I tend to use the 'right' lead size for my rods.
So for my 2.75lb TC NG's I use a 3oz lead, for my 3.25lb TC The Ones I use 3.5oz leads.
The reason is simple, I know that optimum weight and a 3 bait stringer will cast maximum distance, and whichever rod I pick up, I know I can cast the same. If I need to change casting distance, usually shorten, I can add more baits on a stringer, or remove if I do need to cast slightly further.
At the moment, due to undertow I am fishing semi-fixed leads as well. I have found lighter leads, under 3oz can be moved (and if the inflow was pouring in at Nazeing) I could need to go up to 4oz.
However, when I can fish running leads and a slack line, I found the 3oz on my NG's was exactly right.