicopter style as well) and the fish could not eject the rig. It had passed through a number of weedbeds, and what started off as a small twig was totally engulfed in weed, and the fish had a broken jaw preventing it from ever feeding again. For the rest of the argument on Leadcore I will pass onto this thread: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=32598, and also do a copy and paste, cos this thread will go nowhere further if we are just making the same arguments again.
  4. Good replie mate but i started chod fishing coping Jim's style years ago fishing light leads 1-1.5oz and lengths of leadcore upto 10ft long (yes you've read it right lads) i fished the same setup as jim exsplained to me and found it had advantages and disadvantages, the reason behind using such a long length of leadcore is its the lenght and weight of the leadcore that hooks the fish not the lead as it the last thing to come into play. I don't and never will use such a long lenght of leadcore again for certain reasons as it very difficult to cast it out and be target with such a long length and i think its unsafe and careless to do so. However like you i will contiune to use leadcore upto 4-6ft depending on the situation or flourocarbon straight through again depending on the situation im faced with.. It seems to me nearly everyone on this forum is againest the use of leadcore for 1 reason or another. I think to many people are to quick to jump on the band wagon without having any knowledge of the product. So i put this to you all .... If its that bad Magazines would'nt feature it. Every Top well known angler thats in the public eye would be againest it. And tackle companies would'nt produce it.... Tell me why?????? I don't mean to get peoples backs ups and i dont mean to be a bore.. Chris, I took the trouble to do a load of experiments with leadcore, in and out of the water, and sorry to say it, I even troubled to e-mail one of the magazines who featured leadcore rigs, and to be honest the reply I got was less than explanatory. The magazines have been promoting unsafe leadcore set-ups, so YES the magazines do make light or ignore the potential risks of its use. Not only do they ignore the risks they don't explain the safety aspects of WHERE and how to use it properly. Many items of tackle are sold simply because of the money that they make. You don't need a fluorcarbon leader in most fishing, it doesn't always disappear and can be visible underwater. At much above 40metres I reckon the line is running down in an arc and along the lakebed anyway, a clear or camouflaged line is less visible against the lakebed. Leadcore stands out against the lakebed, a 1mm visible line or a 0.35mm line that is hard to distinguish. Lead clips, you don't necessarily need them, they don't always do the job said on the tin, yet are seen as the way to attach lead to the line for all purposes. In fact the simplest way to catch carp is often to forget what is published and go back to basics, mainline straight through, with a simple running link lead to a basic rig, be it on mono or whatever. This is the thread where I queried the use and article: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=38886&highlight=advanced+carp+fishing As for the curved section, when I have to resort to using "The short rig" (as Frank Warwick christened it I think), I still use 15lb clear Amnesia for the hooklink, a loop knot to the swivel and it will curve nicely; A) by the natural curve from coming off the spool, and B) by body heat and being rubbed over my thumb. A fish is likely to approach the hookbait from an above angle, so the hooklink is not visible anyway. I can also use that short rig on my preferred running lead set-up, and do so with no problems on harder lakebeds; although the reason for using a helicopter set-up is usually because of one of 2 reasons: a) silty lakebed where I feel the lead will sink in and may pull the hooklink down into it below feeding level b) I am aiming for maximum distance casting, where I need the lead to pull the rig along in flight tangle free.
  5. The one thing I will say, and sorry Emmcee, personal experience has taught me NEVER to use Leadcore again. Andy, there are plenty of leadcore threads round at the moment, with other links available that I recommend you look at. The general advice is to avoid leadcore, and more and more anglers are hopefully getting the message that it is risky stuff and should not be used in fishing.
  6. Also the Chod thread: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?p=524723#524723 and Lead Set-ups: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=37603
  7. Chris, I don't care how upset a subject makes you, but if you ever use language like that again it will be your last post. Because of that I have locked this thread and deleted the post. Gaz took the effort to put a lot of links to other leadcore threads on this thread (just down the page), can I suggest that views go on one of them please: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=49805, but this link is probably one of the best anbd comes complete with some pics of how dangerous leadcore can be: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=40711&highlight=leadcore
  8. Is this (and the other link on that thread) any use? http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=42729
  9. salokcinnodrog

    Chod rig

    A whole thread devoted to "Chod" rigs, and boy do I hate that name still: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=36456 When there is an existing thread it is easy enough to post on it to get up to date information Even more so when it is in the Carp Fishing Stickies section for regularly asked or repeated questions I've done a copy and paste
  10. Honest it is dead easy As simple and as basic as tying a knotless knot to a length of hooklink material and then putting a pop-up on the hair. You can use a stop knot or shot (personally rather not use shot though), and mould putty around it to get the pop-up balanced. The link referred to: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=22185
  11. Best advice, DON'T buy any at all. There are loads of leadcore threads with the fors and against, but why use a product that adds extra risks into your fishing? In fact a product which lets you down every time you hook a fish
  12. Test as in how they look and behave underwater? Or test as in how much strain they will take? Whatever you learn from a tank/bucket may well be different out in the depths of the pond, there are too many variables. The weed may affect the behaviour of the hookbait, the depth may affect the buoyancy of a pop-up or the lakebed may "clog up" how a hook is taken in in relation to the bait. In most cases the best rig is the most simple knotless knotted hook with a hair; usually a continuation of the hooklink material The Palm or Over the Thumb Tests will only teach you what you think you want to know ; That the hook goes in and will flip over or will drag into the fishes mouth. The real test is whether it produces fish on the bank. From that look at each hookhold and see if anything needs changing. If the hook is at the extreme edge of the lips or you are getting hookpulls then lengthen the hair and/or rig length. If at the back of the mouth then shorten either or both. If the hook is dead centre of the bottom lip then you have it pretty much spot on. If you are testing for breaking strain, then simply tie your knots and put as much strain as you can on the knots, being careful NOT to hook yourself in the process. I tie a knot in my hooklink be it at hook end or swivel/quick link and put the hook in the eye of a pair of forceps and pull as hard as I can. The swivel is then tied to the mainline and I do the same to that to check it.
  13. Cross purposes maybe, but think about the Spinlink or other clip lead attachment at the end of the leadcore or leader splice. Spliced loop into leadlink of whatever sort, now go up a little bit. Remove Lead attachment, and bottom bead/rubber will now slide down over the self spliced loop, and above that you have your rig, which will now also slide down over the loop. Slide on fresh rig, bead/rubber, attach lead link of whatever type back into the splice via loop to loop method and there you have a fairly quick change rig set up. Does that now make sense? A good splice will never give way (I can in fact make spliced hooklinks in some braided hooklinks with no knots )
  14. I'm not advocating leadcore, but think about a large spliced loop at the lead end of a braided leader Works with heli set-ups to hold a lead, through a (sea fishing) spinlink clip and lead onto that, or with the braided leader to hold a rig swivel If you make up your PVA mesh/stick with rig attached then hook in at the base next to the knot, push swivel through the top end of the mesh as you knot it, although you may end up with glob of dissolved PVA on hooklink Or have a rig longer than your tube, hook in first (bait can be attached before or after if you pull the hair outside the mesh with a (Gardner) baiting needle) and the swivel outside the top end, but push the PVA filling down alongside the rig and you would knot the top end anyway. Does that help any?
  15. That £125/24 hours was for the whole lake, not per angler, so it may be a bit more value if you work it out Also don't forget Suffolk Water Park (£20 for 24hours), I know that there is a big thread around on that, I should also have a complete map with most of the depths marked, (also some of the spots that I caught fish from ), but again it does get very busy at times from Easter onwards. Toilets, showers and a good cafe all help, but its not that easy Linear and those Oxfordshire waters will also have a few threads dedicated to them on here. To be honest I gave up on Day Ticket/Holiday style lakes because of the crowds and cost and just spent my money on a Season Ticket. If I want to do a week at a time (which I tend to do as much as I can by putting too much work in) I just go there. Nick
  16. I did have a quick search using the term "Fishing Holiday", and Waveney Valley, Marsh Farm, Yew Tree, and Taverham seem to come up a fair bit on the threads it pulled up However if you book on Marsh, Heartsmere or Yew Tree I believe that you are booked into a particular swim for the duration, it may be worth double checking with them. I had a look around a few years ago (5 or 6 ) and actually fished Yew Tree, it did get a bit mad and crowded, although at the time Marsh and Heartsmere were quieter lakes. Since then Heartsmere has started producing 30's; I think often to casting to the far bank. On Yew Tree, pellets over Trigga produced plenty of fish, including a few Cats.
  17. Peperami, basically a trade name of a processed meaty sausage Chorizo, salami pretty much all the same thing. I've used peperami, but don't catch many on it, since I seem to end up eating the stuff
  18. The problem as I nicely put in an earlier post That includes people who have no idea of the actual difficulties on fishing such a lake, people who haven't fished anywhere else (there isn't much else in the area to be fair) and people who simply don't know or care. I've retrieved leaders and rigs that would never allow a fish to get rid of the leader, the hook or the lead. and in that weed, it would be a tethered fish, so a leader ban would be sensible. There are no major areas you can't fish to, Peg 1, don't cast beyond the lilies, pretty obvious that, trying to pull a fish back through that lot would or could cause a mouthy mess, and no casting beyond halfway in the road and road side of the point swims to reduce anglers getting into each others area. No Bait Boats from Peg13 (?), I think I know why if it is the end of the point; very heavily weeded, yet at long range out (120+) in front is a rather nice gravel plateau that boats were being used to drop baits. Try to play a fish back through that lot and again, a mess. Suffolk Water Park definitely holds what it is reputed to, a number of 30lb fish, a few doubles and a number of 20's. I spent enough time walking around and fishing it. They won't remove the weed, it is what makes the lake so rich in food, absolutely full of snails and other creatures. Trevor wanted to be a lot stricter in rules, but some forces above him were only out to make a little bit of coin. Trevor has now left, and Simon too, and rules are being put in to ensure the protection of the fish. The rules are being put in to protect the stocks, and for once to hell with the anglers. If they lose fish, they lose anglers, but at the same time, if they lose the idiots from being more protective with tighter rules, then good! If you think that if a 20lb Carp dies, it would cost around £500 to replace it, double that cost for a 30! So for a fishery to lose approximately 5 fish over the past few years, its over £1500 to replace stocks. Does anyone or any business have that sort of money to put in new stock? Add to that you can only stock at specific times of the year, and the fact that a stocked fish may have been put under stress and die itself, or if moved from elsewhere may actually bring in something else disease wise that could wipe out the whole fishery. Yes I know that SWP have the means to move fish from lake to lake (and the Section 30's) as they are a registered fish farm and have their own stock ponds. Looking at the website, allowing for the change the rules aren't that restrictive:
  19. I "dredged" the thread up for a reason, a new member was asking about the lake, and I gave a link to it in his welcome thread. I also knew about Grey Tail, but not totally the reason behind her death (she was an old fish as well ) and was supposedly found tethered attached to a leader. Keeping away from pressure can be a total impossibility. I've been past (and fished) when every peg is taken, in which case unless the fish decide to play ball, you actually may as well pack up and go home. The prices have also changed (and for the better), with a 3 rod limit now in place, £20 for 24 hours. For full rules, prices and everything else: http://www.suffolkwaterpark.com/default.htm
  20. I simply can't get an overhand knot down tight to the end of (pva) mesh, down to badly mishaped past broken fingers. So instead of pulling it down tight, I cut a notch from the top of the filling to the end of the mesh outwards (if that makes sense), and then double overhand knot the mesh. The 1st knot pulls into the top of the filling and then the second knot secures it.
  21. Lenton Lakes fishery consists of two very different lakes which sit side by side on a site just off the A1 near Brampton, Cambs. The site is about 1/2 mile from Brampton centre, which contains a supermarket, and a couple of takeaways. There is a clean toilet on site during the summer months, and the owner or one of the bailiffs is there every day. Carp baits may be purchased including the sites own brand " SIMPLY CARP " together with the complete range of Heathrow Bait Services products. Although the original lake ( locally known as the A1 pit ) has been in existence for some 40 years or more the lease to the site was only acquired by the current owner in April this year, who has embarked on an ambitious programme designed to make the site one of the best carp/ mixed fisheries in the area. The smaller of the two lakes, LENTON ONE, is a very picturesque lake of approx three acres. it is surrounded by mature trees and bushes, and has two small islands in the middle. there are 28 pegs all of which are big enough to take a bivvy. Having been restocked in Febuary 2011 this lake now contains around three hundred mixed carp up to 26 lbs, bream to 12 lb, tench to 7 lb, along with a good mix of roach, rudd, and perch. The depths vary from 8/9 feet at the end nearest to the road to around 16 feet at the far end. The bottom is almost entirely silt, with no under water snags and hardly any weed. The water does tend to be rather clear at times. LENTON TWO ( formerly the A1 pits ) is a very different kettle of fish. This water will appeal to the hard core carp man and "stalker " and is currently very much an unknown quantity. For well over ten years the lake has been totally neglected, and has hardly been fished at all. As a consequence parts of it remind one of the Amazon, and no one really knows just what monsters lurk in its depths. Although this is one piece of water its contains lots of islands, jetty’s, etc, so in reality it’s a quantity of individual pools which are all joined together. The depths range from 4 feet to 9 feet, and in parts the water is quite snaggy. the bottom has some good gravel areas together with some heavy silt. the lake also contains very large areas of lilies during the summer months. The lake currently has a total of 19 swims, most of which are large enough for a bivvy, but these are being added to all the time. Now for the important part, THE FISH . The largest carp caught in 2010 was a 37 lb common, with a tench at 11 lb and a bream at slightly over 14 lb. This lake also contains roach, rudd, perch, some very large pike, and for those who are interested, some very, very large eels. Individuals considering fishing this lake are requested to contact the owner, who will arrange to meet you on site and show you around. Lenton Lakes do have a comprehensive website detailing the fisheries, rules, contact details and ticket prices. http://www.lentonlakes.co.uk In fact the owner has very kindly offered Carp.com members a complimentary day ticket, please contact him via PM, his username on the forum is adrianarnett
  22. Try having a look at Taverham Mills: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=46858
  23. I think you will find Grey Tail is no more. Pegs 1 - 6 can produce in the summer, especially if you know the swims. Peg 1 faces onto a large bay, with a lily bed halfway up into it. You CANNOT cast beyond the lilies unless you would like to be asked to leave! The fish do swim tight to the land opposite on right hand side of the swim, and I have also gotten them feeding in the margins, and taking floaters from the left hand side of the swim. Peg 2 and 3 face onto a corner and 4 and 5 into another bay, where the fish can congretate at times. Peg 6 is opposite a nicely wooded area, but there are a few gravel areas to find where the fish come out from. The fish do swim up and down that arm of the lake, and a Zig rig as mentioned can and will work, and the fish do hang around the weedbeds along the near margins at times as well. I have been in the lake clearing weed so I could even cast out, and within minutes I have had fish "sniffing" around my feet as I was actually weed clearing. The catches get written up on a noticeboard outside the office/shop, and when I looked on Friday there were only about 10 captures on it with the biggest fish at 32lbs.
  24. A short list of Norfolk Waters: http://www.carp.com/carp-forum/viewtopic.php?t=46858
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