Same swim, 2 weeks later.
I've been putting bait in when I leave, and although I had a walk around didn't see anything to make me want to go anywhere else.
Last week I did have 2 tench over the bait, biggest an estimated 5lb
Back down for another 3-4 nights potentially, picked back of the wind based on what I saw last trip and after setting up I saw several shows to my surprise, showing me where to put the rods, fingers crossed might get lucky - think I've dropped right on them unless they're passing through, some chunks to - fingers crossed 🤞
For that I'd go back to a normal hair loop and boilie stop, or go 'backwards': put the hair through the rig ring or swivel, leaving 2 long tag ends and pull them through the bait, 4 times overhand knot your boilie stop in place and lighter tag the 2 ends.
I used to use bait screws for all my fishing scenarios...Bottom, Wafter, Pop Up, Snowman, even floater fishing Biscuits....only didn't use for Zig Fishing
Welcome to
I forgot the last time I was actually sane, must be something like 15years ago...
Sadly being off work with mobility problems, needing a back operation and hip replacement means I spend far too much time fishing, but I'd rather that than be stuck in a 1bedroom flat all day.