Floater fishing was quite possibly my 'goto' method on a couple of waters, Taverham Mills and Earith.
Taverham is where I really 'formulated' my floater fishing style. It was handy for an evening after finishing work in the summer, and also for days to catch extra fish if I was fishing for a couple of nights.
The daytime probably from lunchtime on I'd be walking round firing Chum mixers in, looking for fish. Good floater spots were not always in the main lake; Bruce and I used to find plenty of floater takers in some of the small channels and bays.
At Earith we did try the same, but for some reason that was a lot harder in Virginia pool although George's, Pats and Reeds lake produced a few.
Weird considering that Reeds and Virginia were joined. In fact the only Earith fish I caught twice I caught once in Virginia on a bottom bait, and once in Reeds on a dog biscuit.
I ignored floater fishing for too long at Brackens, but eventually twigged (too late) that in summer it was worth taking a floater rod with the rest of my gear.
It's something that I will be doing I think on most waters, always take some floating baits and tackle. Rods on alarms at night, and if you can get them on floaters during the day...